
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I Have Waited A Long Time To Tell This Story. But I Knew I Could Not Tell You The Truth About The Iraq War Till I Had Proof. Sit Down It Was Not WMD’S We Sought. We Did Get What We Wanted.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I would like you to think back to March of 2003. That was the day that the war in Iraq started. According to our President it was because Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction.  At the time the  TPTB said that he had tie’s to al cia da. Today we all know this is not true. I have a link where George Bush said the attack had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction.
Then why did we go to Iraq. Well it is tied to a news story that just came out.
Chances are you did not hear of this. As it was buried by the Corporate machine known as the main stream media. Aliens attack Ft Worth Armory and not a peep. The above video shows in vivid detail multiple U F O’s.  The U F O’s pounding the Fort Worth, Texas Military Reserve Armory for almost 3 hours with directed energy weapons that made no sound. So, you are probably saying what has one got to do with the other. Perhaps some of you have heard about  the space craft Vimana (UFO) Found In Cave In Afghanistan | jimmyprophet 8 soldiers disappeared while at an attempt to remove it. Gone, Kaput, History, never to be see again.
Its all about the same thing. What was the first thing U.S. Troops went to when they got to Bagdad?  The Museum. Why the Museum? We are talking about the cradle of civilization. And when you talk about civilization you must talk about the aliens that cloned us. Cloned us so we would be better gold miners.
The U.S. military removed from the museum ancient artifacts used by the aliens. Artifacts as I understand were weapons of war. Aliens did not want us to have them. They knew they would not be used in peace. The Aliens warned the government on numerous occasions to turn over what they had taken. The arrogance of the NWO decided that would not happen. As a result the Ft Worth Armory and anything inside is no more.
I knew this from people a week after the war was started. And if you recall much ado was made of the artifacts stolen from the museum. I had to wait 6 years to write this story as I know with no evidence I could not write it. As recently as 2 months ago an alien craft crashed in Thailand. It was collected by the Thai Air force, which is probably men with kites, you know where the ship went. Well you have to ask the TPTB as they bought it. They buy all downed craft and Obama get’s an alien update every day. I think that speaks volumes.  SO WE BLEW UP A BUILDING, STOLE THE GOLD IN THE BASEMENT, KILLED 3,000 TO GO GET A TOY FROM IRAQ. And a whole lot more went missing when the two buildings went down. I don’t watch TV if anyone saw the attack in FT Worth please make a note. 


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