
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I’ve been arguing in some blogs on this site that 3-d printing is the latest meme being pushed by the financial and corporate elite, and that it may be working hand in hand with a scenario to retrench manufacturing into the North American continent. After all, the method of manufacture has the potential to greatly simplify manufacturing costs (as we shall discover in a moment), and it may also therefore function not only as a means of increasing production capacity but of dispersing it to some extent. I’ve further argued here, and in a couple of books, that this “retrenchment” scenario may also be due in part to the perception of the western elite that its post-Soviet collapse to rush into a unipolar “New World Order” has stalled for the moment, and that, while every means and method should be pursed to that end, for the moment, it’s necessary to beef up the home base of its power – North America – and that means its manufacturing base, and energy production base, have to be expanded. I’ve also argued that there may be other hidden pressures driving this retrenchment besides the geopolitical ones. We can call these “cosmopolitical” pressures.
In support of this scenario, consider only that the USA, due to the recent relaxations of regulations on fracking and other technologies, and the rapid development of the oil resources of western North Dakota, eastern Montana, extreme northwestern South Dakota, and the Midland-Odessa, Texas region, the USA is now on energy net zero: it produces as much energy at home as it imports from the Middle East, and this trend will only increase, and North American dependency on foreign imports will decline.
In short, what we are witnessing is nothing short of a major strategic realignment: as the Vatican pivots East and south, North America and the USA retrenches, and pivots to the Pacific.
On the manufacturing side of this equation, we have the 3-D printing meme. I have also pointed out on this website that NASA has begun experiments testing the viability of the manufacturing method to produce rocket engines, and indeed, has already done so. But now there is a significant indicator that the method is going to take another leap forward, and will soon affect production methods in the crucial, and strategically vital, airplane production industry:
GE Turns to 3D Printers for Plane Parts
Notice the significant thing that is being done here:
“General Electric (GE), on the hunt for ways to build more than 85,000 fuel nozzles for its new Leap jet engines, is making a big investment in 3D printing. Usually the nozzles are assembled from 20 different parts. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing can create the units in one metal piece, through a successive layering of materials. The process is more efficient and can be used to create designs that can’t be made using traditional techniques, GE says. The finished product is stronger and lighter than those made on the assembly line and can withstand the extreme temperatures (up to 2,400F) inside an engine. There’s just one problem: Today’s industrial 3D printers don’t have enough capacity to handle GE’s production needs, which require faster, higher-quality output at a lower cost.
“’With today’s technology, it would take too many machines,’ as many as 60 to 70, to efficiently make the nozzles, says Greg Morris, business development leader for additive manufacturing at GE Aviation. Morris joined the aerospace company last year, as part of GE’s acquisition of his 3D company, Morris Technologies. ‘We can start ramping up with the current generation of technology, but within two to three years we’re going to have to be onto the next generation to meet our cost targets,’ he says. So GE is waiting for development of new printers with three to four times the capacity.”
I’ve been arguing that 3D printing is possibly a technology coming from the black world, and that what exists in that world may greatly exceed the capacity of the printers publicly available. If the pattern of other technologies – image processing for example – holds true, then this is almost a certainty.  Which brings us to the second paragraph of this article, and what may really be going on, for it is possible that what is being done is to expand the capability that probably already covertly exists, in such a way that it is both commercially viable and also not disclosing of any techniques or technologies reserved to the black world.
And who better to do that than a major defense contractor than GE?
And it also means something else: expect this development to occur rather rapidly, perhaps within as little as five years and probably no longer than ten(if that!).  We get some measure that there is a covert agenda afoot here by a second statement in the article:
“As part of a $3.5 billion investment in its aerospace supply chain, GE says it will spend tens of millions of dollars to invest in new technology and, over the next five years, triple the size of its 70-person 3D-printing staff and expand its factory floor fourfold. (The 85,000 nozzles are for engine orders that will enter full production in late 2015.)”
That’s just GE folks. Now, toss in Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, British Aerospace, Dassault, Messerschmitt-Belkow-Blohm, and Mitsubishi, and you have a new arms-production-technology race on your hands, and my wager is, the covert funding behind GE, Lockheed, and so on, already vastly exceeds their European and Japanese competitors.


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