
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cyber Warfare Hype – The US Started it All


US  initiated aggressive cyber warfare: Analyst

… by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor,    … with  Press TV,  Tehran

If you dish it out - you have to be able to take it, too
If you dish it out – you have to be able to take it, too
Note: Press TV’s The Debate show is always a pleasure to do because of having 25 minutes to deal with an issue and only one other guest.
Having China complaining about US cyberspying had of course a big crocodile tears aspect to it, also. But it did give me the opening to get on the table what corporate media has never touched on. 
The US basically invented cyberspying and attacked anyone they wanted for whatever reason desired, and didn’t care too much whether they liked it or not.
Everybody else primarily got into cyberspying literally from a defense mode initially, because we were coming at them hard. And they only later went over onto the attack as the only way to really train cyber warriors. You can only do so much in the class room.
I always thought our governments pitching their pitiful ‘America is under attack’ PR line is was just more confirmation of how stupid they think we are, and/or want us to be. And that stupidity includes the stand down of featuring Israel as by far the most dangerous espionage enemy.
By never spotlighting that ‘peculiarity’ in our relationship, our own government has become an aider and abettor, making it easier for the Zios to do as they get no public heat for it.
If an old Soviet spy had been able to accomplish a similar stand down he would have been made a Hero of the Soviet Union. No one in Congress says a word about this scandal, none of the mainline vet orgs, think tanks, and of course corporate media. Gosh, one could get the idea that we had been penetrated and neutralized. Imagine that! And they don’t even tell us about it so we can ‘report anything unusual’.  You just can’t make this stuff up.
You can view this The Debate show here on Press TV. If you are busy you can download the file, a great feature, and then watch it during a quieter time. I actually have to do that myself as watching a half hour of anything during the long work day just can’t be done.

First published on March 25,  2014  -

A non active image window - video link is above
A non active image window – video link is above
A political analyst says that the United States has initiated the real aggressive cyber warfare, urging other countries to gear up and defend themselves.
“Cyber warfare was really initiated on large-scale by the Americans and they pretty much had an idea, a supremacist idea, that because people in the US were smarter than everybody else, if they got into it earlier, they would be the leader in the game and nobody would ever catch up. But obviously they forgot that India has a billion people, China has got a billion people …, and have a lot of smart folks,” Jim Dean, managing editor of the Veterans Today, told Press TV.
He said China first became involved in industrial espionage because it enabled it to advance technology quickly while saving five to 10 years in time.
Beijing “found that they could just steal research and development through cyber warfare as it was being built and which gave them the ability to catch up very quicker,” the commentator pointed out.
He, however, said that Israel’s espionage in the US dwarfs whatever China has carried out and “Israel is the only [entity] that we know of who is an espionage wholesaler.” Dean further said that Americans are worried about the influence of their country’s espionage “because it is all in the eye of the beholder.”
He added that the Americans do not have very much security because of so much outsourcing of the intelligence collection.
“You have 2,000 companies that are contracted, intelligence defense contractors and you have 500,000 people with top security clearances and if anybody thinks that that is not a sieve for having no security whatsoever, they must be smoking dope,” the analyst said.
Hong Lei
Hong Lei
On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, demanded a clear explanation from Washington over reports of espionage by the US National Security Agency (NSA) on Chinese institutions.
He said Beijing is gravely concerned about the claims and demands that any such spying be stopped, adding, “China has already lodged many complaints with the United States about reports of its espionage activities.”
The spying revelations were reported by the German weekly Der Spiegel and the US daily The New York Times, which said the NSA began targeting Chinese telecoms giant, Huawei, in early 2009.

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