
Friday, December 6, 2013


“It will soon become possible to engineer the realm of space-time, yielding astounding technologies of propulsion, energy, and most powerfully -- thought. We will now create machines of space-time.”

Joseph Firmage “The Truth”




An anomaly is something that deviates from the experience of time and space and is outside scientific explanation (paranormal). A phenomenon is a fact or an event that exists in time and space even though it may defy accepted scientific explanation. The phenomena that are the subject of this proposal are really special portals in the fabric of our universe, which by their intrusion into our existance gives us a window and lets us perceive what our reality truly is. We try to understand everything we see and sense by applying tried and true scientific philosophies, but sometimes this is not enough. For the past fifty years or so our scientific instruments have outstripped our ability to understand what they are measuring, detecting, and “seeing”. Over the past 100 years science has changed from a classical Newtonian model of the universe to a relativistic Einsteanian approach to finally a quantum mechanical assumption with subatomic particles and quarks making up matter. All of these approaches are based on a matter-oriented theory of existence and according to this idea matter is the dominant thing in the universe. This point of view asserts that all forms of matter from molecules to particles, cause and explain the world in which we exist. However, during these years the list of unexplained phenomena have grown to a substantial number in all major fields of science. One example of phenomena that deviates from the normal is related to the existence of some gravitational anomalies on the West Coast of North America and several other places around the World [1].

Some of these places starting as far back as 1930 have grown as tourist attractions calling themselves mystery areas.  They all employ a house or shack that sits seriously out of plumb on a side hill so they can entertain paying customers with different aspects of  normal optical illusions available when one is put inside of a lobsided environment.  Many of these types of attractions such as the famous Miner’s Haunted Shack at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Vista, California had nothing other than illusions to show.  However, at this writing there are at least nine such places doing business in the United States that do not have to solely depend on illusions to entertain their customers. The oldest and most well-known of these places is the Oregon Vortex, which is about 20 miles north of Medford in the southwestern part of the State.  Here inside of a 165-foot, well-defined circle on the ground gravity is not the same as outside the circle.  Time runs slower inside this three-quarter acre patch of woods that outside it, and people can literally change size depending on which compass direction they move toward. They, like all the others, have a crooked shack, The House of Mystery, but they really don’t need it!

The Oregon Vortex owes the name, Vortex to its originator, John Litster, a Scottish mining engineer and geologist who more than sixty years ago noticed the force of the energies that made it up swirled in a spiral or vortex form.  Litster ran the place until his death in 1959, reportedly did thousands of experiments attempting to explain the anomaly, but other than a thirty page booklet, Notes and Data, which is still being sold at the gift shop he left behind little of his conclusions. Whether by accident or intent scientists have stopped by these places from time to time, but any conclusions by these folks are scarce to nonexistant.  Conclusions drawn about the lack of public discussion among scientific visitations to any of the various “Vortexes” may say a great deal about a lack of scientific back bone, but now, because of the importance of certain recent discoveries, the growning derth of solid scientifically structured data about these vortexes has to change minds. Scientists need to stop worrying about tenure and conventionally orientated sources of grant money and admit there is something here beyond their normal range of expertise. Science needs to study the vortex phenomenon openly because many of the most important questions the Universe has to present can be postulated because of the existence of these very real anomalies.

At least 12 important observations are typical for these genuine anomalies [2, 3]:


The fall of gravity has been measured to be almost exactly ten per cent less inside the Oregon Vortex than it is even just a few inches outside of it. Objects and people shrink or grow depending on where individuals stand relative to the center of the anomaly, and at times relative to the Earth’s magnetic force lines through the anomaly.  Depending on the nature of the vortex visited a person will get larger, say a very few feet to the north of his first position, or smaller by a few inches when moving toward the center (Fig. 1) (Photo sent by Nick )
caption:  This is the starting position for a guided tour through the Oregon Vortex. The top and middle photographs were taken from the same distance from the subjects on the cement platforms.  Compass directions are left, north, and right south. To accent the actual changes in size the bottom photo is a composite of the first two showing the subjects “facing themselves” after they changed places. The photos clearly show subjects to the north taller than to the south, but for 70 years the exact opposite has been true, short to the north and tall to the south. In the last four years something as yet unknown has changed inside the Vortex to cause this “polarity” switch in the spin of the Vortex.  The current owners have no clue as to why this has happened.


A heavy dead weight hanging freely from above is harder to push toward the center of the anomaly than to push away from it.  This effect has been measured by using a scale and pulling the same distance in each direction on the chain or cable holding the weight.  When set to swinging in a straight line this weight will be seen, and can be measured to swing farther in one direction than another relative to perpendicular.  Small pendulums such as plum bobs swinging in a straight line may change directions on their own.  A light object like a tennis ball tossed across a given space will drastically curve in mid air.


These anomalies are highly dynamic in that the percentage of the shrink and grow phenomenon will vary over time.  The change in size alters from one day to the next, during the same day, and also within three to four minutes depending on where in the vortex the effect is measured.


Compasses when used inside the vortex to sight objects outside of it work properly, however the compass when used to sight objects inside the vortex are unreliable. A magnetic compass needle may point directly at an object, but in an hour or so will point to one side of that object by a few degrees.  This effect is a larger aspect of the dynamics of the area as opposed to a direct malfunction of the compass.


Without regard to predictability electronic devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras, and hand-held satellite direction locaters malfunction.  GPS devices seem the most susceptible, the typical complaint being that satellite signals won’t remain stable and can’t be locked onto.  At any given moment these devices act as though the batteries have gone dead, but work fine inches on the other side of the vortex circle, or Line of Demarcation that the vortex describes at ground level.  At other times the devices work fine inside the circle, another aspect of theVortex’s dynamism.



Film cameras sometimes capture spiraling “tornados” of light and other incongruities; like the bottom half of a person being out of focus while his top half and anyone else in the photo is in perfect focus. One picture taken at the Oregon Vortex shows a man with two good legs standing on but one, his right leg missing from the knee down.  The background behind where the leg should be is in sharp focus! In another similar example a woman in a group photograph was cut out entirely and the person behind her position is in perfect focus.  Digital cameras tend to catch light “balls”, while film cameras do better at capturing the light “tornados”. However, both film and digital cameras can record the same phenomena, but digital cameras have a much higher failure rate.


Vegetation is highly sensitive to the anomaly.  Trees tend to grow leaning generally to the north.  An extreme example is tree bark growing in a spiral around the trunk of the plant; like the famous redwood in the back yard of the Confusion Hill attraction along highway 101 in northern California, the trunk of which looks like a wet rag after it has been wrung out.  This giant tree is growing out of  the center of a small energy node. These nodes are common to Vortexes and seem to be caused by force lines crossing each other. As can be observed on site, tree limbs will follow magnetic force lines, and in a greater sense the effects on all the vegetation allow the vortex circles and other depictions, akin to crop circles, to show up readily on aerial photographs.  (Here the photo of the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz should be put)
Caption:  The Mystery Spot just outside Santa Cruz, California.  Notice that not only do the trees and other vegetation form a shadowy circle on the ground, but inside the circle itself a figure 8 is seen stretching from one side of the depiction to the other.  What message might a circled natural infinity sign in the woods be conveying to us? 


The vast majority of individuals are able to locate demarcation lines and  energy spots with the use of dowsing rods even though they’ve had no experience with these implements.  Certain very rare individuals are immune to the shrink and grow effects, and a few others elicit an opposite reaction in terms of the height change to that of the majority of others.  The body auras of  “sensitives” when standing in certain places inside the Vortex have been observed by large numbers of people who have never before seen an aura.


Warm blooded animals such as horses, deer, and felines will refuse to enter some anomalies, yet at other areas these animals have no problem crossing into the Vortex.


All five of the human senses are affected inside the anomaly; including the observation by certain musicians that the note, B-sharp cannot be sounded, or the odd times on a cool morning when the seashore can be smelled even though the ocean may be a hundred miles away.  Many people report a sense of motion, as if  riding heavy swells on a large ship.  The rare person will get physically ill by this sense of motion.


At certain spots inside the anomaly a magnet hanging from a string will begin to circle, and as it gets closer to the ground speeds up until its rate of motion at ground level becomes violent.  These points inside the Vortex have been called Induction Spots by electrical engineers that have witnessed the phenomenon, and two of them have also made the observation that the secret to free energy may be lurking within these spots.


The rate of time passage inside the vortex has been measured by diverse experimenters to be different compared to the rate of time outside of the anomaly.

According to [1], the importance of studying these gravitational anomalies is that they prove the traditional explanation for gravity  (the general theory of relativity) is wrong. The alternative approach to the theory of existence [2,3] assumes that “information” is the dominant force in the universe. The information, from another dimension, creates the matter world in which we exist.


The objective of  this proposal is both focused and sweeping.  Dr. Nikolay Barashkov PhD, inventor, holder of 26 patents, and author and contributor to six books has done preliminary temporal studies at Confusion Hill and the Oregon Vortex, and because of what he has learned about how time seems to be malleable wants to increase this knowledge (elaborate)

Nick Nelson, inventer, holder of two patents, and author and contributor to four books on the subject of the vortex and magnetic fields immersed himself in the Oregon Vortex in 1999 and 2000 when he worked there.  The two years studying this particular anomaly backed up by his theory of magnetic spin domains gives him the distinction of possibly being the closest thing to an expert in this otherwise ignored field as there is. He is certain that within the Vortex information can be extracted that will solidify his theories so that usefull hardware in the realms of energy production, communication, and even health related items can be produced. Nelson sees these places as rare displays of the microcosim of the quantum raised to the level of the macrocosim. In the years after his 2000 stint at the Oregon Vortex he has visited eight other bona fide anomalies, consulted with the owners of two of them and did what research he could, but he now needs to concentrate his research at just one of these genuine areas so as to tie up the loose ends of a long life of studying the phenomena inside the incongruity of the Vortex.

This proposal is therefore the product of Dr. Nikolay Baraskov and Nick Nelson, though it is expected that others with needed technical expertise will be enlisted as conusultants as the project moves along.  To these ends N. Baraskov and N. Nelson are looking to obtain an existing vortex attraction so as to have the administrative control that will allow them to carry on an intense line of investigation along the lines that is to be covered in this paper.  At this moment in time, the Oregon Vortex is for sale and they would like to see it acquired not strictly for its value as a paying business, but more to double as a scientific research facility.

Below we will give brief overviews of the gravitational theory and the possibilities of control over the rate and direction of time under consideration according to Einstein’s  theories of relativity, and the theory of  multidimensional reality . Special consideration will be given to the different theories of the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the vortex phenomena.


1. The theories of relativity and temporal field

In the early part of the twentieth century A. Einstein developed his general and special theories of relativity [4-6] and put forward the idea of a four-dimensional existence in space (three dimensions of space plus one of time) rather than the evolution of a three-dimensional existence in time. It is well known that Einstein’s special theory allows travel into the future. However, to return or to travel into the past, had been thought to be impossible. Yet, since 1949 it has been known that the general theory, which so far has passed most of experimental tests it has been subjected to, does allow time travel to the past under certain conditions. (send reader to page #? for complete discussion)

2. The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. Gravitational and temporal fields interaction.

The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, TMR, proposed by D.Vogt in 1977 [15,16], had presented an information theory of existence and applied it to many of the phenomena in our universe, including what causes the ice ages, polar reversals, mass extinctions, creation of new species, great flood, and other events all happening at the same time geologically. According to this theory, our universe has underlying principles of existence from which it operates. Everything in the universe has to adhere to the same principles. Everything in the universe is a reflection of everything else. Only the way these reflections hit our senses determines the individuality of entities. Since man is a function of the universe, his structure must also conform to the underlying principles of the universe. Our physical and mental structures are microsystems of the universe. (send reader to #?)

3. Theories of the electromagnetic field of the Earth

The main forces of our physical world are gravitational, nuclear, electrical and magnetic. Electrical and magnetic forces (EMF) are intimately related to each other and are also responsible for much of the structure and organization of living systems and are being seen as the basis of most molecular and chemical interactions. "Life" is being increasingly seen as a "cosmic dance" which is affected in subtle but fundamental ways by the forces in the universe [17,18]. Life on Earth has developed in an electromagnetic environment but we are now gradually overwhelming the natural signals by the plethora of artificial EMFs. (Send to...)

4. The vortex phenomena

4.1. The Vortex shape


In a strict classical sense, a vortex is any thing that whirls around. A tornado, hurricane or even a spiral galaxy is a form of Vortex. The simplest example is water going down a bathtub drain. According to N.Nelson [2,3],  this explanation doesn't describe the precise nature of the whirlpool of force existing, for example in the Oregon Vortex, which the most known gravitational anomaly located about 20 miles north of the city of Medford, Oregon. Nelson believes, that there are three principle shapes the external fields of anomalies like the Oregon Vortex can assume, but essentially they all resemble a tornado forming the axis of a sphere, which are surrounded by a torus, or donut shaped corona that are exactly one-sixth of the diameter of the sphere, or greater vortex.  Regardless of the size of a given vortex, this one-sixth ratio of the corona to the vortex is a magnetic constant.  (send to...)

