
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


There’s more information about those mysterious deaths of employees of JP Morgan:
Another Sudden Death of JP Morgan Worker 34 Year Old Jason Alan Salais
Mew Clues in Suicide of JP Morgan Banker Add to Mystery
Let’s take the first article: Note that Jason Salais was employed in software systems at JP Morgan:
“According to the LinkedIn profile for Salais, he was engaged in Client Technology Service “L3 Operate Support” and previously “FXO Operate L2 Support” at JPMorgan. Prior to joining JPMorgan in 2008, Salais had worked as a Client Software Technician at SunGard and a UNIX Systems Analyst at Logix Communications.”
Then there’s this odd “coincidence”:
“But perhaps the most important link is this: three weeks before the death of Salais and within a little more than a month of the other deaths, JPMorgan had been put under a form of probation by the U.S. Justice Department. In exchange for a Deferred Prosecution Agreement that ran for two years and $1.7 billion in fines to avoid the criminal indictment of individuals and the firm for facilitating the largest financial fraud in U.S. history, Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, JPMorgan was forced to agree to “secure the attendance and truthful statements or testimony of any past or current officers, agents, or employees at any meeting or interview or before the grand jury…provide in a responsive and prompt fashion, and upon request, on an expedited schedule, all documents, records, information and other evidence in JPMorgan’s possession, custody or control as may be requested by the Office, the FBI, or designated governmental agency…bring to the Office’s attention all criminal conduct by JPMorgan or any of its employees…commit no crimes under the federal laws of the United States subsequent to the execution of this Agreement.”
“When a rash of sudden deaths occur among a most unlikely cohort of 30-year olds at a bank that has just settled felony charges and been put on notice that it will be indicted if it commits any further felonies; when it is currently under investigation on multiple continents for potentially committing criminal acts in the realm of interest rate and/or foreign exchange rigging — for the press to cavalierly call these deaths “non suspicious” before inquests have been conducted and findings released by medical examiners shows an unseemly indifference to a worker’s life and an alarming insensitivity to the grief stricken families still searching for answers.”(Emphasis added)
Now, before we indulge in our bankster-high octane speculation of the week, let’s look at the second article linked above concerning the “suicide” of Chinese JP Morgan employee, :Dennis Li Junjie:
Just two days before his suicide, Junjie told a friend that he planned to return to Toronto, where he had worked as an analyst at the Royal Bank of Canada.
“RIP … What happened to all the promises and plans you made? What happened to your return to Toronto? I didn’t know you were that upset! I will miss you always,” remarked the friend.
Junjie had recently bought a HK$5.5 million apartment in Hong Kong and friends commented on how he always had a smile on his face.
The fact that Junjie did not seem to be depressed and had made specific future plans suggests that his suicide was quite spontaneous and may have been in response to information he was told or had uncovered in the 48 hours preceding his death.
Now for the high octane part:
I’ve already drawn attention to the curious set of dots-that-might-be-connected in the case of the unfortunate Mr. Li. As I pointed out in Babylon’s Banksters, Dr David Li was the Chinese mathematician whose Gaussian copula formula enabled and in fact to a great extent drove the formation of derivatives and bundles and default swaps that led to the financial crisis of 2008. I also pointed out that the Hong Kong branch of the Li clan was quite famous and wealthy, and had served on the transition team of the city from British back to Chinese home rule. I also noted that Dr. Li had served in various Canadian banks, including the Imperial Bank of Commerce. These context of “dots” to my mind make Mr. Li’s “suicide” worth of investigation in and of itself. Add to this his own connection to the Royal Bank of Canada and it almost screams for a deeper investigation. What did Mr. Li learn that could have driven him to suicide? or, what might have driven him to an apparent suicide, when in fact – with appropriate technologies – it might even be murder?
We have noted that in the case of the London JP Morgan employee who was suicided, that FOREX(foreign exchange) seems to be implicated. In the case of other suspicious suicdes, Mr. Talley of Colorado, for example, we have the case of someone involved in the title business, and perfectly positioned to know if there was widespread mortgage fraud taking place.
So my speculation, for part one, is this: what unites all these people? We have (1) computer programmers, (2) foreign exchange specialists, and (3) in the case of the unfortunate Mr. Li, a possible connection to the whole derivatives and credit default formula of another Chinese Li, one also connected to Canadian banks. And of course, the massive amount of derivatives paper – in the quadrillions of dollars and many times more than the entire amount of the GDP of the whole planet – were based in large part on mortgages bundled into the credit default swaps of major banks. When the housing bubble burst…that paper became toxic.  So I suggest we’re looking at the Mafia cleaning its own corrupt house of people that could provide sensitive details endangering the whole house of cards…
… but there’s something else, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

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