
Monday, November 4, 2013


Had U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and I ever met, we probably would not have agreed about very much politically, and probably would have had some rather impassioned conversation. I suspect, however, that there would have been one thing on which we were both profoundly in agreement, and that was over the dire implications of the direction of US foreign policy and “unilateral interventionism,” – the “Bush doctrine” as some called it – in the wake of 9/11. I suspect, too, that Senator Wellstone, like me, might have entertained profound misgivings about aspects of the “official story” of 9/11, a story used as a rationalization and justification for the disastrous course of foreign policy the nation was embarked upon. Senator Wellstone was one of the few in Congress, in either house, and on either side of the aisle, with the courage and conviction to challenge these assumptions, and to vote against the Congressional authorizations for the “new direction” that the Bush II administration was seeking.
On Oct 25, 2002, during the course of his re-election campaign, Senator Wellstone,  members of his staff, and his pilots, crashed around 10:25 AM, near a town in rural northeastern Minnesota. Their aircraft was a Beechcraft King air 100, a twin engine turboprop airplane. According to the official story, Wellstone’s Beechcraft was simply the unfortunate victim of “freezing rain and snow” and icing problems. The problem with this semi-official explanation, is that other pilots in the vicinity on that day, flying similar aircraft, reported no such problems. There are some indications that the plane went into a stall, an unlikely explanation given the experience of the two pilots on board that day.(See Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?)
Note in the above article that the implication is that the pilots were on normal approach, and then, suddenly, inexplicably, the plan nosedives into the ground.
This has led other researchers – most notably Minnesota’s Dr. Jim Fetzer, to some unusual speculations, which I reproduce below, since they are self-explanatory:
The Duluth News Tribune featured a column by Jim Fetzer, a University of Minnesota-Duluth philosophy professor and author, in November 2003. Fetzer wrote that an FBI “recovery team” headed out to investigate the Wellstone plane crash BEFORE the plane went down. “I calculate that this team would have had to have left the Twin Cities at about the same time the Wellstone plane was taking off,” Fetzer wrote.
That apparent prior knowledge was similar to Dallas police putting out an all-points bulletin for accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald at 12:43 p.m. in 1963 for shooting a police officer. The problem was the officer was not shot until 23 minutes later.
Fetzer also noted that Wellstone’s plane was “exceptional, the pilots well-qualified, and the weather posed no significant problems.” He wrote that “we have to consider other, less palatable, alternatives, such as small bombs, gas canisters or electromagnetic pulse, radio frequency or High Energy Radio Frequency weapons designed to overwhelm electrical circuitry with an intense electromagnetic field. An abrupt cessation of communication between the plane and the tower took place at about 10:18 a.m., the same time an odd cell phone phenomenon occurred with a driver in the immediate vicinity. This suggests to me the most likely explanation is that one of our new electromagnetic weapons was employed.” (Emphasis added)

More people than Fetzer and I believe that Wellstone’s plane could have been hit with an electromagnetic pulse [EMP] device that caused the aircraft to suddenly turn off course.
Electromagnetic pulses from military craft may have been responsible for several civilian airline disasters in the late 1990s, according to an article in The London Observer. In particular, Swissair 111 in 1998 and TWA 800 in 1996 both took the same route over Long Island, experienced trouble in the same region, suffered catastrophic electrical malfunctions, and were flying at a time when military exercises involving submarines and U.S. Navy P3 fighter planes were being conducted.
Experts have even testified before Congress about concerns that terrorists may use EMPs, which they said were capable of short-circuiting computers, satellites, radios, radar, and traffic lights. An EMP shockwave can be produced by a device small enough to fit in a briefcase, they said. Stanley Jakubiak, senior civilian official for nuclear command, control, communications, and EMP policy for the Defense Department, admitted in 1999 Congressional testimony that the feds have studied EMPs for years.

Fetzer also reports on other instances and reports, including nuclear tests by Soviets and Americans in the 1960s resulting in gigantic releases of electromagnetic energy. There is also this 1998 U.S. Department of Justice document describing these devices: .
First developed in the 19th century, EMPs now are relatively easy to obtain. Anyone can acquire an EMP generator through the Internet, such as at  (Quotations from Was Wellstone Assassinated by EMF?)
Like these researchers, I tend to believe the electromagnetic pulse idea as a possibility, since under other modalities and at far higher energies, the same phenomenon might account for the sudden mid-air “disintegration” of aircraft such as occurred with the fatal crash of Gary Caradori’s aircraft, and it would lead few signatures that crash investigators – trained to look for residues of chemical explosives and so on – would normally consider.
There is, of course, absolutely nothing to connect the murder of Senator Wellstone to the murder of President John F Kennedy other than the vague pattern of inconvenience to the corrupt deep state oligarchs that run the country.
Nothing direct at all.
Except of course the son and namesake of the man who couldn’t remember where he was on November 22, 1963(and who subsequently became president himself after a stint at the CIA and as ambassador to Red China), was now in the White House, and wanted to expand the domestic surveillance apparatus of the USA in a new Reichsicherheithauptamt called “Homeland Security”, and Senator Wellstone was implacably opposed to any expansion of the national security state in the name of 9/11.  Like President Eisenhower, who warned of the corrupting and all-pervasive corrosive dangers of the military-industrial complex, and like President Kennedy who wanted to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces, Wellstone perceived the dangers.
Senator Wellstone was correct, and there is no doubt in my mind that for that, he paid the ultimate price.


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