
Friday, November 1, 2013

Feinstein Introduces Trojan Horse … But Tech Giants Throw Weight Behind Legislation Which Would ACTUALLY Rein In NSA Spying

Silicon Valley Titans See Which Way the Wind is Blowing …

The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee – NSA shill Diane Feinstein – introduced a Trojan Horse of a bill today which pretends it reins in the NSA, but would actually legalize bulk surveillance on Americans.
But the tech giants just threw their support behind a real reform bill.  Specifically, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and AOL put their support behind the USA Freedom Act … the bill introduced by Senator Leahy and Congressman Sensenbrenner to start reining in the NSA for real.
The tech giants aren’t supporting the bill out of the goodness of their hearts, but because cooperating with the NSA has cost them tens of billions of dollars. And see this.

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