
Friday, November 8, 2013

Jets, Tanks, Planes, Bombs and Occupying Soldiers: The Wall Street Pentagon War Machine

Corporate military armaments factory genocide of weapons contracts stimulated through backroom business deals with big businessmen sell wars to anesthetize the population to military slaughter of the target race and produce and consume on command without thought of the victims whose lives are terminated through aggressive bombing, Special Operations counterinsurgency and tomahawk missile massacre for resources control.
Arms merchants sell reams of ammunition to the Pentagon corporate state war masters who in turn tax the thoroughly inculcated population to pay for the mass death facilitated through jets, tanks, planes, bullets, bombs and occupying soldiers.
The U.S. imperial NATO/CIA war slaughter machine backs coup attempts that the Pentagon facilitates with ships whenever the Wall Street elite fortune 500 cabal wants an unpopular leader deposed and this act of corporate imperial military hitman homicide smashes and destroys the aspirations of the poor, the workers and those whose wishes are for sovereignty of their lands while strengthening the morale of the rightest military factions supportive of a fascist dictator that will readily accept military aid and anticommunist purges against popular democracy. Likewise, when the people and the guerillas rise up against CIA-funded police state constabulary elite landowner capitalist death squad regimes these armaments slaughter machine ships instantly appear to reinforce the CIA sponsored right-wing military dictatorship with missiles and murderous jet-take-off bombing massacre runs.
Homicidal agent-orange herbicide extermination methods implemented by the U.S.A. as a continuation of the French imperial genocide initiated against the Vietnamese exemplifies the armaments corporate military war factory interests in destroying the social destiny of thousands upon thousands of indigenous poor people.
U.S. armaments factory war massacre machines of death still drop bombs via robot and piloted flight over areas of the world designated for control under U.S. geopolitical war crime command structures and like the Indochina slaughter of yesteryear, believe that Yemen is an area where innocent civilian life is of no consequence to their profit margins.
Warships of imperial armament factory homicide ruthlessly lob missiles from the Gulf of Aden into areas where civilians reside, making life miserable for those whose existence is growing more and more burdensome each day while the few sitting in the Pentagon War master Wall Street armaments complex board and meeting rooms become increasingly wealthier and more powerful over the domestic U.S. population and the world with their NSA spy grid.
Body parts of those hit with missiles from robotic assassination machines hovering above are grotesquely strewn about the ground as bystanders shriek in terror at the sight of their exploded countrymen.
U.S. counterinsurgency helicopters whether piloted by U.S. personnel or murderously trained puppet proxies target and hunt down innocent civilians on a routine basis from Indochina, to El Salvador, Guatemala., Iraq, to Afghanistan and Somalia.
The death factory includes those thrown out of helicopters for the Vietnamese whose lives were stolen and maimed by the assassination program, Operation Phoenix.
This is armaments factory corporate military genocide. The NATO capitalist imperialist armaments factory corporate war machine interests of death control the combatant command structure of the planet to divide up control of resources within the world. The U.S. corporate imperial NATO war masters claim the right to incinerate Iran with a nuclear first-strike when Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapon.
These war machine criminals use their proxies whether U.S. military, CIA or private mercenaries to control Middle East Oil and Caspian Basin oil while maintaining highly profitable military bases constructed via Kellogg Brown and Root and Halliburton. Tortured prisoners cleared for release remain near death in slow and painful unnecessary punishment all to maintain the profits of the rich and wealthy. Lithium is extracted for computers and I-Pads from Afghanistan and Coltan from Uganda and Rawanda for the benefit of the I-Phone industry while merciless corporate backed militias slaughter African peasants for greed.
Murderous aggression drone bombing is the reality of NATO’s murderous air assault and surveillance assassination onslaught of 397 sorties and 145 massacre drone hits, coupled with jihad proxy mercenary slaughter against civilians that secured Libya as one more nation in the hands of the bloody Pentagon-NATO-CIA armaments merchant oil-mafia-machine.
Joint American/Peruvian counterinsurgency campaigns napalm, burn down villages and slaughter rebels whose existence is to serve the Spaniard-European class of landowning slave masters and whose aspirations to make social gains are diminished with every ounce of U.S. military aid supplied to their nation. CIA-green beret-cross pollination to finance mess halls, barracks, classrooms, parachute towers, and helicopters to stimulate the U.S. corporate military war factory and private contracting base-building economy of murderous capitalist interests ensured that populist guerillas who desired to see their children not eat garbage for a meal remained subordinate to the Latin American and U.S. military homicidal officer class.
The war criminal system breeds corporate-military-imperial war homicidal structures of secret police informant cadre death to protect the land owning elite goon squad plantation classes, the multinationals and U.S. Pentagon war machine armaments interests. The imperial command structure of the armaments massacre machine concentrates inordinate power into the Executive to slaughter civilians using robotic CIA-Pentagon murderous death machines.
The NATO homicidal armaments massacre machine of flying robotized death targets people with missiles who are horrified and fleeing their slaughterers sitting in termination centers to assert corporate war factory military elite control over centers the U.S. empire designates its resource control area.
The real reason the homicidal arms merchants of U.S. empire and the psychotic imperial government is killing is because the U.S. Pentagon war machine equipped with Special Forces in 120 nations asserts world control through a command structure and the operations against civilians is to maintain hegemony as part of U.S, NATO war machine aims against terrified populations.
CIA partners with Pentagon war machine in assassination, the purpose of which is to reinforce U.S. hegemonic control through the imperial NATO war machine commands that designate areas of the globe for U.S. occupation and resource control. War crimes, informant spying networks to figure out who should be assassinated next and brutal atrocities against non-combatant civilians are what flow out of this structural U.S. Pentagon militarized full spectrum control of the planet.
It’s a corporate warfare military imperial slaughter machine.
Iraqi sanctions took the lives of a half million innocent Iraqis whose infrastructure, electrical grids and water sanitation facilities were obscenely targeted for corporate war military assault in the same fashion that NATO destroyed Libya’s infrastructure and the Iraqi people now live without a functioning system of water and electricity.
William C. Lewis is a journalist, researcher and book collector from Yreka California. He blogs at

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