
Friday, March 28, 2014

How to grow food in a window sill, balcony or countertop: Amazing deals on urban preparedness seed and sprouting packs

Originally published March 27 2014

How to grow food in a window sill, balcony or countertop: Amazing deals on urban preparedness seed and sprouting packs

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Due to radical weather, drought, floods and the increasing failure of GMO crops, food prices have already skyrocketed 19% in the first quarter of 2014 (see chart below).
To save money and also create at-home food security, more and more people are growing gardens, sprouting microgreens, building aquaponic systems and finding innovative ways to produce food at home for pennies on the dollar.

I'm one of them, and I eat sprouts daily! In fact, for the last six months or so, I've been tossing a handful of fresh sprouts into my morning smoothie. The taste seemed bizarre for only 3 days, after which it now tastes quite nice. I love my sprouts in my smoothie! And I'm getting living enzymes, raw fresh greens, minerals, phytonutrients and more every single day.

Meeting the challenge of growing food in a city apartment, condo or small home

As much as I talk about food security, home gardens and growing your own food, the challenge with many people is that they live in a city and don't own acres of land. So they need ways to grow food that don't require large yards or garden plots.

We've got just the solution! Natural News has just put together an amazing deal with Heirloom Organics to bring you an unprecedented value on urban seed kits that you can use to:

• Grow food on your countertop, with no soil and no sunlight needed!
• Grow food in a window sill, with very little light and water needed!
• Grow food in containers on your balcony or porch, with no yard needed!

Even better, we've made these kits available with FREE shipping to the USA 48 states. Yep, we pay the shipping on all these urban garden kits. (Sorry, no sales outside the USA or Canada because other countries seize seeds as if they were more dangerous than drugs or something...)

Three amazing seed kits for urban gardeners and preppers

All three of these kits are must-have assets for preparedness and food security. They're all available right now and ready to ship immediately:

Urban Window Garden Pack, which includes:
- City Survival Seed Vault (21,000+ seeds to grow masses of edibles)
- Fresh Sprouts Kit (with 4 lbs. of fresh sprouting seeds)
- Complete Microgreens Kit (with over 200,000 nutrient-rich microgreens seeds, plus sprouting trays, organic growmats, nutrients and a growing guide)

Urban Readiness Garden Pack, which includes:
- City Survival Seed Vault (21,000+ seeds to grow masses of edibles)
- Fresh Sprouts Kit (with 4 lbs. of fresh sprouting seeds)
- Home Microgreens Pack (over 200,000 sprouting seeds)

Urban Countertop Garden Pack, which includes:
- Fresh Sprouts Kit (with 4 lbs. of fresh sprouting seeds)
- Complete Microgreens Kit (with over 200,000 nutrient-rich microgreens seeds, plus sprouting trays, organic growmats, nutrients and a growing guide)

Skyrocketing food prices mean growing your own food makes great sense for your pocketbook and your health

Growing your own food (microgreens, sprouts, vegetables) is extremely good for your health. But it's also a way to save huge dollars in an economy where food prices are exploding everywhere.

This CRB US Spot Foodstuff Index chart shows you just how high food prices have already gone in just the first three months of 2014:

Thanks to radical weather events, food prices are headed even higher!

Home-grown food is CLEANER food with low heavy metals

Guess what else matters in all this? Many foods grown outdoors are absorbing toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. These toxic metals are literally falling out of the sky thanks to industrial pollution in China.

The jet stream carries China's toxic pollution over North America, where it falls onto soils and contaminates everything. I've documented this in my laboratory results at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab.

If you want clean, pristine food, it turns out that growing it indoors is the cleanest way to produce it! That's why sprouting is so amazing: it's vibrant, full of vitamins and minerals, and incredibly clean because it's not absorbing heavy metals from the sky and soils.

You can't buy food this clean! The only way to have food this clean is to grow it yourself. (And of course make sure you only use filtered water as your water source. Absolutely do NOT use unfiltered tap water or you will poison your seeds with fluoride and chlorine.)

Click here to check out all 3 of our "amazing deal" seed packs for urban food production, survival and preparedness.

They're all ready to ship immediately. You'll be healthier as a result, and you'll save a huge amount of money compared to buying organic produce at the store.

See all our amazing health products at the Natural News Store, and know that we are the ONLY superfood retailer that tests every single batch that we sell for toxic heavy metals. If it's high in heavy metals, we won't sell it!

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