5. Natural and artificial temporal anomalies

Several teams of Russian scientists have performed some preliminary observations in places where the time progresses differently [39-41]. Significant parts of those places are close to the locations where a big volume of water moves in a circle, i.e. it forms a vortex.  The examples of the vortices are the huge whirlpools near Bermuda or the curve of the Russian river Volga near the big town of Samara (Fig.7). ( Former Fig.5. This is a sketch from the Russian paper  [42]. The quality seems to be lower than OK , but I cannot do much about it, exept increase a size of words "town Samara", etc.) According to  Russian investigators Pavlovich and Ratnik [42]  in the area between the river Usa and Samara there are about a dozen places where people see mirages and different types of UFO’s. The residents of several villages in that area have problems with their watches: Sometimes they  slow down, sometimes they speed up,  Even in the relatively quiet Aral sea, there are several places with circular currents. One of them is close to the island of Barsakelmes (translation from Bashkirian; “If you go, you may not come back”). According to old tales, people who spent several months on this island did not return to shore for several years. About ten years ago the investigators confirmed that several hours on Barsakelmas correspond to several days on the shore of the Aral Sea.          
(Send to....)

6. Preliminary results of Vortex  investigation

6.1. Some ideas about the origin of  vortices.

The question posed most frequently by patrons of vortex attractions is, “What causes this?”

There are many attempts at answers, but none of them precisely addresses the why of the phenomenon.  Here are some of them:

Doug Vogt [1] feels there are geometric objects buried at these sites, usually pyramid shapes of large sizes that have the effect of distorting space and time in a given localized setting.  It is known that a pyramid when aligned properly within the Earth’s magnetic field will effect the projection of a vortex, so he is within the parameters of current knowledge to propound this theory.  But since no one really knows how a pyramid actually projects a vortex the theory of there being such objects beneath the ground at these sites still doesn’t address the next question.  “What are the mechanics involved?”
Mr. Vogt adheres to a hardware reason for the existence of the vortex.  It is being generated by a machine of a sort, a computer, and it is certainly not a theory that should be dismissed.
            Nick Nelson [2,3] started out with a similar pyramid theory, which changed over the years to become simply a huge amorphous mass being buried at the Oregon Vortex site.  Since gold is the only known substance that can actually register a weight change within the vortex, he thought the mass might be a two-ton gold nugget warping gravity in the local surroundings.  Nelson had been researching the Oregon Vortex for nearly thirty years when he finally abandoned the hardware aspect and decided to go with a software solution.
            The existence of so many such spots, and their relationship to each other tipped the balance for Nelson.  If a huge pyramid or gold nugget is the cause of one anomaly then each anomaly should have the same type of geometric object or gold nugget buried beneath them, he thought.  But simple road maps show the Oregon Vortex, the Santa Cruz, Mystery Spot, the Montana Vortex near Kalispell, and other spots are lined up on neat lines at exact distances from each other.  It therefore seemed illogical to blame perfectly placed masses for the reality of such odd coincidences.  Also, aerial photos clearly show that when a vortex is found in photographs it is usually just one such anomaly in a grouping of others.   If a large object or machine is causing one, is there then several such objects planted underneath each member of the cluster?

6.6. 2. A Possibility of Quantum Communication

One of the things Nelson stumbled into while working inside the Oregon anomaly is the Vortex’s ability to produce phenomena involving non locality.
Always in early morning during meteorological conditions of cold, high humidity, and bright Sunlight the lines of demarcation, or the Vortex’s separation lines from the outside world can be literally seen as filmy, shimmering curtains in the air.  On at least four such mornings as N.Nelson stepped into the “Curtain” he smelled the strong, unmistakable aroma of a seashore at low tide.  The Pacific Ocean is almost one hundred miles from the Oregon Vortex!  These startling experiences reminded him of some magnet experiments he’d done a few years earlier.
N.Nelson had been on a long quest for the answer of how to squeeze free energy out of permanent magnets, when he came upon the discovery that magnets exhibit what he calls “Spin Domains”, or pizza-like slices of the magnet material where magnetic flux displays measurable movements not evident in the other “slices”.  Shortly after coming up with the Spin Domain concept N.Nelson delivered a paper in Salt Lake City titled, The Motor in the Magnet, to the Symposium of New Energy sponsored by Hal Fox, Patrick Bailey, and the Institute for New Energy [50].
Since then Nelson has learned that magnets, or more specifically. magnetic fields can be paired, or twined so that whatever happens to one of their fields regarding its Spin Domains simultaneously happens to the other’s field.  It became apparent that once the field orientations of two magnets become twined it is possible to alter one’s magnetic spin field to cause the other’s field to be altered in exactly the same fashion.  This phenomenon occurs regardless of the distance between magnets!  One of N.Nelson's experiments involved changing the field configuration of a paired magnet at 35 miles! 
Other work Nelson has done with the Spin Domains has lead to finding what he terms, the Sweet Spot on a magnet.  This borrowed term from a baseball bat, or a precise point on the head of a golf club refers to the lines of demarcation between domains, or as the folks at CalTech are now calling them, Magnetic Domain Walls [51]. 
In N.Nelson's lexicon the magnetic Sweet Spot describes a single point on the pole perimeter of a magnet where the flux transfers to the opposite pole via what is known as the Bloch Wall, whereby a clockwise motion will do a little dance of electrons and come out the other side as counterclockwise motion.   Nelson feels certain that these spots are the key to free energy, but more to the point of this discussion, they are also keys to a true non local, quantum means of communication.  An electric impulse on the sweet spot of one paired magnet will register at the same point on its twin, altering its field to match the first one’s field change.  This field change can easily be detected at the receiving end, which should allow that one signal to be quickly multiplied by more changes, and then folded into a comprehensive message as interpreted by a small dedicated computer.  The first simple device, however, will be an on/off, Morse Code, dot/dash, type of an apparatus.  Later the one/zero digital aspect it represents ought to allow audio, and then with greater sophistication, even video. These messages will travel back and forth between devices in the manner of what’s known as a walky talkie, and do so regardless of how far apart the devices are.
Once properly engineered the device shouldn’t be much larger than an average cell phone.  The “walky talkies” may be  paired only by twos, or many can be linked to a central “mother” field to facilitate large networks.  It should be possible for someone in San Francisco to speak with a friend in Moscow using no more power than that provided by a couple of AA batteries.  The devices will not need land lines, satellites, or cell towers.  If one person was on Mars and the other on Earth they could talk REAL TIME still using the same pair of batteries.  Might it be possible to converse real time star system to star system?  If the Universe is holographic in nature, and the carrier wave of one device is the same as the other’s, therefore truly quantum, why not galaxy to galaxy?
Those who operate SETI systems may be wasting their time looking for radio waves.  If the Universe is populated with sentient beings other than us, and they are traveling vast distances between stars, they have to be using a communication medium that doesn’t require years to complete one side of a conversation.   Also, with devices like quantum walky talkies true privacy will be achieved, since the conversation will exist only within the mechanisms themselves, and not in the air or the distance separating the speakers.
If odors can travel from natural vortex to natural vortex across a hundred miles in far less than the blink of an eye, why not words?  And what else might pass through portals revealed by studying these lowly roadside attractions?  Machines carrying people instantaneously across vast distances, and perhaps time as well?  For those of us who live to ask questions, the Vortex contains a wealth of answers, and with detailed, long-term research surely those answers will provide new questions that will beg for new answers.


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1. Douglas B.Vogt, “Gravitational Mystery Spots of the United States”, Vector Associates, Bellevue, WA, 1996.
2. N.Nelson , The Golden Vortex, Conscious Publishing, Portland, OR, 2000.
3. D.Shaw, N.Nelson The Vortex Field Guide, Rosetta Publishing, Ashland, OR, 2004
4. A.Einstein “La Theorie de la Relativite”, Bulletin de la Societe A Francaise de Fhilosophie, 1922, v.17, 91.
5. A.Einstein “Knowledge of Past and Future in Quantum Mechanics”, Physical Review, 1931, v.37, 780.
6. A.Einstein “Relativity: the special and the general theory”, New York, Crown, 1961.
7. K.Godel, Reviews of Modern Physics, 1949, v.21, 447.
8. C.Pickover “TIME. A TRAVELER’S GUIDE”, N.Y., Oxford University Press, 1998.
9. F.Tipler , Phys. Review, 1974, D9, 2203.
10. F. Tipler, Phys. Rev.Lett., 1976, 37, 879.
11. M.S.Morris, K.S.Thorne , American Journal of Physics, 1988, v.56, 395.
12. P.J.Nahin "Time Machines: time travel in physics, metaphysics, and science fiction". Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 1994.
13. R.P.Kerr, Physical Review Letters, 1963, v.11, 237.
14. L.H.Ford, T.A.Roman, Scientific American, January 2000, 46.
15. D.B.Vogt, “Reality Revealed: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality”, Vector Associates, Bellevue, WA 1977.
16. D.B.Vogt “Secrets of the Universe”, Vector Associates, Bellevue, WA,  1996.
17. H. Brugemann, "Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy", Vol1, Pub. Haug Verlag GmbH, 1993.
18. E. McFarlane,,
19. S.Weisburd, "The Inner Earth is Coming Out," Science News, 131:222, 1987.
20.K.A.Whaler "Geomagnetic Impulses and Deep Mantle Conductivity," Nature, 306:117, 1983.
21. R.A.Kerr, "Magnetic 'Jerk' Gaining Wider Acceptance," Science, 225:1135, 1984.
22. Anonymous NASA; "Magsat Down: Magnetic Field Declining," Science News, 117:407, 1980.
23. Q.A.Wei,; "Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field near Loyang, China, between 500 BC and AD 1900," Nature, 296:728, 1982.
24. Q.Y.Wei,; "Geomagnetic Intensity as Evaluated from Ancient Chinese Pottery," Nature, 328:330, 1987.
25. T.Appenzeller,  " A Conundrum at Steens Mountain," Science, 255:31, 1992.
26. R.Lewin, "Earth's Field Flips Flipping Fast," New Scientist, p.26, January 25, 1992.
27.M.Prevot,; "How the Geomagnetic Field Vector Reverses Polarity," Nature, 316;230, 1985
28. A.M.Dziewonski, J.H.Woodhouse "Global Images of the Earth's Interior," Science, 236:37, 1987.
29. R.A.Muller, D.E.Morris, "Geomagnetic Reversals from Impacts on the Earth," Geophysical Research Letters, 13:1177, 1986.
31. J.M.Herndon, Naturwissenschaften, 1992, v.79, 7.
32.  J.M.Herndon, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 1993, v.45, 423
33 J.M.Herndon, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser A, 1994, v.445, 453.
34. J.M.Herndon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1996, v.93, 646
35. D.F.Hollenbach,  J.M.Herndon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2001, v.98, 11085.
36. J.M.Herndon, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 1998, v.105, 1.
37. J.M.Herndon,  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2003, v.100, 3047.
38. M.Neuilly, J.Bussac, C.Frejacques, et all., CR Acad. Sci., Paris, 1972, v.275, 1847.
39. V.Chernobrov “Time Machine: second birth day”, Magazine of Moscow Aviation Institute “PROPELLER”, #15, 1993, p.3 (in Russian)
40. V.Chernobrov “First experiment for time travels of insects and mice” ,Magazine “Technique for Youth”,#4, 1993, p.28 (in Russian).
41. V.A.Chernobrov “Time machine not only invented, but operating”, The Unknown World, N2, 1994, 20.
42. A.Pavlovich , V.Ratnik ,“Technique for Youth”, N 7, 1990 (In Russian).
43. V.A.Chernobrov “Mysteries of the Time”, Moscow, Olimp, 1999 (in Russian)
44. W.L. Moore "The Philadelphia Experiment. Project Invisibility", Fawcett Crest, N.Y., 1979
45. N.A.Kozirev “Time in Science and Philosophy. An International Study of Some Current Problems”, Ed. by J.Zeman, Academia, Prague, 1971.
46. A.P.Levich, On the way to understanding the time phenomenon, Word Scientific, Singapore, 1996
47 .V.A.Chernobrov  “Experiments on Control by Movement ( Rate and Direction ) of Time” published in the Proceedings of International conference "New Ideas in Natural Sciences" , St. Petersburg, Russia, June 17-22, 1996.
48. V.A.Chernobrov, Novaya Energetika, 2002 (in Russian)
49.   J.Litster “Notes and Data.”, The Oregon Vortex, Gold Hill, Oregon, 1960
50. N.Nelson , The motor in the magnet. Journal of New Energy, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2001).
51.  M.Roukes, Caltech Press Release, 9/1/2004

This project encompasses three main objectives:

.Objective # 1. Responsible – co-Principal Investigators, Dr. N.Barashkov and Nick Nelson , Consultant D. Vogt
-         The systematic study of  different phenomena in several vortexes of the West Coast of the USA, such as:
-          Confusion Hill, Piercy, CA. Monthly visits of Confusion Hill anomaly with duration 2-3 days each (permission of Confusion Hill’s owners required). Creation of mobile experimental facility equipped with 5-7 sensitive time measuring devices connected in the PC-controlled net for simultaneous measurements in 5-7 locations and one-two G-856 Portable Magnetometers for careful monitoring of electromagnetic fields.
-         The Mystery Spot, Santa Cruz, CA.
-         The Montana Vortex, between Columbia Falls and Hungry Horse, MT., 13 miles from the west entrance of Glacier National Park.

