
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Malaysian airliner may have been commandeered and taken to secret Coco Island base — New info reveals plane flew 4-hours after transponder was deactivated

Malaysian airliner may have been commandeered and taken to secret Coco Island base — New info reveals plane flew 4-hours after transponder was deactivated

According to a new report, it looks as if the missing Malaysian flight MH370 may have stayed aloft up to 4-hours after the tower lost contact with the aircraft, signifying an entirely new scenario

By Shepard Ambellas
(INTELLIHUB) — An astonishing new report via the Wall Street Journal, dovetailing with information received by Intellihub News earlier Wednesday, may shed some light on the whereabouts of the missing plane and its occupants.
Please note that some of the information contained herein is not proven as of yet, but has been passed through our channels to us and is worthy of reporting as no stone should be left unturned.
Apparently the group, likely militarized, who commandeered the jetliner and it’s 239 occupants, didn’t account for the Boeing company’s automatic maintenance download which successfully transferred data from the missing aircraft to Boeing’s database about 5-hours after the triple-seven’s takeoff. This data transfer did happen and has been confirmed by Boeing officials.
In an amazing piece of journalism, Andy Pasztor of the Wall Street Journal wrote:
The investigation remains fluid, and it isn’t clear whether investigators have evidence indicating possible terrorism or espionage. So far, U.S. national security officials have said that nothing specifically points toward terrorism, though they haven’t ruled it out.
But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to U.S. authorities. Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various U.S. agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter.
At one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted “with the intention of using it later for another purpose.”
As of Wednesday it remained unclear whether the plane reached an alternate destination or if it ultimately crashed, potentially hundreds of miles from where an international search effort has been focused.
However, Intellihub News has information leading us to believe that the aircraft turned-back toward the Sea of Andaman and may have possibly been taken to a secret military facility under communist control in the Coco Islands.
Interestingly enough, the Coco Islands were originally leased to the People’s Republic of China and likely remain under China’s control today.
In fact, an entry in Wikipedia detailing the Coco Islands reads:
The governments of Burma and the People’s Republic of China deny this, and many members of the Burmese military categorically deny any agreement at all.
China supposedly established a SIGINT intelligence gathering station on Great Coco Island in 1992 to monitor Indian naval activity in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The station is also said to allow China to monitor the movement of other navies and ships throughout the eastern Indian Ocean, especially in the crucial point in shipping routes between the Bay of Bengal and the Strait of Malacca. It may also be used to monitor activities at the launch site of the Indian Space Research Organization at Sriharikota and the Defence Research and Development Organization at Chandipur-on-sea. The Chinese Army is also building a maritime base on Little Coco Island.

<a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt=""></a>
Existence of the Chinese base has been questioned. In 1998, the U.S. stated that it had not detected any significant Chinese activity in Burma. India’s Chief of Naval Staff is quoted as saying in October 2005 that India had “firm information that there is no listening post, radar or surveillance station belonging to the Chinese on Coco Islands.” In 2014, Air Marshal P.K. Roy, Commander-in-Chief of India’s Andaman and Nicobar Command stated that “China has been developing a runway for civilian purposes. There are no reports of presence of Chinese per se. The situation is not alarming.” He added that there was only some civilian infrastructural developments which was not a threat to India.

And as you may have heard, China came forth with a blurry piece of satellite imagery Wednesday, which was released to American officials and news agencies, said to be “wreckage” from a “crash site” located about 140 miles S.E. of where flight MH370′s transponder stopped transmitting about 6 days ago. However, some are now speculating that the Chinese government may be trying to divert U.S. and Malaysian authorities away from where the plane really may have been taken. Interestingly enough, all of this matches up with reports from family members of passengers who said that their loved ones phones rang hours and days after the crash without being diverted to voicemail when called.
Now, researchers like myself are speculating that the passengers phones were possibly rounded up and thrown into bags by a militarized team which may have boarded the aircraft on the tarmac once it landed. However, all signs show that the sloppy black bag crew likely forgot to turn off the passengers phones, later leaving them in an unattended location to ring until the batteries fully discharged.
If this theory proves to be true, this would mean there is a chance that the 239 passengers that were aboard MH370 may still be alive and are possibly being held against their wills at a facility capable of accommodating the landing of a Boeing 777.
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

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