
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Impending EMP attack?

Rumors have been going around the web about Obama ordering the death of the power grid. This has evolved into the method - an EMP attack.

The cold hard truth about EMP

There is absolutely no way EMP can be used to take down the grid and there are plenty of examples of this, even in recent years. Furthermore, there is absolutely no way EMP can be used to cause widespread death of electronics, and there are plenty of examples of this, even post year 2000. I know you have been told otherwise, but everything out there is a lie. EMP is NOT a widespread threat to the infrastructure, nor is it a widespread threat to gadgets and other electronic items.

History is full of cold hard proof

EMP was noticed during the Nevada nuclear tests. It was discovered that nuclear detonations will trip circuit breakers, and on rare occasion can cause damage to electronic devices that are connected to very long runs of wire. EMP from nuclear weapons happens between 100 khz and 10 mhz depending upon the environment the nukes are set off in. So there you get your math to work with when it comes to nukes. The limiting factor in what a nuke can do is the frequency the nuke produces, which in the radio world is a low frequency even at 10 mhz. The worst case scenarios during the Nevada tests were the tripping of nearby circuit breakers (within 50 miles) and possible destruction of a rotary type phone multiplexer at a small phone company located nearest to the testing grounds, where it was suspected that ONE (1) of the many nuclear detonations was able to couple with the phone lines and blow the switch out. But the contacts in these switches had a life span of a week at most, and were noisy and problematic at worst. Anyone with a little age should be able to remember how noisy and poor the phones were 40 years ago because of how these multiplexer switches functioned. By modern standards they were absolute trash, so it is really hard to determine whether or not EMP damaged the switch or if it failed on it's own.
During a high altitude nuclear test (which is advertised as the worst case scenario for EMP) performed over the Pacific ocean, within eyeshot of Hawaii, the only thing that happened for certain is several burglar alarms were set off, the circuit breaker to the street lights in Waikiki (on the main drag) tripped, and one dead car starter motor was blamed on the test. THAT IS ALL. Nothing was destroyed in a way that could be directly pinned on the nuclear test because car starter motors fail too frequently for the ONE that was in question to be provably pinned on the test. The EMP from that test resulted, in reality, in the need to reset the circuit breaker for the street lights and the need to reset a few burglar alarms. NO DAMAGE.

Ahh, but modern electronics are not the same, and will blow, RIGHT?

Not so fast. There were plenty of nuclear tests in the early part of the transistor and microchip age and NOTHING got blown out EVER. In all cases, nuclear EMP was only able to couple with devices that had long wires in them, and modern electronics have NONE, NADA, ZIP. To pick up an electrical charge that is delivered by a frequency, you need an appropriate antenna. Everything in modern electronics has been miniaturized down to the lowest possible expense, and there is NOTHING for the EMP from a nuke to couple with inside modern electronic devices. The average EMP needs, at 1 mhz, a length of wire a thousand feet long to drive a charge into. How long is your Iphone? And 10 mhz needs a wire 100 feet long. This presents a real problem for the "high altitude burst destroying everything" scenario, because when detonated at a high altitude, nuclear weapons hit the bottom of the frequency scale and produce EMP's in the 100 Khz range. THAT would take a 10,000 foot length of wire to couple with. How many people have THAT sitting around the house?

Ahh, but there are specialized devices that hit ultra high frequencies now, even microwave frequencies, and THEY would surely blow everything out, RIGHT?

Answer: Though high frequencies above 1 ghz will easily couple with and blow out ANYTHING, there is a little problem with using them for destruction. It's called water vapor, and it is a major component of the atmosphere.
Water vapor limits the range, in the BEST CASE SCENARIO, to two miles. And if it is raining, modern high frequency EMP weapons only reach out a block or two. They do a decent job of destroying everything within range, but that range is too short to cause a wide scale disaster. Remember in the first Matrix, how they had to wait for the sentinels to get close before using their EMP weapon to take them out? That was accurate. That really is how high frequency EMP weapons work.
Frequencies in the 10 - 1 meter range 50-500 Mhz are also not good for EMP weapons, because it takes too much power at medium frequencies to wipe anything out. You can get right up to a super high powered UHF Tv station antenna with your walkman, and you will still hear the music (after walking away, at that close a range your walkman would probably be jammed).