-         The Oregon Vortex, Gold Hill, OR
-         The second owners of the Oregon Vortex since its inception in 1930 wish to retire and to that end they put the property up for sale in 2003 (  At first the asking price was 3.5 million, but after a year of no interest the price was dropped to 2 million.  This property is more than just one of several such anomalies, it is the premiere attraction of its type, and is justifiably world famous through its many appearances on national media including TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines, and as such is a very successful business pulling in between 180,000 and 200,000 dollars in net profit for each 8-month long tourist season.  As a reliable operating business it will be possible to transfer profit funds to the research side, and if necessary pay back over time any monies fronted for its purchase.  To this end it may be needed to operate the place as a non profit entity, devoting income beyond salaries to pure research.
-         Presently, guided tours are run through only about a third of the three-quarters of an acre that the sphere of the Vortex covers, and there are other undeveloped companion anomalies on the 20-plus acres that comes with the property, allowing sufficient room to expand the research facilities, which might even encompass health related benefits that could be found.  So, there is plenty of room to keep the roadside business open and do quality scientific research at the same time.  It will be a goal to invite legitimate scientists in to do extended research, and rather than being in the way, paying patrons to the Vortex can actually, even if unwittingly help in some of this research.  For instance, questions asked by regular witnesses to the various phenomena can, and have in the past suddenly opened whole new lines of query.
-         There are several ways to increase existing profits; like keeping the place open until dusk during the summer months rather than adhering to a rigid closing time of six o’clock pm.  Also the season can be extended until after New Years Day, thus making the operating season ten months long.  The gift shop should be enlarged to offer more quality items, especially items related to the scientific aspects of the attraction; books on the subject of the Vortex being principle items.  A snack bar can be added, along with a small museum to display photographic and geographic evidence of the oddness of the area, thus creating other items for sale; like photographs and maps.  The business can easily be enlarged through free advertising in many countries. The Fuji Broadcasting System in Japan, for instance, did a short piece about the Oregon Vortex that in 2000 aired to rave reviews in Japan, and they have wanted to do a full hour documentary, but has been blocked by the current owners for reasons of their own.
-         The price of two million is high for a business netting less than $200,000 annually, but since the owners are going into their third year without a sale, they are getting anxious and according to the real estate agent are willing to negotiate.  We feel that a starting offer of 1.2 million should be made, but going no higher than 1.5.  If sufficient money can be saved in the price negotiations then some of the existing older buildings on site could be renovated and made into a laboratory and machine shop for on-site and visiting experimenters to use.  Should the owners not sell at this price then there are other options; such as beginning such an attraction from scratch for a little less than a million.  We do know of several other vortexes that are not “discovered”, and even one that was once in operation, but is currently shut down near Jackson Hole, Wyoming that can be acquired for much less than a million.  Some of these places are convenient to major highways, tourist areas, and population centers.  However, the optimum goal for our purposes is to obtain the Oregon Vortex, since many of its wonders are already known, and it has a ready-made world-wide clientele to help support the existing ability to support itself.

Objective #2. Responsible – co-Principal Investigator, Nick Nelson and Consultant Greg Rowe

Investigation of the possibility of building a “free” energy electrical generator using existing "induction spots" within the Oregon Vortex.
Experimental confirmation of N.Nelson's idea that by carefully measuring the flux lines at the induction spots it can be possible to duplicate the specifics of the induction field outside of the Vortex, and make the Spinner spin under the driver constantly.  Then it would be a short step to imparting the spin to more and more sophisticated armatures spinning freely past windings, which then would cause current to flow without putting in outside energy.  .

3.      Objective #3. Responsible – Co-principal Investigator Nick Nelson, Consultants Greg Rowe and D.Vogt

An experimental study of the possibility of making the Quantum Communication Device (QCD) on base at the Oregon Vortex.

By marrying technical expertise with the discovery of spin domains in permanent magnets it should be possible to build devices that allow action at a distance in the manner envisioned by N. Nelson’s discoveries of magnetic properties, and how magnetic fields can be paired or twined so that one reacts to another regardless of spatial separation.  If  one causes the field of a paired magnet to alter its spin direction, its twin will be forced to also alter its spin direction in a like manner, which can then be detected and interpreted by another sensitive device.  Even if all that is accomplished is that a magnetic field is rapidly changed from clockwise to counterclockwise and back, this will be exactly like the action of computers using binary, or one/zero code.  The consequences of this happening are truly astonishing as regards human communication. Beyond the human factor, NASA, for instance could finally operate its Mars Rovers from Earth in REAL time!   

A.     Expected Results:

We propose the following:

- to perform the first systematic study of several vortexes located on the West Coast of the USA, and later others across the Country.

-to create the first effective and environmentally clean source of electrical energy, and a new Quantum Communication Device based and  on usage of various aspects of the Vortex phenomena.

-as these goals are pursued unforeseen benefits will certainly emerge that will be able to be studied because of the continuing income from showing the vortex to paying customers.

The following specific goals will be achieved:

1.               The relationship between the variations in the magnetic field intensity and the rate of time will be determined for several gravitational anomalies located on the West Coast of the US.
2.               The nature of time itself will be probed, exposing its very nature in an environment that is already known to alter time.
3.               Doors, or portals can be opened into other dimensions, and perhaps other times allowing study, perhaps leading to actual transport.
4.               Machinery can be engineered and built to produce electrical energy without inserting mechanical energy, or heat into the system.
5.               Machinery can be engineered and built that will revolutionize communication.

B.     Reports:

We will submit periodic reports to The International Space Sciences Organization. We will also publish in scientific journals and in conference proceedings.

C.     Schedule:

This project will run as long as funds from operation of the attraction continues. The work schedule for first year is divided into four 3 month periods.   (will be presented later).

D.    Financial Information:

Personnel Costs per year (including two co-principal
Investigators, two consultants and web site
designer -D.Shaw)                                            $210,000
Travel Costs per year:                                       $20,000
Cost of property and business,
The Oregon Vortex, Gold Hill, OR                  $1,200,000 to $1,500,000
Cost of construction work in Gold Hill
Property                                               .           $30,000
Equipment and electrical energy per year:          $100,000

Total Costs       :                                               $1,560,000 to $1,850,000

Anticipated profit from 1st year:                    $200,000

E.     Personnel Information:

Nikolay Barashkov PhD, and Nick Nelson are the Project Co-Principal Investigators. Dan Shaw is a web designer, Doug Vogt and Greg Rowe are the Consultants of the Project (see attached resumes).


Supporting documentation and theories

1. The theories of relativity and temporal field

In the early part of the twentieth century A. Einstein developed his general and special theories of relativity [4-6] and put forward the idea of a four-dimensional existence in space (three dimensions of space plus one of time) rather than the evolution of a three-dimensional existence in time. It is well known that Einstein’s special theory allows travel into the future. However, to return or to travel into the past, had been thought to be impossible. Yet, since 1949 it has been known that the general theory, which so far has passed most of experimental tests it has been subjected to, does allow time travel to the past under certain conditions. In his general theory Einstein showed how space-time can be either flat (in the no gravity, special-relativity case), or curved (with gravity). His gravitational tensor field equations have been solved in certain special cases. In 1949 K.Godel [7] found one such solution to the field equations that describes the movement of matter not only through space but also backward in time along what are called closed timelike world lines in space-time. These world lines are such that if a human traveled on one (at less than the speed of light), he would see everything around him happening in normal casual order from moment to moment, but eventually the world line would close back on itself and the traveler would find himself in his past. It is important to note that travel along one of the closed timelike world lines discovered by Godel requires a machine, which could be a special type of UFO.

One of the most important and profound concepts of physics is the relativity of simultaneity. The notion of an absolute cosmic time, with absolute simultaneity between distant events, was swept out of physics by Einstein’s equations dealing with the nature of time. The conception of the light-cone diagrams is helpful in understanding time travel. Fig. 2 ( Former Fig.1 in old version of Proposal. This is a graph from the book [8]. I can make a larger copy and send it to Dan) shows a four-dimensional space-time represented by two lines, one for space and one for time [8]. Passage of time into the future is represented by upward movement, above the horizontal line. Everything that happened in the past is below the horizontal line. The point at which the time and space axes meet represents “now”. According to this graph, if a photon, a particle of light which travels at 300,000 km/sec, starts at the “now” point, in one second it will be at the lowest dot on the diagonal line. In another second, it is the second dot, and so forth. By connecting the dots, the world line of the photon can be created.  Because the photon can travel in both spatial directions on this diagram, a second diagonal line was drawn. These two diagonal lines encompass a region in which all sub light particles travel. Anything traveling in this region exhibits “time like” behavior, and normal objects in our universe are confined to this area.

To settle the question of whether or not time travel to the past is possible, one must turn to general theory of relativity, which deals with ways in which space-time can be twisted (for example, by gravity). The full power of general relativity seems to permit looping world lines. There is considerable debate in the scientific community on whether the closed loops, or closed time curves (CTCs) exist. For example, curved  space may tilt light cones to create temporal loop-backs (travel into the past) without superluminal motion. Interestingly, the presence of any mass will tilt a light cone, but the effect is small in our daily lives. However, an extremely massive body will cause a pronounced leaning of the light cone toward the body. According to F.Tipler [9,10], if the body rotates, the cone will incline further in the direction of rotation (Fig.3). Fig.3 ( Former Fig.2. This is a graph from the paper  [9]. The quality seems to be OK to me, but I can make a larger version of wording (like "light cones tangent to circle") and send it to Dan) shows a Tipler cylinder where the future light cones point in the +t direction far from the rotating cylindrical matter. However, as you get closer to the cylinder, space-time becomes warped. The future light cones begin to tilt in the direction of rotation. The helical time like path allows one to move locally into the future in the –t direction. This permits time travel to the past.

The wormhole is the latest addition to the approaches that have been advanced for building a time machine [11,12]. Godel rotated the entire Universe in 1949, while Tipler reduced the problem in 1974 merely to spinning an infinite cylinder. In 1988 Kip Thorne scaled things down even more, this time to the other extreme. His idea calls for pulling a wormhole on the scale of the Planck length out of the quantum foam that space-time is, then enlarging it somehow to human scale, all the while stabilizing it against self-collapse, and finally using the time dilation effect of special relativity to alter time at one mouth of the wormhole as compared to the other mouth.

Wormholes, themselves, have been around in physics for decades, but they have always been thought to be so unstable as to exist only on paper, in the mathematics of general relativity. Even at the speed of light, the photon could not zip through a wormhole before being trapped inside (“pinched off”) in a region of infinite space-time curvature. Wormholes would simply collapse too quickly after formation for even the so-called ultimate speed to save something inside. Indeed, the presence of matter-energy inside a wormhole accelerates its collapse. The dynamics of wormholes, it would seem, makes them simply untraversable.  However, according to Thorne, one might perhaps imagine someday finding a rotating black hole [13] that mathematically possesses in its interior so-called hyperspace tunnels to ‘other places’ – either in our Universe or in other Universes (Fig. 4). ( Former Fig.3. The quality seems to be OK to me).

Fig. 4 shows three sketches that are two-dimensional renditions of wormholes connecting two places in a three-dimensional space. Time machine wormholes, on the other hand, connect two places in four-dimensional space-time. In particular, the mouths of the wormholes will not appear to be depressions into which the time traveler’s rocket ship dives, but rather as three-dimensional spheres. The wormhole in (a) connects to two disjointed Universes, while  those in (b) and (c) are connections in the same Universe. As shown in these last two cases, the wormhole “handle” can either be long or short compared to the distance in external space between the wormhole mouths.

In the case of a wormhole connecting two places in the same Universe, the external distance between the places may be very large ( many light years) and the distance through the wormhole very small. Thorne and his colleagues have found the exact solutions to the Einstein field equations that describe hyperspace traversable wormholes. They suggest that the wormhole could be stabilized against collapse by threading it with either matter or fields of stupendous negative (outward) tension.

Unfortunately, the construction of wormholes would require a very unusual form of energy [14]. Besides, the same laws of physics that allow the existence of this “negative energy” also appear to limit its behavior.

2. The theory of multidimensional reality. The gravitational and temporal fields interaction.

The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, TMR, proposed by D.Vogt in 1977 [15,16], had presented an information theory of existence and applied it to many of the phenomena in our universe, including what causes the ice ages, polar reversals, mass extinctions, creation of new species, great flood, and other events all happening at the same time geologically. According to this theory, our universe has underlying principles of existence from which it operates. Everything in the universe has to adhere to the same principles. Everything in the universe is a reflection of everything else. Only the way these reflections hit our senses determines the individuality of entities. Since man is a function of the universe, his structure must also conform to the underlying principles of the universe. Our physical and mental structures are microsystems of the universe.

