
Friday, November 8, 2013 website written down: "If you Like your Insurance - Keep it! Period"

Here is the website with the written information:

It appears, someone didn't get the memo at the Whitehouse government website about changing the story on individual insurance that Obama is now denying he said.   Obama is trying to say he always meant "If your insurance hasn't changed, you can keep it" from carte blanc keeping it if you like it since 2009.   So.. the written lies PROVE how the President has lied directly to the public's face over and over again.

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans

If You Like the Insurance You Have, Keep It: website "Keep your Insurance if you Like it - Period!"

Nothing in the proposal forces anyone to change the insurance they have. Period.

Obama denying "Keep it" remarks.

Besides Obama lying since Obamacare passed, he has the official Whitehouse government site lying about health insurance plans as people are getting them cancelled by the companies.

Obviously besides not trusting what comes out of a government official's mouth we can't trust what is written either.

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