
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Reddit Censors Big Story About Government Manipulation and Disruption of the Internet

Reddit Moderators Go to Extreme Lengths to Censor the Most Important Story of the Year

The moderators at the giant r/news reddit (with over 2 million readers) repeatedly killed the Greenwald/Snowden story on government manipulation and disruption of the Internet … widely acknowledged to be one of the most important stories ever leaked by Snowden.
Similarly, the moderators at the even bigger r/worldnews reddit (over 5 million readers) repeatedly deleted the story, so that each new post had to start over at zero.
For example, here are a number of posts deleted from r/news (click any image for much larger/clearer version):

Related posts from other sites – like 21stCenturyWire – were deleted as well:
And here are a number of the posts deleted by the moderators of r/worldnews:

Write-ups of the same story from other sites – like Zero Hedge – were also deleted:
Two Redditors provide further information on the censorship of this story:
This isn’t the first time Reddit moderators have been caught censoring:
Source links: Here, here, here, here, here and here.

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