
Sunday, February 16, 2014

California water levels dwindle — Obama covers up geoengineering activities in recent meeting

California water levels dwindle — Obama covers up geoengineering activities in recent meeting

Weather terror will be the next thing to sweep America as the Osama boogyman is getting old

By Shepard Ambellas
FIREBAUGH, CA (INTELLIHUB) — It’s true some Americans are dependent on some California resources, like great wine and good nuts–however, water levels have been dwindling recently in the state and now water politics are full stream ahead.
Rumors on the streets say that politicians, funded by large corporations, may be to blame, taking campaign contributions in exchange for regulating their opponents water, the non-corporative entity.
In the meeting the president himself even mentioned that “this is going to be a very challenging situation [...] for some time to come”, showing a clear forward-moving corporative push to seize the region on a political level.
“We are going to have to figure out how to play a different game”, the president said, going on to crack a joke about “water rights in California”.
Astonishingly in a subliminal admission to covert geoengineering operations, president Obama also stated that he plans to stay on top of this issue because there is a “connection between the droughts in the west and the hurricanes in the east”. While this comment may seem vague to some, people in the know can read right into it.
Essentially what it means is that diabolic black-bag sectors of the U.S. government are planning to terrorize (and have been terrorizing) the populace with their newly perfected weather weapons. I mean after all, once something is built, tested and proven–wouldn’t you want to try it out? But what if your test subjects were civilians?
Soon, based on what I have read, you will start to see a massive push toward a new climate change budget, allowing the globalists to once again line their pockets as their involvement in such framework becomes apparent to the masses. This budget will be passed off the the American people as a necessity.
Right now, what we are looking at is an all out agenda to literally terrorize the people of the west (with drought) and the people of the east with (cold weather), playing in to fears instilled in the minds of Americans through epic Hollywood blockbuster films such as “Twister” and “The Day After Tomorrow”.
Now, a decade later we can see the ramifications from such propaganda and how it has and will be used against the uneducated and uninformed.

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