
Saturday, December 28, 2013


A few days ago I blogged about Russia’s space and defense chief, Dmitri Rogozin, wanting a Russian lunar base. Prior to that, you’ll recall, I blogged about a Japanese architectural firm’s plans to turn the Moon into a giant solar power base, beaming microwave energy back to Earth(see JAPAN WANTS MICROWAVE SELENOSOLAR POWER PLANTS ON THE MOON). Recall from that article that I offered the opinion that the real goal here was military, and to turn the Moon into a giant weapon:
 ”Readers of my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations will recall that I mentioned an unusual project cooked up – pun intended – in 1968 by the insane American military-industrial-intelligence-finance-apocalypse complex. The “project” called for a system of “microwave energy satellites” that would capture the Sun’s energy and beam it back to the Earth. There was just one teensy tiny problem. The microwaves thus beamed to Earth would have to be collected by antennas at sites that would each generate five gigawatts of electricity. Each of these stations would occupy 145 square kilometers of land, and would not allow anything – human or otherwise – to live there. The sites would be constantly cooked in a huge microwave.(See my Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, p. 244). That was the 1968 plan. Now the Japanese plan, you’ll note, is considerably bigger:
“Shimizu, a Japanese architectural and engineering firm, has a solution for the climate crisis: Simply build a band of solar panels 400 kilometers (249 miles) wide (pdf) running all the way around the Moon’s 11,000-kilometer (6,835 mile) equator and beam the carbon-free energy back to Earth in the form of microwaves, which are converted into electricity at ground stations.”
We know of the Japanese -Chinese rivalry over the islands in the Pacific, but perhaps there is a bigger story, one involving long-range plans involving the militarization of the Moon:
A Chinese ‘Death Star’ Moon Base?
The Chinese plan is much more explicit than the Japanese one:
“An English-language outlet of the The China Times Group, the Want China Times cites the Beijing Times, affiliated with the People’s Daily, the source of the original report.
“The shocking headline PLA dreams of turning moon into Death Star, says expert, cites that “experts in China” are trying to determine how the moon “Can be transformed into a deadly weapon. Like the Death Star in Star Wars, the moon could hypothetically be used as a military battle station and ballistic missiles could be launched against any military target on Earth.”
“The article continues that, ‘Various weapons testing sites could also be established on the moon,” citing that the Long March-3B rocket launch is merely the start of “a more ambitious program’ to this ‘Death Star’ end.
“Western media has been largely silent on these claims, in part perhaps because there is some question of the legality of using the moon for such purposes. There are thus more unanswered questions than answers at this time.”
The “Death Star” meme is being openly pushed by China, and they can hardly have missed the military implications of the Japanese proposal; forget about the rockets and such, folks. Why use rockets and h-bombs when microwaves are faster, cheaper, and much more efficient?
So look what we have: in the past few weeks, Japan, China, and Russia have all announced long range plans for the militarization of the Moon. The the question is, are we looking at competition, or something more subtle, a cooperation and the beginning of a campaign to accustom people on planet Earth to the idea that, when they look up at the full moon, they’re looking at something bristling with weapons, and that has perhaps been itself transformed, ala the Japanese proposal, into a giant weapon.
The real question is, Why? Such an expensive monstrosity would be far beyond the needs for any sort of dominance of the Earth, though it would certainly do that. But …well, the entire Moon? The cost alone, from a “global domination point of view”, would be far in excess of what would be needed to do so. Thus the sheer scale of what the Japanese and Chinese are talking about implies much bigger fish to fry(if you’ll pardon the pun).
So my high octane speculation of the day is this: We’re looking at the beginning of some sort of program of social engineering, perhaps even a “crash” one, of accustoming people to the idea of enormously deadly weapons in space, and on the Moon. Big weapons, for a big potential problem. Watch this space and Moon meme, because I think we’re going to be hearing a lot more about it.
See you…er… at the movies….

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