
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Full Sandy Hook Police File to be released today 12/27/13 at 3PM. Thousands of Pages, many redacted - State Police Press Release.

The complete police report on Sandy Hook will be released today 12/27/13 at 3PM.  But don't expect a lot of information.  As they have redacted a lot of it according to the law.  Remember that the state had passed a law where they don't release information when children are murdered in detail.   
It will be interesting what they do have in the report.  It will be thousands of pages long. 
The comments on the article are mind boggling.  Everyone is clueless about the truth.  All who commented believe the government's story.

From article:
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — The planned release Friday of thousands of pages of police documents from the investigation into last year's school massacre in Newtown could shed additional light on the world of the 20-year-old gunman.
State police said their report totaling several thousand pages would be released at 3 p.m. The report "has been redacted according to law," and includes text, photos and 911 calls received by state police, they said Thursday.

What is interesting is a panel says the Newtown report falls short in information.  Seems there is actually very little information about Adam Lanza.

Here is the Connecticut State Police site and their press release:

The link in the above state police release is not working as of yet, but here it is.
 full report:

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