
Monday, January 27, 2014

Exclusive: College counselors, substitute teachers across Illinois seeing pay slashed in half due to Obamacare

hey America ..hows that O~slam~our~asses~care ...working fer U.S.   humm  we's quickly pissin pass an 3 rd  rate  country huh  OMFG  is "there" any thin crazier than an dummycock ..or republipude

Originally published January 27 2014

college counselors

Exclusive: College counselors, substitute teachers across Illinois seeing pay slashed in half due to Obamacare

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) As the economic fallout of Obamacare continues to devastate U.S. workers, Natural News has learned that a new class of victims is now feeling the wake: college counselors and substitute teachers across the state of Illinois are seeing their wages slashed as once-full-time jobs are being retitled and cut to 28 hours per week to comply with Obamacare.

"I will be making [the income] I made 11 years ago," one school counselor told Natural News. "Thanks Obamacare and the state of Illinois!"

College counselors seeing pay cut in half

College administrators are, of course, caught between the impossibility of paying the Obamacare-mandated health insurance fees for full-time employees and the devastating impact of slashing hours and pay for seasoned counselors. They have chosen to "retitle" counseling jobs and cut the pay in half.

The upshot is that college students will now receive virtually no meaningful counseling because many counselors are so economically devastated by the pay cut, they are seeking employment elsewhere.

But employment for college counselors is hard to come by, and this is part of what's contributing to the new wave of middle class Americans on food stamps -- a frightening sign of just how quickly socialist economic policies can devastate a nation and send tens of millions of workers into economic dependency.

Substitute teachers being rotated to avoid a full work week

Illinois colleges and school districts are also implementing bizarre new work hour limits on substitute teachers, Natural News has learned. In many schools, substitute teachers are now barred from working a full work week because that would obligate the school to cover their health insurance costs as mandated by Obamacare.

The result is that substitute teachers are now only hired for four days a week, and a different substitute stands in the fifth day. This "musical chairs" of teachers creates a disconnect in the classroom and dramatically diminishes the quality and continuity of substitute teaching for children. This is just one of the many ways in which President Obama's milestone legislation is destroying America one child at a time. (And one teacher at a time, too...)

America headed for economic devastation, runaway disease pandemic and a collapsing education system

Policies like Obamacare are pushing America to the brink of collapse, creating widespread economic destruction and job losses running in the tens of millions. At the same time, the costs of all this have no real reward as rates of chronic degenerative disease continue to rise with no end in sight.

Obamacare does not create health; it merely creates financial rewards for the continuation of disease while forcing American workers to empty their pockets at the altar of for-profit medicine. Insurance companies, hospitals, drug companies and bureaucrats are making record profits while the American people suffer with unemployment, cancer, diabetes and an inflationary money supply that robs them of their hard-earned financial gains with each passing day.

Drug companies and vaccine manufacturers prey upon the sick and the weak while government-funded institutions like the NIH, FDA and USDA continue their delusional policies which intentionally avoid any validation of the real causes of disease and poor health: junk foods, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, toxic prescription medications, toxic fluoride in the water supply and nutritionally-depleted foods. The government that forces you -- essentially at gunpoint -- to buy the most expensive health insurance scheme in the world is also the same government that refuses to ban aspartame, sodium nitrite, MSG or even toxic heavy metals in the food supply. They want you to be sick. It's the best way to keep you down.

The end game is fast approaching. America will soon be relegated to a nation of diseased, dumbed-down, unemployed, chemically-intoxicated government dependants who are incapable of taking back their nation from the cabal of criminals in Washington who have maliciously doomed them all.

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