TMR holds that everything in the universe is made up of information that is stored in the first dimension, more precisely that is stored in a computer-like structure "Diehold" where time has no meaning. Even though the Diehold itself is made up of matter it is timeless, and in another time-space relationship, so it is not perceivable by the creation it forms. It is the information in it that is timeless. The information from the Diehold is then transmitted into the second dimension which is the transmission dimension. Time still has no relevance because the transmission is instantaneous. Finally, the third dimension is when the information becomes a piece of matter like an atom. So, the third dimension is the world of animate matter. From atoms to mountains. The fourth dimension is the world of living things. According to the TMR, the consciousness for a person, i.e. soul, exists in the first dimension, as a separate domain of information. What life is, is when the information that makes up the soul is transmitted to the same coordinates as the information that makes up the physical body. In turn, death would be the separation of the two signals. So, in the forth dimension a soul is “married” to a physical body, everything from one-celled animals to humans. The primary quality is that these life-forms must physically touch matter to manipulate it. They must physically act to learn about the world around them.

        The traditional definition of dimensions are length, width, depth, and time. Multidimensional Reality has eight dimensions. The first three are the same as the traditional explanation, but the forth dimension to the eighth are defined by how much potential, and therefore information an object can collect, control, or perceive. The term potential is synonymous with voltage or electromagnetic potential. As the potential of a life-form increases, it is able to perceive more of the domains of information around itself, thereby recalling, comparing and analyzing greater amounts of information. This is called intelligence. Average man falls into this forth dimension. His limitations are that he can only gather information from this dimension with his five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch).

        In the fifth dimension, an intelligence possesses much more potential than in previous dimensions. He is able to perceive much more information from his surroundings in the diehold without using the senses of a fourth-dimensional individual. A fifth-dimensional being would also be able to bend the information that makes up three-dimensional objects. This will include the ability to change the rate of signal modulation of an object, thereby altering its time reference.

        A six-dimensional individual would be able to move objects in time and space. Time for him would not mean as much as for the other two previous dimensions, and his potential would be much greater than that of the previous dimension.This sixth-dimensional being probably perceives most of his surroundings from the diehold and not from his lower senses.

        The seventh and eight dimensions are a planet and a star, respectively. A planet can be considered like a coil and a condenser containing billions of volts of electricity, some of which is discharged as lightening. The planet also has two types of fields: a gravitational field and a magnetic field.   A star is the only thing in the universe that collapses upon itself to become a black hole. When it is happening the star’s information is going to the first dimension, or back to the diehold. This information we would perceive as a tremendous gravitational field. When the gravitational field (concentrated information) gets too great, the star can no longer exist in any other dimension but the first dimension.

The following video tape analogy is able to give some working knowledge of the TMR [15,16]. A TV camera converts the light images from objects to electrical impulses. The electrical impulses can then be stored on magnetic tape. It is easy to notice that the form and dimension in which the picture is stored is different from the electrical impulses that came from the camera, even though the electrical impulses also represent the same picture of the object. The same magnetic tape may contain the information for a color picture with sound. It is stored in a form where time stands still. When the tape is played for broadcast, the information on the tape is again converted to electric impulses. The impulses are put into a transmitter where they again change form to become electromagnetic waves transmitted from the antenna. The picture information is now traveling in a two-dimensional form. There is not only the information for the picture but also other frequencies as well. There is a center beat frequency, a carrier wave frequency (on which the picture frequencies are superimposed), a separate frequency for the sound, and finally a frequency that determines the sweep of the picture tube. The final image one can see is a completely synchronized, two-dimensional reality.

In the video tape the real objects are represented by the domains on the magnetic material. If one can identify the objects represented by the domains, the distances between the domains, which make up the object, would be microscopic compared to the distal relationships in this reality. The frequencies of the colors which represent the object would be at a much lower frequency on the tape and in a totally different relationship to each other compared to their representation in this time reality. There would be no time perspective for the objects represented as domains on the tape. They would be frozen in time in their space. Frozen until passed over by a magnetic tape transducer (head device). This transducer converts magnetic fields of a monolithic structure, iron oxide, into electrical fields.

These electrical fields are returned to two-dimensional information, representing a totally different time-space reality from what was physically represented by the domains. If the tape speed is increased, time would seem to be shorter between two events. If the tape speed is reduced, time would seem longer between two events. Neglecting synchronization considerations, if the tape is speeded up, the information reproduced at the receiver would appear physically shorter. That’s because the receiver’s picture-scan is
In real time. The transmitted information is in shorter time; therefore, there is a shorter object. This is reminiscent of Einsteinian Relativity. The opposite is also true: slowing down the tape speed makes the object longer. Of course, corrections would have to be made in the synchronization or the image would appear unrecognizable.

If an object is taped with an increased tape speed, the object would be represented by more domains on the tape. This represents more information, therefore, more mass. This is the same as increasing the velocity of the object. And so it seems that the representative object not only gets shorter when its velocity increases, but its mass also increases. The Lorenz Transformations seem to describe the same point.

In this analogy of existence, matter is converted to energy and energy to matter. This is all relative to whether the tape is going through the head device to receive an image or transmit an image. The transformation-domains passed over by the tape transducer (head device) determines the current reality, or existence; and velocity determines time-space relationships. Objects representing large domain areas on the tape could distort the time-space relationships of other objects represented by domains near the large object. This can be represented by beams of light from a star passing by a large mass such as our sun and being displaced in time and space.

According to A. Einstein, the speed of light is the constant of the universe and nothing could go faster than light. He theorized that no matter how fast an object was going, if a beam of light was sent out from that object, the velocity of that light would be the same as for an object at rest. This idea was a departure from classical mechanics, which believed in the cumulative effect of velocities. A. Einstein had no explanation as to what light wasat the time he formulated his theory.

The TMR’s explanation for this is: The speed of light is constant because it is the speed or rate by which the information, that makes up the universe, is passing by the “head device”. However, it does not mean that everything and everyone are on video tape and all events have been set in time. That is not the case. The Diehold is really acting like a computer so instead of a “head device” there is something that is acting like a CPU. At the same time the video tape analogy helps to explain how the universe works and what light and time is. This model shows the universal reflexiveness of existence. It is an understandable reflection of the real system.

            .The TMR does not disagree with the special theory of relativity, in regarding time slowing down and objects getting smaller when they approach the speed of light. There are two approaches to explain this phenomena. It is convenient to use the tape analogy because one can visually see it in Fig. 5. ( Former Fig.4. This is a graph from the Vogt's book, p.70. The quality seems to be OK to me, but I can make a larger copy and send to Dan). We have to remember that the information on the tape is going past the head device at the speed of light, transmitting the information of all existence. Also, we should notice that it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light, because that’s the speed we are propagated into existence. Also, we cannot go ahead in time because we cannot go beyond the head device or CPU that creates our existence, because we don’t exist yet in the future. In Fig. 5, at position 1 is Object “A” at rest, in our dimension, at a moment of time. If Object A (now identified as A’)is moving at a speed of 100 million meters per second, according to the Special Theory of Relatively and the Lorenz transformations the following relationships can be used :

Length of objects = (1-v2/c2)1/2

Duration of time =t/ (1-v2/c2)1/2

It is easy to calculate that the size of the Object A has reduced to 94.27% of its rest state, and time is now 1.0707 times longer.
The conclusion we must come to is that if we increase our velocity in the fourth dimension, and if we accept the idea that we cannot go faster than the Diehold creating our existence, then the result of our increased speed must be the stretching-out of Object A’ information. To clarify this idea, let’s go to Fig. 5. We see that the area of the domains of information for Object A’ has been stretched behind the present; therefore, having a greater equivalent mass. The greater domain of information is represented by the shaded area in the diagram. Because of its increased velocity, it also has an equivalent potential from its momentum. The reason why time slows down is because as Object A’ approaches the speed of light, it is getting closer to the first dimension where time has no meaning. Time is stopped in the storage dimension.
At position 2, the velocity of Object B is 298 million meters per second. The result would be that the information for Object B would be stretched to 917% behind its resting modulation point. This would be indicated by the fact that a clock placed on Object B would measure time 9.17 times slower than at rest. The mass of Object B would be 917% greater than at rest because Object B is occupying a much larger domain of information on the tape. The increased field (information) would, in turn, reduce the size of B to only 10.9% of its original volume.
This process would continue until the object reaches just under the speed of light. The result of this fantastic speed is that the object is becoming a first-dimensional object. It is returning to the information that made it up, where time is irrelevant. To get Object B to this fantastic velocity, it would take an equally fantastic amount of energy. Therefore, this method of transportation is highly inefficient and wasteful. We could more easily raise the potential of the object high enough and move the object in time and space using the Diehold instead of going against it.

3. Theories of the electromagnetic field of the Earth

The main forces of our physical world are gravitational, nuclear, electrical and magnetic. Electrical and magnetic forces (EMF) are intimately related to each other and are also responsible for much of the structure and organization of living systems and are being seen as the basis of most molecular and chemical interactions. "Life" is being increasingly seen as a "cosmic dance" which is affected in subtle but fundamental ways by the forces in the universe [17,18]. Life on Earth has developed in an electromagnetic environment but we are now gradually overwhelming the natural signals by the plethora of artificial EMFs.
The core of the Earth produces a field rather like a bar-magnet and the energy of the Sun distorts this field into what is called the magnetosphere. This shields us from much of the harmful ionizing radiation from the universe. It does not rotate with the Earth, but always has the same side facing the Sun which means that the magnetic field at any given place on Earth rises and falls each day causing biological rhythms in humans, animals and plants. The geomagnetic field at the surface of the Earth has a value of between about 20 and 70 microtesla, varying with position. Superimposed on this is a diurnally varying field of up to about 1 microtesla (1000 nanotesla) which also varies with the solar and lunar days as well as other cosmic intervals.

3.1 Observations Requiring Explanation


            For the past several decades, scientists have been struggling with trying to explain seemingly odd aspects of the Earth's magnetic field. Careful measurements have established quite a number of unusual features, like short-term and long-term variations and multiple poles, that have eluded adequate explanation. This article proposes a comprehensive theory that logically explains ALL the peculiar findings, as well as a mathematically and physically logical description of the source itself.
            Rather than having just a fixed North Pole and South Pole, measurements clearly show that there are a NUMBER of additional weaker magnetic poles that exist (which represent about 10% of the field strength [19]. In addition, the exact location of the North Magnetic Pole on the surface of the Earth continuously changes. Seemingly random movements on the scale of inches or feet occur almost daily, and sometimes in a matter of seconds [20]. In addition, the North Magnetic Pole seems to also have had a generally westward drift over a period of centuries (of about 1 meter per hour) [21].
            The complexity gets worse! Not only do the Magnetic Poles seem to wiggle around and drift westward, but they sometimes "jerk" (such as in 1969) [21] when the motion briefly and rapidly accelerated. In addition to this, the STRENGTH of the measured magnetic field also has a number of variations and drifts. In recent history, the overall strength has been reducing, implying that 1200 years from now, the Earth's Magnetic Field will be zero [22].
            Geologic evidence clearly indicates that the Earth's Magnetic Field has even reversed itself quite a number of times, even within just the past four million years [23-27]. There is evidence of around 170 reversals during the past hundred million years!
            The great age of the Earth, and the fact that there are certainly great frictional forces between various interior portions that, according to popular theories, are supposedly moving relative to each other, suggests that if those theories were even remotely true that the Earth's Magnetic Field should have its Poles very near the Geographic Poles at ninety degrees latitude. That is not the actual case, and the Magnetic Poles are located many hundreds of miles from the Geographic Poles. Even more peculiar is the fact that, if you connected the North and South Magnetic Poles with an imaginary straight line, that line would not pass ANYWHERE NEAR the actual center of the Earth! The Earth's Magnetic Field system is not even symmetric with the body of the Earth [28,29]. Worse yet, the various movements of the location of the two Magnetic Poles often seem to have no relationship with each other.
            There is strong evidence that there is a significant amount of Iron in and near the Core of the Earth. Due to heat from the environment there, and friction from relative movements of material, some of this Iron certainly becomes ionized, which means charged electrically. This seems quite acceptable as theory.
Previous theorists have assumed that the entire Core (or the Inner and/or Outer Core) rotates as a single flowing object within the Earth. If that were the case, then all of the charged (ionized) Iron material would follow relatively circular paths around a single axis that we could call the Magnetic Axis. Basic Physics tells us that when electrical charges follow a (relatively) circular path (which is effectively a current), a magnetic field is always created as a result. The measured evidence of this scenario would be a simple "dipole" magnetic field, with a single North Pole and a single South Pole, geographically exactly opposite each other on the surface of the Earth.

This is STILL the prevailing theory, (called the "Dynamo Theory") popular today. Some of the basics of it must certainly be true, such as the presence of  iron, its becoming ionized in various ways, its somewhat fluidic flow, and the consequent effect of a general magnetic field from the motion of these charges. However, for a number of reasons, some scientists believe [30] that the Dynamo Theory is unacceptable as it is normally presented.  Among the reasons that should be mentioned are the Internal Drictional Drag, Asymmetric Location of the Iron Core, Conservation of Momentum, Short-Term Anomalies, and Mathematical Analysis.

