
Monday, January 27, 2014

LAND PATENTS! Claim your Sovereign Rights to your Land! Can NEVER be Taken From you by the Government or Any Bank! This is TRUTH and this is IMPORTANT! EVERYONE NEEDS TO DO THIS - IT IS REAL!

I am so thankful for a comment on my article about retirement plans being put into U.S. government bonds.
The comment was about a 'Land Patent'.  I had never heard of that, so I researched it.

WOW!  What I found out is amazing and proves how our government began committing fraud against us in the early 1900s.  They obviously began taking away our Freedoms and Sovereign rights on purpose to be where we are at now.

But, when we ALL educate ourselves and each other about what our Rights our and the TRUTH is - WE WILL WIN!

This is one of the most important articles of information I have ever written.  This is about our claiming our Sovereign rights as given to us from our Forefathers and there is nothing the government can do to take it away ONCE we CLAIM it!

Every Single person that owns property/land/house needs to do this!  IT IS OUR RIGHT!

Once we all claim our Land Patent our property can NEVER be taken from us via foreclosure or non-payment of taxes!  It can NEVER be taken from us via Eminent domain either! 

I have the full information on this video!  Please Pass it Along to everyone you know that owns Property!  We ALL NEED TO STAND FOR OUR RIGHTS AS GIVEN TO US BY OUR FOREFATHERS!

Once you claim a Land Patent on your property you never need permission from the government to do anything on it either, as in permits, etc.  Subdivision by-laws do not apply to your property either!

The links that are in the video are here:

I will be speaking with a lawyer tomorrow about this and I will do a follow up on what he says!

Right now our deeds are by the Feudal system instead of the Land Patent (Allodial), which is how they originally were deeded (the info is in the video) which then allows the government to take your land via all means at their disposal.  But once a land patent is claimed by you, the government can Not come on your property either, from my understanding.

The Supreme Court has upheld Land Patent suits!

Remember Obama signed an 'Executive Order for the Economic Continuity of Government' which allows the government to take whatever land or property they want and feel is needed for themselves or even to give a private entity (bank, corporation, another government, etc).  By claiming your Land Patent they can not do this against your property.

This is TRUTH to Pass on to everyone!

Video explaining it in detail, links of information in the video are above.

Land Patent! Sovereign Right to your Property! Never can be taken by Government or a Bank!!!

Here is Bureau of Land Management's government site that has information about Land Patents! 

1/27/14 8:30am est - I emailed a lawyer, but I got an automatic email that he is out of the office until 2/1/14.  When I hear back from him, I will do a follow up.  I am going to contact a few other lawyers I know that handle foreclosures around the country.

With a land patent as the operating authority on the land, the Land cannot thereafter lawfully be taken for debt or taxes, except by the willing grant of the Landowner.   This fact does not limit the owner from the ability to willingly enter contracts that may subsequently mandate the payment of either taxes, or debts, secured by the property appurtenant to the land. 

A Land Patent is permanent and cannot be changed by the government after its issuance. “Where the United States has parted with title by a patent legally issued and upon surveys made by itself and approved by the proper department, the title so granted cannot be impaired by any subsequent survey made by the government for its own purposes.” Cage v. Danks, 13 La.Ann 128. In the history of this county, no Land Patent has ever lost an appellate review in the courts. As a matter of fact, in Summa Corp. v California, 466 US 198, the Supreme Court ruled forever that the Land Patent would always win over any other form of title.

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