
Saturday, December 28, 2013

VIDEO: Violent Game of ‘Knockout’ Breaks Out at Brooklyn Mall After Hundreds of Teens Plan Mass Looting on Facebook, Twitter

Hundreds of rowdy teenagers shut down a Brooklyn mall, trashing stores and reportedly assaulting security guards during day-after Christmas sales on Thursday. The teens reportedly used Facebook and Twitter to plan mass looting, vowing to put the mall “on tilt.”
More than “400 crazed teens grabbed and smashed jars of candy, stole cheap items such as baby balloons and beat up security guards at Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., merchants said,” according to the New York Post.
Further, sources also told the Post that a violent game of “knockout” broke out on the upper level of the mall. There were fears that at least of the teens may have had a gun. Watch some of the video footage reportedly showing the wild scene at Kings Plaza (Content warning):
WABC-TV reports that the flash mob may have been started by a shirt one girl was wearing that included a picture and an ugly message about another girl. The girls reportedly responded to a message on Facebook to meet at the mall.
“Videos posted online show the unruly teenagers in the mall, and at least one was taken down by a police officer. Some of the videos appear to have been taken on the second floor, near the Best Buy store,” the report states.
Abu Taleb, a clerk at Candy Plaza 2, told the New York Post he’s never seen anything like the chaotic scene that unfolded at the mall on Thursday. “I’m so scared,” he said. “I know they will come back.”
“I was begging them to stop. There were a lot of kids hundreds of kids… [Security] would chase them out one door and they would come back in another door,” the clerk added.
Hundreds of Teens Shut Down Brooklyn Mall After Planning Mass Looting on Facebook and Twitter
Screengrab via the Daily Mail
Hundreds of Teens Shut Down Brooklyn Mall After Planning Mass Looting on Facebook and Twitter
Screengrab via the Daily Mail
Hundreds of Teens Shut Down Brooklyn Mall After Planning Mass Looting on Facebook and Twitter
Screengrab via the Daily Mail
Clerks at other stores were also terrified and forced to roll down the metal gates protecting their stores as security and police attempted to break up the unruly mob. The mall remained closed for about an hour, according to the Post’s sources.
“People were getting really scared. A tall white guy with a grey bubble coat was wearing a ski mask and a skull cap and he had his hand under his coat like he was holding a gun,” a perfume merchant recalled.
Some of the teens took to social media to brag about the mob violence, including the assault of security guards.
(H/T: Daily Mail)

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