3.2. Internal Frictional Drag

Over the Earth's 4.65 billion years of existence, simple Physics shows that friction at the outer surface of that separately rotating (tilted) internal entity would have aligned the Magnetic and Geographic Poles long ago. In addition, that same friction would have continuously reduced the differential velocities at that boundary surface, which would now have to be effectively zero. This would therefore mean that the only remaining rotation that could induce a magnetic field today would be due to the daily rotation of the Earth. That's not necessarily an impossible situation. However, in such a case, the locations of the Magnetic Poles would necessarily be virtually identical with the Geographic Poles. Massive evidence shows this not to be true.

3.3. Asymmetric Location of the Iron Core

Another complication of this basic Dynamo Theory is that the whole rotating Core would have to be considerably off-center in the Earth, to explain the offset of the line joining the two surface Magnetic Poles. The rotating Iron Core would necessarily have its rotational axis on the line connecting the North and South Magnetic Poles. This would mean that the massive (dense) Iron Core would have to be centered several hundred miles away from the actual center of the Earth. Dynamical analysis of such a situation quickly shows it to be impossible, because such an offset massive Core would cause continuous violent oscillation of the entire Earth! It would also be a dynamically unstable situation that would have centered itself billions of years ago.

3.4. Conservation of Momentum

The prevailing theory also necessarily implies a huge amount of rotational inertia for that massive rotating core. This makes the comments of some scientists ludicrous, who explain the observed geologic magnetic field reversals by the reversals of the rotation of the core. No known mechanism could possibly cause such enormous (and violent!) changes of angular momentum, and the effects could not occur in practical time intervals.7 8 Other secondary consequences of such a mechanical change must also occur, and evidence of them is non-existent.
Even the most basic mathematical analysis of the rotational inertia and angular momentum of the Earth shows how impossibly large that necessary forces or torques would have to be to cause such physical reversals of the rotation of the Core. And, even if these forces and torques actually could exist, a necessary result of reversing the Core's rotation direction would require (by Conservation of angular momentum) the FASTER rotation of the remainder of the Earth, creating even greater frictional drag between the two counter-rotating portions.

3.5. Short-Term Anomalies

This same problem applies equally to explaining the short-term variations in both magnetic field strength and direction, and in explaining erratic magnetic pole migration. The phenomenal amount of rotating mass could not change axis direction orientation or rotational rate rapidly enough to cause the measured results, and the force necessary to cause such changes would be beyond imagination. Simple dynamical force analysis shows this, and there is also no viable source for such a force. A basic law of Physics has to do with Conservation of Angular Momentum. Even IF some huge torque could come into existence to quickly, incrementally change the rotation of the whole Core over a period of seconds, minutes, hours or days, an equal and opposite torque would have to affect the remainder of the Earth, including the Crust that we live on. Such rather violent movements would easily be sensed. It's just not even remotely possible!
3.6. Mathematical Analysis
The multitude of speculations presented as 'explanations' for the presence of the Earth's magnetic field is not generally backed up by any serious dynamical analysis. This is surprising, and the author has searched for such mathematical support by those other sources. If such analysis was done by them, it seems likely that they would see the impossibility of various of their speculations. The following is a very simplistic analysis of the dynamics that would have to exist in the standard Dynamo Theory.
First of all, we think we have a reasonable idea on the physical sizes of the Inner and Outer Core. The current estimates for their radii are 1275 km and 3500 km, respectively. The Outer Core is generally considered to be fluid, and therefore capable of the necessary flow, so we will consider it. The volume of the Outer Core can be simply calculated as about 1.62 * 1026 cm3.  Its estimated density of 10 gm/cm3 indicates a total mass of around 1.62 * 1024 kg. Using Avogadro's number, this indicates approximately 5 * 1046 atoms are involved.
It is unknown just what proportion of those atoms are Iron and/or what proportion of them are ionized into being charged. For this discussion's sake, we are going to take a conservative estimate, that one in a million of the atoms are ionized. This now suggests that we would have a total of around 5 * 1040 electronic charges flowing in the Outer Core.
Given the dimensions of the Outer Core, we can determine that this corresponds to one full 'orbit' in around 4 years. This results in around 4.4 * 1032 ions/second passing any point in the circuit. This corresponds to an electrical current of around 7 * 1013 Amperes. Taking into consideration the value of the magnetic relative permeability for Iron, this electrical current would result in a Magnetic Flux Density of around 30,000,000 Gauss at the surface of the Earth. Seeing that the ACTUAL measured Flux Density is around 1 Gauss, this standard Dynamo Theory seems to give a field millions of times too intense! The uncertainties in the values of the magnetic relative permeability and flow rates/viscosity of the Iron do not seem to adequately deal with such an incorrect result.
In recent years several new theories regarding the origin of the  Earth's Magnetic Field have been proposed. Here we will mention two of them: theory of heat-driven convection cells and theory of uranium "georeactor".

3.7. Theory of heat-driven connection cells.

This theory, developed in 1997 [30] states that instead of the Earth's Core being considered a single contiguous rotating object, it seems to make much more sense to consider it being a number of individually active heat-driven convection cells. These cells have the rather rapid fluid flows previously speculated, but they are driven by heat rising from the Inner Core, with its radioactive decaying heat sources. The convection cells are therefore edgeways to the Inner Core, offering an efficient method of removing heat that accumulates in the Inner Core. As the rough calculations above imply, these cells, with their relatively rapid flow rates, each create very large electrical currents. However, the circumstances around the Inner Core suggests that a general Symmetry must primarily exist, and similar Outer Core convective cells must generally exist on opposite sides of the Outer Core and rotate in opposite directions. The resultant measured Magnetic Field Strength measured at the surface of the Earth would therefore be the summation of a multitude of these generally opposing magnetic field generators. According to [17a], the empirical field strengths and orientations and the anomalies and drift of the Earth's Magnetic Field are extremely complex. Competing theories cannot explain the diversity of unexpected findings, but the approach considering an existence of a number of individually active heat-driven convection cells. is easily capable of explaining the majority of the curious aspects of the phenomenon of the Earth's Magnetic Field.

3.8. Theory of uranium georeactor
This theory was proposed in 1992 by a San Diego scientist, J. Marvin Herndon, who thinks a huge, natural nuclear reactor or "georeactor" -- a vast deposit of uranium several miles wide -- exists at Earth's core [31-37].Dr. Herndon believes that his theory might help to explain otherwise puzzling phenomena of planetary science, such as fluctuations in the intensity of Earth's magnetic field. According to him, the reactor at Earth's core is just a much bigger and deeper version of an extinct natural nuclear reactor that scientists discovered in a uranium mine in Gabon, Africa, in 1972 [38] .
            The Gabon reactor consists of geological deposits of uranium that, being radioactive, naturally emit subatomic particles called neutrons. These neutrons split the nuclei in adjacent uranium atoms, causing them to emit more neutrons and, thus, to split even more uranium atoms -- in effect, it's a slow-speed chain reaction. Research in the 1970s revealed that the Gabon reactor operated intermittently for a few million years about 2 billion years ago.
            Herndon believes his theory of a uranium georeactor in Earth's core has certain advantages over existing scientific ideas, by providing more convincing ways to:
-- Explain the ratios of helium isotopes emitted from volcanoes in Iceland and Hawaii. Those ratios are consistent with the ratios of helium isotopes emitted by a nuclear reactor.
-- Explain why planets such as Jupiter emit far more heat than they absorb from the sun. Herndon thinks they, too, have natural nuclear reactors at their cores. (Because heat is continually generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the Earth's crust and mantle -- the regions above the core -- scientists are uncertain whether Earth emits more heat than it receives from the sun.)
-- Explain variations in the intensity of Earth's magnetic field, which fluctuates over time. Herndon believes that in the core, the georeactor drives the motions of the liquid iron that creates the magnetic field. But the georeactor varies in activity levels over time. Those activity variations, he believes, might explain intensity variations in Earth's magnetic field.
Now, Rob de Meijer and associates at the Nuclear Physics Institute in Groningen, the Netherlands, are planning to test Herndon's theory. They're drawing blueprints for a large device that could detect ghostly particles called antineutrinos that have escaped from Earth's core. If Herndon's theoretical nuclear reactor really exists, then it should be gushing out antineutrinos that would fly through the roughly 4,000 miles of solid rock and emerge at the Earth's surface.
The European scientists have proposed drilling a shaft more than 1,000 feet deep into the island of Curacao in the Caribbean. They hope to lower into the shaft devices called photomultipliers, which could detect particles from the hypothetical deep-Earth georeactor. Curacao is a good location for the antineutrino detector because the island's rocks have relatively few natural radionuclides that could mask the (antineutrino) signal from the Earth's core. The detector could be confused by antineutrinos emitted by commercial nuclear reactors, but Curacao is far enough from the southeastern United States that nuclear reactors in Florida won't affect it.
4. The vortex phenomena

4.1. The Vortex shape


In a strict classical sense, a vortex is any thing that whirls around. A tornado, hurricane or even a spiral galaxy is a form of Vortex. The simplest example is water going down a bathtub drain. According to N.Nelson [2,3],  this explanation doesn't describe the precise nature of the whirlpool of force existing, for example in the Oregon Vortex, which the most known gravitational anomaly located about 20 miles north of the city of Medford, Oregon. Nelson believes, that there are three principle shapes the external fields of anomalies like the Oregon Vortex can assume, but essentially they all resemble a tornado forming the axis of a sphere, which are surrounded by a torus, or donut shaped corona that are exactly one-sixth of the diameter of the sphere, or greater vortex. 


Regardless of the size of a given vortex, this one-sixth ratio of the corona to the vortex is a magnetic constant. Between two objects,  (one of them located inside the vortex and another one - outside of it) is an invisible line on the ground, an arc that's part of a huge circle, but the circle is only the 2-dimensional line representing a part of the spheroid  shape. Because the sphere is about halfway under the ground, its true center is below the surface. Above the ground it forms an ethereal dome of energy. The line on the ground is called the Line of Demarcation.  The differences are found in the internal locations of energy nodes as determined by three more factors.

From the analogy of a three dimensional point of view a vortex is composed of lines, or curtains of force, some of which are the “walls” of the sphere, the corona, and even the “tornado”.  There are three basic “lines” that depend on mathematical, geometric relationships.  One type of the lines can be described as curved concentric circles within circles; like a bull’s eye target.  A second type are curved lines that form spirals from the center “tornado” out, and from the outer wall in to the center.  And the third type are straight lines which branch out from the center, and can be visualized as cutting the vortex into pizza slices.  The straight lines, however are not really straight, but are also circular.  They exist within the vortex orthogonally, or at 90-degrees to the vortex, and it’s the orientation of our perception that makes them appear straight.

There are three variations of straight lines.  One type of vortex has three lines at 120 degrees, another has its three lines at 180 degrees and two at 90 degrees, while the last has four lines all at 90 degrees.  These particular configurations are shared by the fields surrounding permanent magnets, which have three spin domains in the south pole, and four of two types of spin domains in the north pole.  Like magnets, the vortex’s spin, or flux of the south pole spins in one direction only, counterclockwise, but the north pole spin directions can be either counterclockwise or clockwise.

Regardless of which type of vortex is depicted each have six principle energy nodes, even though there are three different configurations of these nodes.  Energy nodes can be characterized as miniature vortexes themselves, and they are formed at the point where a concentric line, a straight line, and a spiral line cross.  In most genuine mystery spot locations the tourist’s demonstration platforms are built on these nodes, whether the builder knew they were there or not.

The spiral lines aren’t just what they seem to be either.  These lines “begin” at the center of the larger vortex, but also at one point on the circumference of the first node which either forms the center or is offset from the center by its own diameter.  As the line spirals outward it widens each time it encounters the crossing of a straight line and a concentric line, until it reaches the perimeter of the vortex where it then broadens out to become the corona.

The vortex contains 12 concentric circles with the corona making the thirteenth circle.  The node positions are formed by a fascinating occurrence found in nature in such things as the shells of snails, the patterns of seeds filling in the middle of sunflowers, and even the construction of pine cones.  The Greeks called this phenomenon the Golden Mean, or Golden Spiral, and a twelfth-century Italian named Leonardo Fibonacci immortalized it in mathematics.  His work is today called, the Fibonacci sequence. 

Basically what Fibonacci did was to take the number 1, add it to another 1, and then take the product of 2 and add it to the last number, which is 1.  The product of 1 and 2, gave 3, and adding it to the last number of 2, gave him 5.  Then 5 and 3 equals 8.  5 and 8 equals 13, and so on.  The twelfth iteration of this sequence is 144, but the vortex stops at 13, and then turns the last two numbers of 8 and 13 into a new combination of 1 and 1 to begin a larger vortex using 8 and 13 as the new 1 and 1 of the next larger vortex.  The whole of the first vortex now becomes the tornado/null zone of the next larger vortex.  Vortexes do not form from the centers of other, larger vortexes, but form on the circumference lines of the concentric circles.

