
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Parents Beware: Pedophiles Avoiding Criminal Charges With Legal Loophole

By Sergey Baranov | November 16, 2013 |

Pedophiles avoiding criminal charges due to medicalization of sexual deviance

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
I was ridiculed by some when I shared my thoughts about the sinister yet obvious attempt to legalize pedophilia just a few months back.
Now, in the light of new evidence, those who ridiculed me would probably change their mind if they still had some of it left.
A recent article by Dave Bohon in ‘’New American’’ [1] makes it clear that legalizing pedophilia is a continued effort which, thanks to certain conservative groups such as Liberty Counsel and the American Family Association are coming to light.
It would take me days to elaborate on this subject and comment on every point in this article alone.  Instead I will only say that it is my feeling that any person with morals intact would reach a similar conclusion about the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) ‘’scientific study’’ after reading the article by Dave Bohon.
To me personally, reading the headline alone was enough. But that is probably was because I wrote on the subject myself and looked at it deeper. For people unfamiliar with this issue, reaching my conclusion might take a little longer.  In any event, I’m quite confident that any decent person would agree that what is going on is an attempt to legitimize pedophilia and lower the age of consent.
It was one of my earlier articles in which I expressed my thoughts on this subject after the shocking news broke from Britain where an English barrister tried to lower the age of consent to 13 in order to ‘’protect old men from prosecution’’ in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal. [2]
‘’As well as calling for the age of consent to be lowered to 13, Ms Hewson also sparked anger saying guaranteed anonymity to sexual abuse complainants should be removed, and the statute of limitations reformed to prevent historic allegations being prosecuted.’’ Even though Stuart Hall has pleaded guilty to abusing children as young as nine years old, the English barrister argued that “the low-level misdemeanours with which Stuart Hall was charged are nothing like serious crimes’’. ‘’Lawyer Barbara Hewson’s shocking comments have been condemned by children’s charities after she dismissed child sex abuse crimes as mere “low level misdemeanours” which would not normally be prosecuted.’’
I remember how my blood started to boil when I read it first. But as it becomes more apparent, this attempt was not an isolated incident. From the article by Dave Bohon, one can see that multiple efforts to legitimize pedophilia are at work. The exposure of the American Psychiatric Association designation of pedophilia as ‘’sexual orientation’’ have forced the APA to make a statement referring to it as an ‘’error’’, which apparently wasn’t caught by any professional during the 10 years study!
Matt Staver of the pro-family Liberty Counsel has rightly pointed out: “if reclassifying pedophilia was merely an ‘error,’ it would have been caught in the ‘decade’s journey.’ Whether it is classified a ‘sexual orientation’ or a ‘sexual interest,’ any effort to legitimize pedophilia will provide pederasts with all the arguments they need to remove age of consent laws, and children will suffer.[3]
To me personally pedophilia it is the most disgusting subject to talk about and yet not talking about would be aiding the criminals. I see pedophilia as among the most vice and deviant criminal acts which should be punished with court ordered surgical action of removing the testes and life in prison. Instead, we see this crime on the rise thanks to all kinds of depraved individuals whose place is behind bars.
Any attempts to medicalize pedophilia – turning a criminal issue into a medical issue – is just an attempt to dismiss child sex abuse crimes as “low level misdemeanours”, thus providing a legal protection from criminal charges to criminals when they get caught. Obviously they would enjoy more to be designated mentally ill and prescribed psychiatric treatments, instead of doing time on pedophilia charges in the county jail or in state prison.


[1] Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification - The New American
[2] Age of consent should be lowered to 13 to stop persecution of old men, says top barrister - Express

[3] Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification – Infowars

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