
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Video: Clear Evidence The Pentagon Exist Solely To WAR PROFITEER Off The American Taxpayers

truther December 31, 2013 ... until you wake up to the fact that the ENTIRE U.S. FED GOV.  is a "FRONT" for the hidden finance "system"  for the BREAKAWAY CIV.    you wont/can't grasp the FRAUD going on !!!   on THIS Planet & soon! VERY SOON  ..."off planet" ??  yea that's  just fucking ET ....flying  ALL over the fucking place ..right ;O   READ ,READ ! just fucking read Ben Rich's "statement's "    before he died ?? yup ET yep !

There are no parties in America. They are invented by the 0.1% to make sure they get richer and tax payers pay the bills.
Video Clear Evidence The Pentagon Exist Solely To WAR PROFITEER Off The American Taxpayers

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