
Monday, February 17, 2014

The great tunnel of China? Beijing’s plan to build world’s longest underwater passage will cost more than $40B

Source: Natl Post
General Economy Images In Dalian
China is planning another engineering marvel: the world’s longest tunnel – built under the sea.
Planned to be more than twice the length of the Channel Tunnel that connects the U.K. and France, China’s latest mega project is not short of ambition.
The 123-kilometre tunnel will run between the northern city of Dalian and Yantai, on the east coast.
“Work could begin as early as 2015 or 2016,” said Wang Mengshu, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, speaking to the China Daily.
DALE de la REY/AFP/Getty Images
He added that the new tunnel will knock more than 1280 kilometres off the current journey between the two cities.
It will also form a vital link in a high-speed rail line from China’s frozen north to the tropical island of Hainan, in the south.
China has a history of epic engineering projects stretching back to the Great Wall. It has built the world’s largest high-speed railway network, its longest bridges and several of its tallest skyscrapers.
Even so, the $40.5 billion sea tunnel will present several challenges. Engineers will attempt to bore three tunnels – one for cars, one for trains and one for maintenance – through the hard rock, 100ft below the sea bed. Vertical shafts will be dug on islands along the route to provide ventilation.
But the area is prone to earthquakes and the tunnel will traverse two major fault lines. In 1976, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the nearby city of Tangshan killed hundreds of thousands.
David Akin / Postmedia News file
Experts warned that excavation work through an active fault needs special attention. “The government is being cautious about the project,” said a researcher on the tunnel at East Shandong University, who asked not to be named. “We proposed this idea of a tunnel 20 years ago and many research teams have been looking at it since.
“We set up a special group to study the Channel Tunnel. In fact, every undersea tunnel engineer in the world has learned from the Channel Tunnel because it is the best example in the world. We learned some construction techniques and also some ways of financing our tunnel.”
The building of the 50.4-kilometre Channel Tunnel, dug between 1987 and 1991, showed that bores could excavate undersea at high pressure. But technology has improved to such an extent that more ambitious projects are now possible.

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