
Monday, November 25, 2013

Sandy Hook Police Report to be released Monday November 25th 2013. One Year anniversary coming up, Be ready for Obama, media and gun grabbers to spew propaganda.

After almost one year the police report about the Sandy Hook shooting  drill will finally be released on Monday November 25th 2013. 

The 9/11 calls are still being held back as the police and state government have not wanted those released.   A judge has been listening to the calls to determine and rule on if they are released are not.  This is due to a suit that was brought by some media outlets.

The Newtown Bee is against them being released.  

I know when we come up to the one year anniversary, Obama and all the gun grabbers will be out in full force trying to get gun control through once more.

I have no doubt they will replay many instances and demonize the NRA and those who stand for our 2nd amendment.   There will be complete propaganda on the news channels and we are going to hear about Sandy Hook over and over again.

The Courant has an article about the police scanner reports of that day.  Where much of it does not make sense.

The video below shows that Nancy Lanza may never have existed as such.  In fact watch the video and you will see an Anne Haddad who appears to look exactly as Nancy Lanza.  He searched and found different names used.  From his information I found that Anne Haddad, besides all the other aliases she has goes by uses an Anne Jiorno and that a Peter Haddad also goes by a Norman Peter Haddad and other names.     It is one of those games that those at the top like to play.  Put the person right in front of you that they say are dead and show them as another.  It is one of their evil twisted ways of thinking no karma will come to them if they tell you people are dead but show you they aren't.

Annie (Anne) Haddad was Playing Nancy Lanza? Looks Like It.

I have now come to believe not a single person was murdered that day.  Because none of it could have happened the way they said it did.  A 120 pound kid could not have carried all the ammunition and guns in that they said.

People have gone to Newtown to investigate the shooting and what is most interesting is no one in Newtown will discuss it.  It seems that the FBI and government authorities have intimidated people into not talking.

Of course they completely tore down the school because they had to get rid of the fact there was no evidence of a mass shooting.

Be ready for the inundation of Sandy Hook in the media.   Get ready for all the propaganda to come forth from Obama, media and all the gun grabbers.

Sandy Hook is about to be in the spot light once more for evil purposes.

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