
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

School for Spies: A Guide to the U.S. Spy Network

17: number of different agencies in the U.S. spy network
$75 billion: estimated amount of money funding those 17 agencies
They are (number of personnel and budgets are generally classified):
The CIA (formed 1947), Langley, Va. Number of employees: classified
The National Security Agency (NSA), 1952, Fort Meade, Md., no. of employees: classified
Defense Intelligence Agency, 1971, Washington D.C., more than 16,500 employees
The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Washington D.C., around 215 employees
The Air Force ISR — Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, 1947, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Employees: classified
FBI’s National Security Branch, 2005, Washington D.C. Formed after 9/11
Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1977, Fort Belvoir, Va.
The Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 1977, Washington, D.C.
Coast Guard Intelligence, 1915, Washington, D.C.
Office of Intelligence and Analysis, 2004, Washington D.C.
Drug Enforcement Administration, 1973, El Paso, Texas
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, reorganized in 2002, Washington D.C.
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, renamed in 2003 , Fort Belvoir, Va. (formerly the Defense Mapping Agency, 1972)
The National Reconnaissance Office, 1961, Washington D.C.
Office of Naval Intelligence, 1882, Washington D.C.
DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, 2002, Washington D.C.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), 2004, Washington, D.C.
Wait, there’s more:
1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies are working on intelligence, counter-terrorism, or homeland security in the U.S.
WOW: Just the NSA alone is contracting with more than 250 companies on intelligence work, including big names like Northrop Grumman and SAIC.
Need a job? So… you want to be a spy?
4 possible spy activities:
Surveillance – If you station a spy to another civilization’s city, he will establish a surveillance network in the city, besides giving you vision of the city territory within two tiles, and the ability to enter its city screen.
Technology theft – While in another civilization’s city, your spy will also engage in stealing their technology.
City-State manipulation – Stationing a spy in a City-State will set him to rig the local elections which occur regularly every 12 turns. If he’s successful, the new City-State government will be more friendly to your civilization, and less friendly to others,
Counter-intelligence – Stationing a spy in one of your own cities will have him doing counter-intelligence work. Whenever there is an enemy spy acting there, your spy will have a chance to discover and kill him.
How to be a good secret agent: Learn to read lips very well before hand.
Always stay calm and act natural.
If the shit hits the fan find a way out.
Keep your friends close , but keep your enemies closer.
Use the element of surprise.
Control your emotions.
Try not to tell anyone that you are a secret agent.
Buy formal occasion clothes.
Trust only your teammates.
This is not like James Bond.Real secret agents lose their lives daily
Remember to maintain S.A, or Situation awareness.
Your self awareness and ego MUST be under control.
You must be aware of relevant laws and not do anything illegal, or you may be in big trouble with the police.
Tools of the trade:
Small bag
Sticky tape
Communication device (phone)
Water bottle
Experience in martial arts of defense
Movin’ On Up
You start as a recruit
Special Agent
First 2 Rules an Applicant (for the National Clandestine Service of the CIA)?
Don’t tell anyone you are applying for a job.
Refrain from telling anyone you are even thinking of applying.
Employment with the NCS offers several career paths
Core Collectors/Operations Officers usually work overseas recruiting and handling foreign sources of human intelligence.
Core Collectors/Collection Management Officers also spend the majority of their careers working abroad. They manage the collection of human intelligence and evaluate and disseminate it to the US foreign policy community and intelligence community analysts.
Staff Operations Officers are the liaisons between NCS stateside headquarters and overseas field officers. They spend most of their time in Washington, DC, but may have temporary overseas assignments. They are experts in either a specific region or a transnational target, for example terrorism or crime.
Specialized Skills Officers work either at DC headquarters or overseas. They utilize their experience in the military or their language, technical or media skills to conduct or support CIaA operations. Job titles that fall under this category include targeting officer, language officer, paramilitary officer, programs and plans officer and information resource officer.
Job Qualifications
Core collectors enter through either the Professional Trainee Program or the Clandestine Service Program,
To go directly into the Clandestine Service Program, the candidate must have several years of work or military experience.
Those who do not will enter through the Professional Trainee Program before moving into the Clandestine Service Program.
Headquarters employees, such as staff operations officers and specialized skills officers, participate in the Headquarters Based Trainee Program.
All job applicants should have a bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of at least 3.0.
Proficiency in a foreign language is required for those who are training to become core collectors.
Have a demonstrated interest in international affairs.
College Courses to take
International business,
International relations
physical science or nuclear, biological or chemical engineering
Necessary Personality Qualities
Spying is stressful. Can you cope with it?
Good judgment,
ability to multitask and manage time well,
strong written and oral communication skills and
Problem-solving ability. A willingness to continuously learn is also important. Since assignments often require one to be part of a team, the ability to work with others is imperative.
Pros and Cons of being a spy
Pro: intrigue
Pro: Instrumental in fighting terror
Con: Keeps identity hidden from others
Con: Might have to kill innocents, betray people, lie
Con: No public recognition for a job well done
The friendly Spy Club:
The exclusive “No Spy” Club: 5 English-speaking countries who share virtually all intelligence — and pledge not to practice their craft on one another (We think):
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Hall of Infamy (and where they went to school): They spied, until caught
Cambridge University: Anthony Blunt, recruited the infamous Cambridge 3 Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and Kim Philby
George Washington University: Aldrich Ames
Johns Hopkins U., Harvard Law: Alger Hiss
Harvard: Theodore Alvin Hall
City College of New York: Julius Rosenberg
Columbia University: Whitaker Chambers.
Northwestern: Robert Hanssen
Good guy spies (fictional), and where they went to school:
James Bond went to the University of Geneva
Jason Bourne (real name David Webb) was a teacher in New Hampshire
Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible): University of Pennsylvania
Jack Ryan: Boston College
CIA Clandestine Service

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