
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Royal House in Disrepair — Queen’s Staff Overspends, Leaving only £1.6M in Reserve

hey ! how's bout ..get  a   FUCKING  JOB  ! you's lazy "demon ~ bloods "  no account motherfuckers LOL  ... fucking "royals"  ...  you's cock suckers R terd's rat~ta~ling around the pan ..just like the rest of US  LMMFAO  (laughing my motherfucking ass off)  bums :o   hey folks how'd you like to B the fuck who ...had 2 wipe the "kings" ass  .....hence the term .....ass wipe ?  hehe

Royal House in Disrepair — Queen’s Staff Overspends, Leaving only £1.6M in Reserve

Only a decade ago the royal reserve was about 10 times what it is today, showing how far gone Buckingham Palace actually is after staffers reportedly mismanaged budgetary funds

By Shepard Ambellas
LONDON (INTELLIHUB) — After overspending £2.3M this year, the Queen’s layer is still looking quite shabby to say the least, costing the government more to maintain then then the dilapidated dungeon worth.
Some say that the queen has not been “well served” by her slaves lately as they have mismanaged over £1.6 last year, having to tap into royal reserves which currently remain remarkably low due to hard economic times.
In fact, a recent report released by the House of Commons entitled “The Sovereign Grant” points out quite a few recommendations which the government is requesting be made regarding the “household’s planning and financial management”. This all comes after the revelation of heavy spending which is now being blamed on “staff” of the house.
“The Treasury should be more actively involved in reviewing the Household’s financial planning and management. It could draw on a full range of cross-government and property experience in its review, to offer advice on the key challenges facing the Household ahead on options for Royal travel and protecting the properties in the Royal estate”, reads one recommendation in the report, pointing out how the Queen’s staff likely raped the royal house financially.
Other recommendations by the House of Commons included:
The Household should ensure it has sufficient commercial expertise in place, both to maximise opportunities for generating income and to reduce costs, with a view to supporting The Queen’s programme at lower net cost, providing better value.
The Household should make swift progress on updating its property maintenance plan, including an estimate of the cost of repairs needed to bring the estate back to target condition, and clear prioritization of the work required.
The Household should rebuild a sufficient level of contingency in its Reserve Fund to cover unforeseen demands on The Queen’s programme.
Let’s se how 2014 turns out for the royal house now that “recommendations” have been made.
My best guess is that likely the royal house will still remain in decline despite the changes.
Take note of the wasted spending in the video:

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