In this simplified drawing numbers 1, 1, and 2 are the same width as the space between concentric lines.  Number 3 is the space between 2 lines, number five...3 spaces, and number 8...four spaces.  Corona (13) = 4 spaces.        ( Nick, should we give the number to this figure, in order to be consistent? ) 

The spiral line is actually two lines, one line traveling inward to the center, while the other line travels outward from the center.  When a spiral line meets the crossing of a straight line and a concentric line the quantum energy of the vortex swirls around like water hitting a rock in a stream making an eddy.  In some cases the in and out lines change positions relative to the center within the created node only to change back at the next node.  This can be illustrated by a close-up drawing of Fibonacci number 8: (( The same question, as before)


4.2. The Vortex dynamics

In this section of  the Proposal the word dynamic is used to describe activity within the boundaries of a vortex.  What is meant by the use of this word is that the very thing that makes up the vortex, its field, is in continuous motion.  Just like the field surrounding a permanent magnet, the vortex is in a state of constant flux, which from the human perspective causes all sorts of dramatic effects.

Doug Vogt, while doing time studies within three different vortexes wondered what would happen if he left his tripod-mounted camera positioned toward two upright poles at either end of a seven-foot long level platform, and then automatically let it snap a picture every several seconds.  Studying the results later, he noticed that each individual pole from one photo to the next in the sequence appeared taller or shorter in relation to itself!  Measuring the poles inside the photographs confirmed what he was seeing, and he could only come to the obvious conclusion that the vortex was altering its viewpoint of itself by being in motion within itself.  This motion, he noticed, seemed to take place across a span of time just slow enough to be outside of normal human perception.

In the mid seventies the owner of the Oregon Vortex, Ernie Cooper, showed N.Nelson at the location of these same poles that a person standing stationary over a period of a few minutes would have his eye level view of the opposite pole automatically change.

All tour guides after a time on the job in most of the attractions notice that the shrink and grow effect can’t be counted on to be the same from one day to the next, or even from one hour to the next.  Two young tour guides who worked with Nelson in 2000, Bryton and Clare, were goofing off between tours one day at the poles and rediscovered what he and Vogt already knew.  They excitedly showed him and the owner that if they stood very still on the pole platform staring at one another for three or four minutes one could watch the other grow and shrink.  The effect is  slow enough so that the eye doesn’t catch the motion, but the brain at intervals realizes that it is now looking at the other person from a different height.

As part of the research for his book [3] ,N. Nelson tried to make maps of the area within the Oregon Vortex, but found his efforts to be scrupulously accurate thwarted by the dynamics of the field.  He would carefully measure every building and other features like the demo platforms, make drawings of them based on compass readings, and then go home to turn the sketches into a carefully drawn map.  The next day with the new map in hand he would check it for accuracy.  No matter how careful his measurements and compass readings he never got any of the maps to match the next day’s reality check.

“I would stand in a certain spot, for instance lining up the side of a building with a fence post, and then the fence post with a tree trunk.  If all three were in perfect visual alignment I’d take a compass reading, and then mark the spot where my feet were.  The next day when standing on the exact same spot and peering down the outer wall of the  building the fence post might be out of alignment by a couple of degrees of arc, and worse, the tree truck off this line that used to be straight would be off by an even greater angle.  I never really got used to this sort of thing.  Always, a violent shiver invariably ran up my spine.  The scenery is not supposed to move!”

Unfortunately for the average tourist this aspect of field dynamics isn’t available on the tours simply because of the amount of time needed to produce the effect.  Many who are exposed to this phenomenon theorize that the vortex causes a magnetic compass to be physically affected, but close attention shows that a compass inside these areas always points without variance to the same landscape feature outside the line of demarcation.  It only diverges from its last reading when used to line up items inside the vortex.

Let's take a look on Fig 6 A and 6B.( (This is a school buss Photo from Nick) These two photos were taken at a location in Portland, OR.  The camera was hand held, and the photographer tended to focus on the subject rather than holding the camera focused between the two poles, but this small problem cannot explain the extreme distortions between the first photo and the second pole.  Note; not only did the human being and the poles change heights measurable  INSIDE THE PHOTOGRAPH, but the background (principally the school bus) has shifted position from one picture to the other as the subject moved across the line of Demarcation between the poles from left to right.  The camera was the same distance from the subject in both shots.

The only conclusion left is that ... the scenery really does move!  That, of course, leaves a few rather thorny questions hanging:  What does this say about the nature of the scenery?  If the scenery moves, therefore being influenced by what appears to be a very subtle force, what is it made out of?  If trees and fence posts can be easily pushed around the yard inside the vortex, what about those same kind of  items outside a vortex?  What are we made out of?

5. Natural and artificial temporal anomalies

Several teams of Russian scientists have performed some preliminary observations in places where the time progresses differently [39-41]. Significant parts of those places are close to the locations where a big volume of water moves in a circle, i.e. it forms a vortex.  The examples of the vortices are the huge whirlpools near to Bermuda or the curve of the Russian river Volga near the big town of Samara (Fig.7). ( Former Fig.5. This is a sketch from the Russian paper  [42]. The quality seems to be lower than OK , but I cannot do much about it, exept increase a size of words "town Samara", etc.) According to  Russian investigators Pavlovich and Ratnik [42]  in the area between the river Usa and Samara there are about a dozen places where people see mirages and different types of UFO’s. The residents of several villages in that area have problems with their watches: Sometimes they  slow down, sometimes they speed up,  Even in the relatively quiet Aral sea, there are several places with circular currents. One of them is close to the island of Barsakelmes (translation from Bashkirian; “If you go, you may not come back”). According to old tales, people who spent several months on this island did not return to shore for several years. About ten years ago the investigators confirmed that several hours on Barsakelmas correspond to several days on the shore of Aral sea.

            Accordingly [1,3], the gravitational anomaly, The Oregon Vortex, and several others, shows substantial variations in the rate of time passage.   Enormous circular air flows, like tornados or hurricanes, may also cause similar time anomalies, but the scale of time changes is not as significant as with circular currents.  For instance, an aircraft with 127 passengers was ready for a landing at the Miami, Florida airport when it suddenly disappeared from the screens of navigation systems and lost radio connection with land for several minutes. Then, to the astonishment of air traffic controllers, the aircraft appeared from nowhere and made a normal landing.  The aircraft’s chronometers and all the passenger’s timepieces were lagging behind those at the airport  by 10 minutes. [43]  From the point of view of the witnesses in Miami, something incredible had occurred, but from the vantage point of those on the plane, nothing had happened.
About 30 years ago, Russian professor Felix Zigel proposed a theory which is able to explain the mystery of the famous Tunguzian meteor [39,43]. The summer day of June 30, 1908, attracted  interest of international scientific community for  many decades. The main problem with the numerous eye-witness accounts was that they were quite different from each other. The people who were living on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal were sure a huge red ball was moving swiftly  from East to West. Ballistics specialists had the same opinion. However, the people who were living on the western shore of Baikal saw something different; a star-like blue-white object was  flying slowly from South to North. To complicate matters the red ball was seen in the afternoon, and the blue-white star was seen in early morning.  So, maybe two meteors were falling in the wild Siberian forest – taiga? But to this day not a single piece of extraterrestrial splinter has been found  there! According to F. Zigel, on the afternoon of June 30 the red UFO came into the Earth’s atmosphere from the East. Because of some terrible noise, one can assume that something was wrong with this extraterrestrial vehicle. The time on this space ship was exactly the same as on the Earth and people saw that this red ball was falling. At a height of about 3-3.5 miles, the UFO made a left turn (about 90o) and another turn – in time (about 180o, i.e. in the opposite direction). The engine of the UFO which was passing through “Zero-time zone” produced a huge amount of energy. The witnesses interpreted this was an explosion. In reality, the UFO started to accelerate from the North to the South. However, because the directions of time for the UFO and Earth were opposite, witnesses  saw the white-blue star moving from  South to  North! By the way, in that area, investigators still (97 years later!) continue to observe time anomalies.

                For the last 50 years numerous observations of different types of UFO’s in Russia, USA and other countries have been made. According to various data about the UFO’s parameters, obtained mainly by military aircraft, most of these “flying saucers” generate specific electromagnetic fields that disturbs the “flow of time” around them. Usually the globular light-emitting devices on the bottom or  lateral part of UFO’s are responsible for this disturbance. It seems that UFO inhabitants are travelers not only in space but in time as well. Moreover, maybe these travelers are not extraterrestrial, maybe they are our progeny? This assumption does not sound so fantastic if you remember that the first steps toward a time machine have already been made.

In 1943, American scientists had the first really significant experience with the discontinuous nature of time during the famous Philadelphia Experiment with the ship “Eldridge” [44]. They were trying to create a powerful electromagnetic field around the ship. Scientists decided to degauss this boat with electromagnetic generators using resonance frequencies. The secret experiment had tragic consequences: part of the Eldridge’s naval depot personnel died immediately after the end of experiment. Another part died during 10 subsequent years. It seems that Time might be used as a military weapon in the future.
In 10-15 years after these results, a Russian physicist, Professor N.A.Kozyrev had some very exciting results regarding the experimental study of properties of time. He had used  rotating gyroscopes and registered small changes (up to 0.1 sec) in time during his experiments [45,46]. Later some of Kozyrev’s results were reproduced by Russian scientists,  A.I.Veinik, A.F. Okhatrin and B.P.Dodonov [43].

Russian scientist V.Chernobrov [43,47] has repeated some of Professor Kozyrev’s experiments. According to his findings, the rotating gyroscope did not provide very significant changes in time. However, he claims that his attempts to build a time machine using electromagnetic fields were more effective [39-41,47].  In April 1988, the first simple model of a time machine, LOVONDATR, was created in the Moscow Aviation Institute. The engineers from NPO “Salyut”, NPO “Energiya” and Chrunichev’s Plant helped in the design of LOVONDATR. After 5 years of research, four different models of a time machine were created. Most of them were using electromagnets installed so as to produce several (at least three) spherical envelopes: one envelope was installed inside of another and the entire system was a multi-envelope structure. In some ways this apparatus resembled a rotating Russian doll “Matreshka” [47]. The goal was to make a special type of electromagnetic field that is moving from the periphery to the central “soccerball”. Three different types of clocks (mechanical, electric and atomic that were accurate enough to record 0.01 second) were installed in the central “soccerball”, as well as between the envelopes. The first model of LOVONDATR  showed a shift of the rate of time inside the central “soccerball” of up to 0.5 sec per one hour of experiment. Three later models were more efficient and showed up to 40 seconds per one hour. ( I had deleted Former Fig.6 because of its low quality).
Some experiments with living organisms, like insects and mice have been performed. At the beginning, the results were deplorable: nothing was alive after a shift of time of 2 seconds per hour. The people who were working close to the time machine have had  symptoms of disease similar to the symptoms which were observed in the Philadelphia Experiment. Only after some modification of the time machine did the mice stay alive and healthy [43]. It is not easy to believe, but the seventh model of LOVONDATR -7 was so advanced that it allowed the placement in the central “soccerball" (about 2 meters in diameter) of an adult person who, according to V.Chernobrov, safely became the first true time traveler [48].
The special modification of the time machine (open-loop electromagnetic scheme) already has shown some examples of gravitational propulsion.  The model, weighing 400 g, was able to create propulsion equal to 10 g [39-41]. Probably UFO’s contain in their construction both elements: closed-loop which creates changes in the rate of time and open-loop which creates  gravitational propulsion. ( I had deleted Former Fig.7 because of its low quality).

6. Preliminary results of Vortex  investigation

6.1. Some ideas about the origin of  vortices.

The question posed most frequently by patrons of vortex attractions is, “What causes this?”

There are many attempts at answers, but none of them precisely addresses the why of the phenomenon.  Here are some of them:

Doug Vogt [1] feels there are geometric objects buried at these sites, usually pyramid shapes of large sizes that have the effect of distorting space and time in a given localized setting.  It is known that a pyramid when aligned properly within the Earth’s magnetic field will effect the projection of a vortex, so he is within the parameters of current knowledge to propound this theory.  But since no one really knows how a pyramid actually projects a vortex the theory of there being such objects beneath the ground at these sites still doesn’t address the next question.  “What are the mechanics involved?”
Mr. Vogt adheres to a hardware reason for the existence of the vortex.  It is being generated by a machine of a sort, a computer, and it is certainly not a theory that should be dismissed.
            Nick Nelson [2,3] started out with a similar pyramid theory, which changed over the years to become simply a huge amorphous mass being buried at the Oregon Vortex site.  Since gold is the only known substance that can actually register a weight change within the vortex, he thought the mass might be a two-ton gold nugget warping gravity in the local surroundings.  Nelson had been researching the Oregon Vortex for nearly thirty years when he finally abandoned the hardware aspect and decided to go with a software solution.
            The existence of so many such spots, and their relationship to each other tipped the balance for Nelson.  If a huge pyramid or gold nugget is the cause of one anomaly then each anomaly should have the same type of geometric object or gold nugget buried beneath them, he thought.  But simple road maps show the Oregon Vortex, the Santa Cruz, Mystery Spot, the Montana Vortex near Kalispell, and other spots are lined up on neat lines at exact distances from each other.  It therefore seemed illogical to blame perfectly placed masses for the reality of such odd coincidences.  Also, aerial photos clearly show that when a vortex is found in photographs it is usually just one such anomaly in a grouping of others.   If a large object or machine is causing one, is there then several such objects planted underneath each member of the cluster?
            Nelson concedes there is probably some sort of “machine”, somewhere.  Since, the Earth has been posed in several geometric guises, he rather thinks the Planet itself may be the machinery behind the cause.  But he knows to hold to any cause as sacrosanct is to invite error, so he has decided to err on the possibility that these mystery spots are the result of information generated by the machine (computer); Information, like  words seen on the screen that are being made possible by the hard-wired word processor.   
            Vogt and Nelson therefore are really not that far apart in their suspicions.

