
Monday, November 4, 2013

Obscure Scotus Case Pending: Obama Could Take Out US Constitution In One Fell Swoop (Scary)

Friday, November 1, 2013

 You can’t make this stuff up, a federal case making its way through the Supreme Court is anything but a work of fiction. In fact, many people including Ted Cruz, are saying this case is actually the federal government’s attempt to circumvent the United States Constitution in favor of U.N. Treaties and International Law.
There is a reason why the United States flag is always to be place above any other flag that hangs with it. Sovereignty. Our sovereign powers must always take precedence over any UN treaty, world court or European desires about what we do here in our country. 
Attorney General Eric Holder, currently has Justice Department attorneys advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the feds to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies that conflict with the U.S. Constitution.
The case, Bond v. United States, involves a woman charged with violating the international ban on chemical weapons because she used toxic chemicals to harass a former friend who had an affair with her husband. While this may seem like an odd case to get involved in, especially at a federal level, its outcome has far-reaching repercussions.
Under the Constitution, most cases like this would be handled at a state or local level; but by inserting themselves into this case, and prosecuting the woman under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation, the Federal Government is attempting to by-pass the Constitution in favor of international law.
What this women is accused of doing is no doubt a crime; but for the federal government to step in and charge her based on an international treaty, is not only unconstitutional, but it has far-reaching consequences that some say could affect every single person in this country.
Before giving a speech on the issue, Senator Ted Cruz earlier today told the Washington Examiner, “The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers.” … “The Supreme Court should not interpret the treaty power in a manner that undermines this bedrock protection of individual liberty.”
In his speech, Cruz went on to warn that what the Federal Government is doing is not only “absurd” but it “could be used as a backdoor way to undermine” Second Amendment rights, and other areas of the Constitution.
Why Would the Justice Department take such a seemingly arbitrary case?
In my opinion, this case is anything but arbitrary. If the Justice Department wins this case, U.N. Treaties and international laws could be used to abolish pretty much any part of the Constitution. The very fact that they are arguing for the right to use these international treaties as a way to sidestep the U.S. Constitution, in my opinion, tells you exactly why they took the case to begin with.
I mean come on, it’s not like this woman is exactly a terrorist mastermind. She put a chemical in the muffler of a car that was owned by a woman who had an affair with her husband. Stupid yes; but did the federal government really have to charge her with violating an international treaty? Or is this an attempt to make these international treaties the law of the land?

Should the DOJ win, they will have landed another major blow against the Constitution, and against State Rights. And with that win, these treaties could be used to argue against everything from your second amendment right to own a firearm, to your right to own property in this country.

Sen. Cruz Urges Supreme Court to Uphold U.S. Sovereignty in Bond v. U.S.

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