
Sunday, February 16, 2014


Posted by George Freund on February 13, 2014 a

One of the so called safe topics people were allowed to discuss was the weather. That is of course unless you stray into the forbidden zone of weather modification. Then it becomes more contrite than the delegated hot buttons of politics and religion. However, there is a cold wind blowing across the planet Earth. Strange weather anomalies are occurring all over. The southern states in the U.S. were hit with ice and snow. Merry old England is almost up to their necks in water. Something is amiss.

The BBC provided an answer with the above photo that accompanied an explanation today of the Wavier jet stream. It has taken a longer meandering path. That is indeed interesting. It would be a safe topic of discussion except for one thing. We are aware of the HAARP program. That takes us beyond the spin doctors. You see as we look at the map provided, we instantly observe the jet stream bypassing Alaska. If there is one place where HAARP has always been active since its inception, it was in Alaska. On the other end the curve bends northwards along the eastern side of Greenland. Over the horizon there is the other main HAARP location in Tromso, Norway. The lowest bend where the curve is yellow in colour winds under the island of Newfoundland. Even though I wasn't aware of it, there is a reported HAARP location at Cape Race, Newfoundland. It was the site of the Marconi station that received the signals from RMS 'Titanic' on the fateful day.

There is quite a lot of history behind the Cape Race tower. It was the tallest free standing structure in Canada (1350 feet) until the CN Tower was completed. It fell down in 1993 as a result of the failure of an eyebolt head in a compression cone insulator on a structural guy-wire. It was replaced by a smaller tower of 854 feet which was part of the LORAN-C transmitter grid which provides navigation signals to ships at sea. It is surprising how few pictures exist of the towers. The above one is from Google Earth. It should be noted that 1993 was the inception year of HAARP and a bad year for eyebolts. Was the older tower sabotaged to provide cover for a segment of the HAARP system? One of the big questions was the power requirements. However, line 95L of Newfoundland Hydro feeds the area. There is a substation there too. It is entirely possible that Cape Race is still a focal point of strange happenings.

There was a fire at the Sunnyside terminal station around 9 a.m. Saturday January 4th. It caused a massive power failure in Newfoundland. We see from the above photo that the fire appears to be burning before the arrival of the storm that hit Newfoundland. Perhaps the loss of power reduced the power of the HAARP array causing the weather front to strike closer to home than expected. Newfoundland was not alone in experiencing strange events. In Alaska towards the end of January it was very warm. A heat record was set (62°F). The snow pack melted. Yet to the south records were set with snow and ice and cold. Never make bets on the weather unless you work for the weather modification folks.

In Norway Oslo had the warmest Christmas since records were kept in 1937 an 11.6°C. There were even record breaking forest fires. Something is smoking, and it may be the HAARP machines manipulating the weather. The global warming creeps won't take NO for an answer even though they've been caught cheating faking images and hard data. There is a world to dominate and exploit. Out of the chaos will come order NEW WORLD ORDER!

We're having a heat wave a tropical heat wave. At least we did at the start of the year. Was someone tampering with the weather? We have the technology. We just aren't permitted to talk about it. Without all the data on the table to be studied, we're stuck with the old global warming myth that will stunt economies and exacerbate the financial storm. One of the big questions is who's doing it. It was always thought sound economic policy to have conventional wars to jump start economies. We have to rebuild. If we look at England, they have a lot of reconstruction on their hands. Even though the water is up to people's necks in some places, we aren't to examine the effects of secret military technology and the distinct possibility we have entered World Weather War I without even a water cannon.

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