But "EMP" WILL BE "USED" to destroy EVERYTHING if the public is unaware of the realities, BECAUSE:

It's awful easy to flip a switch to cut the power, and say EMP did it. All cars manufactured since 2004 for sale in America have a MANDATED cell network controlled kill switch which was announced in 2003 and subsequently shut up about and fully censored, and Onstar vehicles and some vehicles from Mercedes Ford and Dodge have had it longer. Intel processors, everything Centrino and newer, including ALL core2, Sandy Bridge, I series and recently even the Pentiums and Celerons have a cell network coupled kill switch.

So when the BIG EMP happens, it really does not need to do any damage, we have allowed tyranny to progress so far that whenever they want they can cut the power and just shut your car off and kill your computer and no doubt many other things, just with a command. WE DO NOT NEED EMP FOR ANY DISASTERS NOW, but it would SURE make a good excuse for one, would it not?

When the lights go out, consider that.

Updates to the above

I can see it already, how the above is going to be "debunked". So let me go over a few real world post year 2000 examples of what I am talking about . . . . 1. North Korea has detonated several nukes after the year 2000 and SOUTH KOREA IS STILL ONLINE. If nuclear EMP was that bad, it would have been lights out in South Korea. Why did nothing happen at all?
2. The fission byproducts from the big blast at reactor 3 prove all by themselves that a nuclear weapon style blast happened there, YET THE LIVE CAM KEPT WORKING. IF nuclear Emp was as bad as what is said, HOW did that live cam keep working, when it was looking right at it? And don't tell me the official story - that it was only a hydrogen blast. If you have paid attention to the Fukushima issue for this long, you should not be that ignorant.
3. An easily proven nuclear weapon blast compliments of Israel via a gift given them by their psychoservants in the FED was recorded by a digital video camera in Syria, and THAT camera also survived filming it. If EMP was as bad as stated, HOW did that camera survive?
And I am sure my "walkman next to a television station" line will get ripped, but anyone knowing radio wave propagation would realize that is in fact a good comparison. If that antenna is broadcasting at 500 mhz, it will be able to couple with a walkman 500 times as well as an average nuclear EMP. And if you are within 50 feet of a nuke going off, you are not going to worry about your walkman. Let's say a run of the mill 5 megaton nuke is used for the EMP scam when it happens -
If you are within 30 miles of that nuke, you are dead. Within 60 miles? results will vary. And I have always said that within the hard kill zone of a nuke EMP will be so overwhelming it will knock out everything, good antenna or not. HOWEVER, EMP will be so attenuated by distance that it will be nothing to worry about outside the kill zone. Bottom line? Emp is about as dangerous for about as far as the heat and shock wave will reach. If the blast won't kill you, the EMP won't blow your Iphone.
Back to the TV antenna analogy. 50,000 watts 50 feet away. Let's say for a time frame of one second. How much of a nuclear EMP effect would THAT equal for your walkman?
Here is the math - Nuclear EMP, 3 microseconds. TV station - 1,000,000 microseconds. Divided difference = 333,333 times the time exposure for the television station. Multiply 50,000 watts by 333,333 for equal power transfer into your walkman at equal frequency The actual equivalent output exposure is then equal to an EMP of 16666650000 watts. Now there is an additional factor. Your nuclear EMP happened at 1 mhz, which is 500 times less able to get into your walkman than the 500 mhz from the television station is. To hit your walkman as hard as that television station will with a full second of exposure, your nuclear EMP is going to have to again be 500 times more than 16666650000 watts. AND THEN, you were 45 miles away from that five megaton blast, because you got in a hole and lived. How much greater a distance than 50 feet is 45 miles? how powerful would that nuclear EMP really have to be to wreck your electronics from THAT FAR AWAY? THAT is your answer.
There is a reason why nuclear EMP does not have a history of destroying electronics, even with well established post 2000 fully computer age nuclear detonations happening around the world multiple times. I can only guess that Nuclear EMP is a CIA creation, hatched to scare the public and make the public believe a future event was caused by EMP when in fact the government merely shut everything off in a final grab for power over the people. The CIA would have been able to look forward and see the day that would be possible.
As for whether or not a properly detonated nuke would take out satellites is beyond my math, because there is no way to know what will happen in space until something like that is actually done. There is no doubt that enough of a disturbance would happen to knock out communications for a while, but my guess is that if the satellites were permitted to, they would automatically resume after a couple hours. //

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