    6.2. Scalar Waves    

            Whatever the underlying cause the actual distortions within the mystery spots are almost certainly the product of wave functions.  During Nelson’s two years within the Oregon Vortex he noticed that the “lines” of demarcation can actually be seen under certain meteorological conditions.  When the air temperature is slightly above freezing, the humidity is high, and the Sun is bright in the sky, a shimmering translucent curtain is visible in the air.  A wave is literally seen as it is evidently wringing moisture from the atmosphere, and since it is seen “standing” in front of the witness it can be described as, scalar.
            Scalar waves have been much discussed in the scientific literature, especially in the search for what is called zero point, “free” energy.  The  near esoteric nature of these waves easily escape lay persons, but a somewhat tormented analogy can perhaps aid understanding.  Consider a calm, placid pond.  A pebble is dropped into the middle of the pond causing the familiar sight of concentric waves moving out from the point where the pebble entered the water.  As the waves move further away from their beginning they diminish in size as the distance between each wave increases.  In time the waves crash into the shore, disappear completely and the water surface reverts to its calm condition.
            Then consider that at measured intervals one pebble after another is dropped into the same point in the water.  The waves continue to form and move away from the source as if surging or undulating, and so long as the pebbles fall the pond does not revert to a placid state.  The concentric waves now have a continuous generation source that creates an oscillation, or frequency changes in terms of wave size.  It is analogous to standing at the seashore noticing every seventh wave as a littler larger than the others.
            Next we add another point on the pond’s surface at which pebbles are also dropped at timed intervals, thus adding another vortex of concentric waves.  These new waves fan out in more concentric circles, and at certain points intercept the original waves and cross through them.  The two wave fronts meet then pass beyond each other changing intensity, but not changing shape as they pass harmlessly through one another leaving both wave functions intact.  Our pond is now dynamic, but only in one dimension, at the water’s surface. 
            Enter now scalar waves, which means the analogy necessarily must undergo torture.  We mentally fold the pond in half and stand one half up so the surface of the water is at a right angle to itself.  The pebbles continue to enter the water with force, but at 90 degrees to one another.  The concentric waves still meet but no longer at 180 flat degrees.  They no longer pass harmlessly through, but meld into one another drastically altering both wave fronts into a new configuration.  At the point of inference not only does intensity change, but  shape as well.
            The  line, or curtain of demarcation inside the vortexes are consequently the result of electromagnetic, gravitational, or ultimately, quantum wave fronts intercepting each other in an orthogonal manner.  Each aspect of the vortex is therefore at a right angle to the last aspect.

 6.3  Time anomalies

The next question involves what happens when the waves collide, or interfere at right angles? 

            For one thing, perspective is altered.  Every one understands perspective.  Perspective is simply seeing things at a distance as looking smaller than they were when seen up close.  Perspective is standing between railroad tracks and seeing them angle into themselves a half mile away.  Skewed perspective is what folks see in the vortex attractions.  As people move away from one another they will naturally perceive themselves as getting smaller, but in normal circumstances as they back away on a level surface their eyes will still be on the same spot of the person as it was when they were closer together.  In the Vortex, however, eye levels change up and down depending on which compass direction they move.  Worse yet, onlookers see one person get larger and the other smaller even though neither moves substantially away from the witnesses.
            Light has a speed limit.  It travels 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum, so there’s no problem understanding that since light from the Sun, 93 million miles distant, takes about eight minutes to reach us.  It’s easy to comprehend, then, that any time we look up at the Sun it’s seen eight minutes in our past.  It’s much harder, though to translate the simple math that gives us this understanding into the proposition that everything viewed exists in the past!  The fact is that no matter how close we are to the thing viewed, because it is a finite distance away and light takes time to travel distance, everything seen belongs in the past.
                Doug Vogt takes this proposal seriously.  With the intent to see if time differences actually occur he placed a 25 MHz freely oscillating crystal powered by a 9 volt battery in three vortexes, The Mystery Spot, Confusion Hill, and the Oregon Vortex, as well as in the Magnetic Hill anomaly, Penngrove, California [1]. The crystals' frequency output averaged 24,997,980 over eight hours, plus or minus 6 hertz. During experiments the crystal was brought into the anomaly to see where the lowest or highest frequency was indicated so the center could be located. It was found that observed frequencies have been shifted up and down from the averaged value. The results of one experiment performed in the Oregon Vortex anomaly on  June 2, 1996 with duration of 47 min are shown on Fig. 8. ( Former Fig.8. This is a graph from the Vogt's book, p.19 (Table 6). The quality seems to be OK to me, exept that the digits look weak. May I ask Dan to scan the graph from the book? Or may be Nick can contact D.Vogt and ask the digital copy of this graph?). The size of the shift reached 110 hertz ( time sped up in the center of the anomaly). The opposite direction of  the time changes has been observed in the measuring frequency in the Confusion Hill anomaly on June 6, 1996 (Fig. 9) ( Former Fig.9. This is a graph from the Vogt's book, p.33 (Table 15). The quality seems to be OK to me, exept that the digits look weak. May I address to Dan or Nick with the same request, as before?): the frequency inside the anomaly was 69 hertz lower than outside. Fig. 10 ( Former Fig.10. This is a graph from the Vogt's book, p.35 (Table 17). The quality seems to be OK to me, exept that the digits look weak. May I address to Dan or Nick with the same request, as before?)  shows the results of the dynamic frequency changing over time. This experiment gave the frequency change of 37 hertz over a time period of 2 hours and 40 min,  which  corresponds to about 0.00015% time shift.
(I has deleted former Table 1, Fig. 13 and 14 because of their pure quality).

Nick Nelson, with help from the management at the Oregon Vortex, performed a more fundamental experiment involving four identical digital watches [3].  The watches were synchronized and kept in one place outside the Vortex for 90 days.  At the end of three months they were examined to record the expected normal differences between them.  Then three of the watches were placed at three different spots inside the Vortex, while the fourth was put back in the original spot outside the Vortex.  Ninety days later the timepieces were again compared, and the math done taking into consideration the differences from the first check.  The results indicated that time in the Vortex runs a quarter of a second a day slower inside than outside.

Later, in 2002 Dr. Nikolay Barashkov performed some time measurements inside and outside the Vortex at Confusion Hill [3] at the locations D, E and F (Fig. 7, p.164 Vortex Guide) . These experiments were performed with two sets of stopwatches – model PROSPIRIT from Dayton Hudson Corporation, and one set of stopwatches – model TIMEX from Scientific Fisher Inc. Both models of stopwatches have 1/100th second accuracy in the measurement of time intervals. According to these results, over a time period of 20 hours and 10 min the difference between the time readings in locations D, E and F and the time reading outside of the Confusion Hill was 0.19 sec, 0.15 sec and 0.27 sec, respectively. All three locations show that time slows down inside the gravitational anomaly. Thus, the time shifts for locations D, E and F are 0.00026%, 0.00021% and 0.00037%, respectively, i.e. they are slightly larger than the time shift measured in 1996 [1].
During a 5 month period (March-July, 2001), more systematic experiments regarding time measurements on Magnetic Hill area of Lichau Road were performed  [3]. Most of these experiments (about 85%) lasted 72 hours. Some of them (about 5%) lasted 48 hrs and rest of them lasted 96 hours. Total amount of all time experiments was about 60 hours. The results of 51 experiments are shown on Fig. 10 p.170 Vortex Guide)

 The procedure for these time shift measurements include the simultaneous start of two stopwatches (usually four sets with two stopwatches have been used for the same 72 hours period of time), one of which was placed in the area outside of the Magnetic Hill (area “A” on Fig. 10). The second stopwatch was placed in the area located at a distance of about 1 m from the Lichau Road down the hill (area “B” on Fig. 10, for instance). The experiments were started at point “C” at about 2 m from the top of Magnetic Hill (the cattle crossing place where there was no difference in time compared to point “A”) and performed each 1.5-3.0 m along Lichau Road until the last point “D”. . On Fig. 10 the point “C’’ corresponds the distance 0 and point “D” corresponds the distance 114 m.

The results of 37 experiments (33 locations) show that time slows down, and the results of 12 experiments (11 locations) show that time accelerates compared to time measured at point “A” outside of  Magnetic Hill. The average time shift  is 0.70 sec/72 hrs in the “negative” area and 0.15 sec/72 hrs in the “positive” area. It seems that the number of locations where time slows down is three times larger than the number of locations where time accelerates. However, Fig. 11, p.174 Vortex Guide demonstrates that this conclusion may be wrong. Data presented on this figure have been obtained in 14 time experiments for point “B” located in 2.0 meters from the “Zero- point” “C’. First experiment was performed on  March 20-22, 2001 and the last one on the July 24-26, 2001. One can see that the same location of the gravitational anomaly shows that time slows down in 5 experiments with the average time shift 0.27 sec/72 hrs and that time accelerates in 9 experiments with an average time shift of 0.16 sec/72 hrs.

The second conclusion that can be made from Fig. 10 is that the average “negative” time shifts measured in 33 locations is in 4.7 times more significant than the average “positive” time shift measured in 11 locations. However, the data from Fig. 11 shows that for the same location the scale of “negative” and “positive” shifts differs only 1.7 times.

Analysis of the time changes in the location “B”, as well as in locations with the distance from the “Zero-point” “C” equal to 44 m ( 2 measurements), 51 m (2 measurements), 64 m (3 measurements) and 66 m (2 measurements) shows that the direction of the time shifts and their value are not stable parameters. This conclusion somehow correlates with the experiments performed by D.Vogt in the Oregon Vortex and Confusion Hill anomalies [1] regarding the dynamic changing over time and, especially, regarding the “Jell-O Effect”. According to his observations, the frequency counter was recording wide swings in frequencies when the crystal was first introduced into the anomaly. After some time the frequency counter began to record more stable frequencies. A real puzzling phenomenon was that the frequency was stable when no one was in the vortex. Once it was noticed that when five young people walked into the anomaly the frequency counter responded with a frequency fluctuation of 10+ Hz. So, it seems to be possible to expect that the part of Lichau Road with some amount of traffic (5-7 cars per one hour interval on the working days and 10-20 cars/hour on the weekends) has a high probability of the “Jell-0 Effect” presence.

Referring to the similar effect in the Oregon Vortex,  N.Nelson [3] states that there is no separation between the planetary energy field and the human energy field. In other words, you and the vortex are one. Just as the energy field of the vortex may affect you physically and psychically, also your presence affects the vortex.

6.4.  Electromagnetic field anomalies

The measurements of electromagnetic fields have been performed in two locations - the Confusion Hill and Magnetic Hill anomalies during May 12-13, 2001 [3]. These experiments included the registration of the magnetic field with G-856 Portable Magnetometer. This model uses the established proton precession method, allowing accurate measurements to be made with virtually no dependence upon variables such as sensor orientation, temperature, or location. Model G-856 has the measurement range from 20,000 to 90,000 nT with a resolution about 0.1 nT and accuracy 0.5 nT. Most important results obtained in the Confusion Hill anomaly are shown on Fig. 6, p163 Vortex Guide and Fig. 7, p.164. Fig. 6 demonstrates the changes in the values of magnetic field depending on the distance from the entrance of the attraction. One may see that most of the measurements, except the measurements taken in places I (18 m), II (27.5 m), III (32 m) and IV (62.5 m) , show unusually high  for the Piercy, CA area (39o58’ North/ 123o48’West) values of magnetic fields: higher than 49,600 nT. The anomalous low readings in four places I-IV can be explained by the presence of metal stands in those locations, which did not allow the real values of the magnetic field to register.

The second important observation is that the magnetic field intensity along the investigated path (X  that is 75 m long, Fig. 6) undergoes several very sharp (unusually sharp) changes: for instance, the intensity increases from 50,500 nT to 51,300 nT between the points with X = 4.5 m and X= 6.0 m; from 50,400 nT to 51,450 nT between the points with X = 16.5 m and X = 19.5 m; from 50,650 nT to 52,020 nT between the points with X = 62.0 m and X=65.0 m. Three areas marked as A, B and C on Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 have the extremely high magnetic field intensity.
Similar to experiments at Confusion Hill, some experiments have been performed along Lichau Road, Pengrove, CA [3]. Fig. 9, p.169 Vortex Guide summarizes these results obtained on Magnetic Hill on the May 12, 2001. One can see that the magnetic field intensity along the investigated path  undergoes several  sharp changes that cannot be observed outside of the gravitational anomaly. On the other hand an amplitude of these changes is not so large as an amplitude which has been observed at Confusion Hill. The comparison of data from Fig. 9 with the data from Fig.10, p.170 Vortex Guide regarding the time shifts along Lichau Road shows an existence of several marks where especially sharp changes in the both parameters have been registered. For instance,  from the103 m mark to the 106 m mark the magnetic field intensity drops from 49,430 nT to 49,200 nT, and corresponding changes in the time shift values drops from -0.75 sec/72 hrs to –1.15 sec/72 hrs. Another example is that between the 54 m mark and the 58 mark  the field intensity increases from 49,450 nT to 49,750 nT, and corresponding changes in the time shift values drops from +0.10 sec/72 hrs to –0.83 sec/72 hrs. The third example is that between the 66 m mark and the 74 mark  the field intensity drops from 49,810 nT to 49,500 nT, and corresponding time shift values change from –2.43 sec/72 hrs to +0.20 sec/72 hrs.

