
Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting Fired 101, The Ohio Teacher's Edition: Go Full Racist On Facebook

from the how-does-this-guy-qualify-to-educate-children? dept

This is the week of All Hallows' Eve, when the near-entirety of a mostly staunchly monotheistic religious nation encourage their children to partake in a pagan ritual, because American hypocrisy is as endless as the ether to which it disbands. And, if you're David Spondike, it's all fun and games until some brown-skinned person urinates on a telephone pole. Then it's time for a fun little Confederate rant on Facebook.
I don't mind if you come to my neighborhood from the ghetto to trick-or-treat. But when you whip out your teeny dicks and piss on the telephone pole in front of my yard and a bunch of preschoolers and toddlers, you can take your nigger-ass back where it came from. I don't have anything against anyone of any color, but niggers, stay out!
Don't read that last line more than three times out loud, or your brain might just implode for uttering anything so stupidly self-contradictory. As I mentioned, Spondike is a high school teacher in Akron, where the majority of the student body is African American. In other words, he extra can't get away with saying something so racist and stupid.

Wait, did I say racist? Sorry, here's Spondike with a follow up to tell me why it wasn't a racist thing to say.
"Racism" implies prejudging, which is clearly not what happened here. Making any excuse for allowing one race to use a word and condemning another race for using the same word is institutionalized racism in and of itself, regardless of the justification used.
Yup, he's one of "those guys" who thinks simply using a racially charged term against a minority in anger isn't racist so long as you just say it isn't. Also, apparently there's this idea floating around some of my fellow white folks' brains that if it isn't okay for us to use racist terms then obviously it shouldn't be okay for the target of those words to use them either. A bit of advice: stop thinking that, because it's stupid. You can argue that if you want, but you apparently don't understand the history of word-adoption as an empowerment structure. Oh, and advocating that would put you squarely on the side of Spondike, meaning this guy:
Spondike also has a track record when it comes to disciplinary action brought against him at the school. In 2000, he was reprimanded for throwing a chair against a classroom wall, and using strong profanity against students. A year later, he was disciplined for spitting on the floor after a student in his class fell asleep. And in 2007, he was accused of physically abusing a middle school student, an allegation that was found to be unsubstantiated after investigation by the district and Akron police.
Here's to hoping he never works in a school system again.

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