However, this comparison, probably has limited value due to the fact that the measurements of the magnetic field intensity and the measurements of the time shifts have to be performed in the same time intervals.

6.5 "Shrink and grow" phenomenon and other anomalies

Besides the time shift measurements in the Oregon Vortex and Confusion Hill anomalies several other phenomena, like the "shrink and grow" phenomenon and the facts that a dead weight hanging freely from above would be harder to push towards the center of the anomaly than away from it have been studied [1]. Usually two people will stand on opposite sides of a level plank or concrete slap. When they change positions, the observers, perpendicular to the subjects, see the changes in heights. According to John Litster’s observations [49], the Oregon Vortex shows a 9% + shrink percentage. D.Vogt’s measurements [1] confirmed the previous results, but at slightly less extended scale: from 5.4 to 5.8% depending on which direction was chosen – east and west or north and south. Thus, the experiments performed in 60’s and 90’s demonstrate the "shrink and grow" phenomenon to be real, and is related to where the subject  is standing in relation to the center of the vortex.
Referring to the definition of the Line of Demarcation (see Chapter 4.1), N.Nelson [3] compared this line between parts of a vortex with the interface between air and water. Everyone knows what is happening with an image of the object partially immersed in the water: Light appears to bend at this interface. Just as at the water's surface the shaft of the immersed object looks discontinuous, so the Lines of Demarcation between the layers of the vortex may bend light and cause the "shrink and grow" effect. Even though there is no physical lens at the Line of Demarcation, according to Nelsons' model it would be lens-shaped.
In order to demonstrate the presence of an unknown force moving a dead weight toward the center of the gravitational anomalies a special suspension device (Fig. 13) has been built [1] and tested in the Oregon Vortex and other anomalies. At the Oregon Vortex  this device was put on a level area and placed in a west to east direction in-line with the center of the vortex. Table 1 shows the force, in pounds, to move the 25 lb weight 15’’ towards and away from the center of the anomaly. The results clearly show it takes as much as 20% more force to push the weight 15 inches towards the center then away.
Gravity exerts a secondary and smaller degree of force at a right angle (orthogonally) to the earth's "downward" gravity. In the Oregon Vortex these gravity variations were demonstrated and measured [3]. It was found, that the forces may cause dizziness in some people. It seems that vortexes are particularly dynamic with regard to these influences, and what people sense is the fluctuation of the gravity field. By very simple experiments performed inside the House of Mystery at the Oregon Vortex, where a brass plumb bob hangs on a string from a rafter, N.Nelson and I.Shnaper [2] by measuring the length of the string and timing the swings came to the conclusion that the value of gravity g was equal to 8.89 m/sec2 or about 10% smaller that normal value of g = 9.88 m/sec2.

6.6 Vortexes as potential sources of energy and communication devices

6.6.1 Induction Spots

During his two-year stint as a tour guide and researcher in the Oregon Vortex N.Nelson [3] discovered some things that had not been previously known; such as the Fibonacci shape of the vortex and its several energy nodes inside the Vortex’s lines of demarcation. 
One of the hand-made tools that he used for finding and mapping these lines is a simple ferrite/ceramic magnet glued to a string and used as a pendulum weight.  Variations of this technique will find different aspects of the energy lines that actually make up the vortex’s shape.  An unadorned hanging magnet will locate circular, concentric lines.  A magnet wrapped in a non ferrous metal such as brass will find straight lines.  When both types are allowed to adhere to one another they will identify the Fibonacci spiral lines.  Nodes are created in the flux field when two or all three of these lines intersect.  The process can be likened to a rock forming an obstruction in a stream, which in turn creates an eddy downstream of the rock.  The interior of  the vortex is dynamic, and in constant motion, but these energy spots are stable in terms of their placement within the vortex.          
In the Oregon Vortex there are at least two minor energy nodes that Nelson calls induction spots, points on the ground that cause the hanging magnet to circle at the end of its string.  He found such spots at Confusion Hill, at the Montana Vortex, and one other at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot.  When hung about belt-high over these spots the pendulum magnet circles, and when slowly lowered toward the ground it begins to speed up, the width of its circle at the end of the string becoming wider the closer to the ground it gets.
With the fingers just barely above ground level the magnet spins wildly at the limit of its string length ninety degrees to its hanging position.  N.Nelson has had others do this experiment and the result is always the same; at ground level the rate of rotation is extreme, and the arm holding the device vibrates violently.  At this point everyone yanks their arm and hand back in fear of the magnet breaking loose and hitting themselves or a witness.
Two of the people whom N.Nelson has shown this phenomenon to at different times were electrical engineers, and both made the same excited comment, “You know, you could make a motor out of this place!”
The possibility to make such a motor seems to be related with a device known as the Hammel spinner. David Hammel is a Canadian inventor who took a large ball bearing, placed a small ring magnet on it, and then held a larger magnet a few inches above it.  The bearing wearing the magnet “hat” stands upright in the greater field and instantly begins to spin.  It spins briskly giving hope that here is the magic door to the magnet motor, but it also spins right out from under the magnet that imparts the spin.  It one wants to keep the Spinner spinning he has to chase it all over the table, and each time the big magnet  gets back above the ball bearing it ducks out from under again.

Hammel Spinner

Many have tried to figure out why the Spinner spins, but even more importantly, why it will not stay under the big magnet?  Several mechanical solutions have been tried but to date none have succeeded.  Even the most likely of these doesn’t work:  It was speculated that if the spinner were at the bottom of a slightly dished out depression when it tried to climb out it would fall back into the field to be energized again and again, sort of an induced wobble.  All this did was cause the simple apparatus to tip over.
Being exposed to the induction spots gave N.Nelson an entirely different outlook on the Hammel Spinner.  He decided the answer does not lie in a mechanical solution, but in being able to manipulate the field rather than the physical apparatus.  To that end he recently solved the problem of how to keep the Spinner under the large magnet.  His elation was quickly tempered, though, because in solving one problem he ran into another one.  Even though the Spinner now stays under Nelson's version of the driver magnet it does not continue its spin.  It does start itself with a brisk spin, but almost as soon as it goes it imperceptivity begins to slow down, until after several seconds (about 17 seconds) it stops dead.
One thing about creating a new problem is that the second one may be easier to solve than the first.  N.Nelson envisioned how he might attack this new dilemma if he was in the vortex at an energy node induction spot, and the answer is that the induction spot should provide the enabling field to keep it going.  What is almost certainly happening is that the Spinner stops spinning after 17 seconds because it is using only the “energy” stored in the magnet, and he arrived at this conclusion because of the observation that once the spinner stops it will not immediately restart.   It must be left alone for ten or twenty seconds before it will run for 17 more.
N.Nelson regards this phenomenon as a form of singularity.  The magnets are storage devices for universal, (aether) energy, but like a  black hole without an outlet it can only exist for a short period of time.  A black hole is a special type of vortex, and, according to some scientists, at its center there must be an outlet, a drain that goes somewhere, because true singularities shouldn’t be able to exist, but if they do, then for only a brief moment otherwise they violate some pretty hard and fast rules.  The big bang comes to mind.
The answer to keeping the Spinner under the driver magnet is then to emulate the black hole, but one that has an in and an out.  The goal will be to turn the armature magnet(s) into the classical concept of the Bloch Wall where the flux comes in, say clockwise, then does a little loop-de-loop dance and exits counterclockwise.  We need to turn the singularity into polarity; spin polarity as opposed to magnetic polarity.

6.6. 2. A Possibility of Quantum Communication

The First electromagnetic/gravitational roadside anomaly, The Oregon Vortex, opened its doors to business in 1930, by a man named John Litster, a Scottish mining engineer and geologist.  He was responsible for many hundreds of experiments that were conducted from 1930 to his death in 1959, but most of what he did was devoted to figuring out what caused the spatial distortions inside the Vortex rather than to find uses for it.  Unfortunately, Litster’s limited work, with small exceptions, is almost the sum total of extended research by mainstream science.  For almost 75 years these places have been largely ignored by scientists, and probably because research money tends not to go “outside” that which is “known”.
N.Nelson [2,3] was privileged to prowl the grounds inside the Vortex for two short years.  He regards this an not nearly enough time, still it was enough time to get a good feel for the kinds of scientific scrutiny these places have long been needing.  Most of what he was able to recognize as viable research with the spin field of the Vortex was made possible by a long history of “playing” with magnets, and magnetic fields.  One of the things Nelson stumbled into is the Vortex’s ability to produce phenomena involving non locality.
Always in early morning during meteorological conditions of cold, high humidity, and bright Sunlight the lines of demarcation, or the Vortex’s separation lines from the outside world can be literally seen as filmy, shimmering curtains in the air.  On at least four such mornings as N.Nelson stepped into the “Curtain” he smelled the strong, unmistakable aroma of a seashore at low tide.  The Pacific Ocean is almost one hundred miles from the Oregon Vortex!  These startling experiences reminded him of some magnet experiments he’d done a few years earlier.
N.Nelson had been on a long quest for the answer of how to squeeze free energy out of permanent magnets, when he came upon the discovery that magnets exhibit what he calls “Spin Domains”, or pizza-like slices of the magnet material where magnetic flux displays measurable movements not evident in the other “slices”.  Shortly after coming up with the Spin Domain concept N.Nelson delivered a paper in Salt Lake City titled, The Motor in the Magnet, to the Symposium of New Energy sponsored by Hal Fox, Patrick Bailey, and the Institute for New Energy [50].
Since then Nelson has learned that magnets, or more specifically. magnetic fields can be paired, or twined so that whatever happens to one of their fields regarding its Spin Domains simultaneously happens to the other’s field.  It became apparent that once the field orientations of two magnets become twined it is possible to alter one’s magnetic spin field to cause the other’s field to be altered in exactly the same fashion.  This phenomenon occurs regardless of the distance between magnets!  One of N.Nelson's experiments involved changing the field configuration of a paired magnet at 35 miles.
Other work Nelson has done with the Spin Domains has lead to finding what he terms, the Sweet Spot on a magnet.  This borrowed term from a baseball bat, or a precise point on the head of a golf club refers to the lines of demarcation between domains, or as the folks at CalTech are now calling them, Magnetic Domain Walls [51]. 
In N.Nelson's lexicon the magnetic Sweet Spot describes a single point on the pole perimeter of a magnet where the flux transfers to the opposite pole via what is known as the Bloch Wall, whereby a clockwise motion will do a little dance of electrons and come out the other side as counterclockwise motion.   Nelson feels certain that these spots are the key to free energy, but more to the point of this discussion, they are also keys to a true non local, quantum means of communication.  An electric impulse on the sweet spot of one paired magnet will register at the same point on its twin, altering its field to match the first one’s field change.  This field change can easily be detected at the receiving end, which should allow that one signal to be quickly multiplied by more changes, and then folded into a comprehensive message as interpreted by a small dedicated computer.  The first simple device, however, will be an on/off, Morse Code, dot/dash, type of an apparatus.  Later the one/zero digital aspect it represents ought to allow audio, and then with greater sophistication, even video. These messages will travel back and forth between devices in the manner of what’s known as a walky talkie, and do so regardless of how far apart the devices are.
Once properly engineered the device shouldn’t be much larger than an average cell phone.  The “walky talkies” may be  paired only by twos, or many can be linked to a central “mother” field to facilitate large networks.  It should be possible for someone in San Francisco to speak with a friend in Moscow using no more power than that provided by a couple of AA batteries.  The devices will not need land lines, satellites, or cell towers.  If one person was on Mars and the other on Earth they could talk REAL TIME still using the same pair of batteries.  Might it be possible to converse real time star system to star system?  If the Universe is holographic in nature, and the carrier wave of one device is the same as the other’s, therefore truly quantum, why not galaxy to galaxy?
Those who operate SETI systems may be wasting their time looking for radio waves.  If the Universe is populated with sentient beings other than us, and they are traveling vast distances between stars, they have to be using a communication medium that doesn’t require years to complete one side of a conversation.   Also, with devices like quantum walky talkies true privacy will be achieved, since the conversation will exist only within the mechanisms themselves, and not in the air or the distance separating the speakers.
If odors can travel from natural vortex to natural vortex across a hundred miles in far less than the blink of an eye, why not words?  And what else might pass through portals revealed by studying these lowly roadside attractions?  Machines carrying people instantaneously across vast distances, and perhaps time as well?  For those of us who live to ask questions, the Vortex contains a wealth of answers, and with detailed, long-term research surely those answers will provide new questions that will beg for new answers.

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