
Thursday, November 28, 2013

New evidence that the doorman on duty outside John Lennon’s apartment on the night he was murdered was a CIA ‘hit man’…

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

By Jon King
A Marked Man
According to the official story, on December 8th 1980 John Lennon was mercilessly gunned down outside his famous Manhattan apartment block, the Dakota Building, by ‘deranged fan’ Mark David Chapman.
Lennon was returning home from a recording session with wife Yoko when Chapman pounced. He was 40 years old.
Nine years earlier, in December 1971, White Panther leader and counter-culture spokesman John Sinclair was languishing in a New York jail, having been busted for possessing marijuana and subsequently framed as a ‘dope ring’ drugs dealer.
Sinclair had served 2 years of his 10-year sentence when John Lennon agreed to headline a benefit concert in his name. Within three days of the concert, as a direct consequence of Lennon’s intervention, John Sinclair walked free, an event noted by then-FBI Director J Edgar Hoover, as well as other right-wing government spooks and agencies in America.
From that day on John Lennon was a marked man.

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Who Killed John Lennon
In his book Who Killed John Lennon? author Fenton Bresler presents evidence that the former Beatle’s death was not the work of a ‘lone nut’, but that Mark David Chapman was a CIA asset and that the CIA itself – or a faction within it – was behind the assassination.
Bresler cites Lennon’s political activism as a primary motive.
In support of his claim, Bresler quotes late radio host, Mae Brussell, who broke the Watergate scandal along with Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
“It was a conspiracy,“ Brussell affirmed. “Reagan had just won the election. They knew what kind of president he was going to be. There was only one man who could bring out a million people on demonstration in protest at his policies – and that was Lennon.”
Indeed, a year after Lennon’s death, CIA-backed forces famously massacred more than a thousand civilians in El Salvador, where America was busy fighting a particularly dirty war.
Lennon was opposed to that war, and word is the White House feared he may have spoilt the party had he remained alive and resumed his role as a political activist – which, according to those closest to him, he was planning to do.
Half a million and more marching down Main Street singing Give Peace A Chance is a very loud voice indeed…

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

A Grade ‘A’ Threat
No one can argue that the US government feared greatly Lennon’s ability to galvanize public opinion against the status quo. Indeed, it made him a Grade ‘A’ threat, as evidenced by FBI Director J Edgar Hoover’s decision to begin deportation proceedings against him in the wake of his successful campaign to free John Sinclair.
His subsequent and highly publicized involvement in other civil and political ‘flashpoint’ issues, not least his massively effective campaign to pressure the White House into bringing the Vietnam War to a premature close, costing the US arms industry billions in lost revenue, served only to cement his status as America’s number one ‘enemy of the state’.
But it wasn’t only Lennon’s political activism that caught the eye of the CIA. They knew him from several years before, when the irreverent Beatle dared to ‘blaspheme’ in the face of God-fearing America – an incident which led to the CIA-backed Ku Klux Klan burning Beatles records en masse. Threats on Lennon’s life were also received at this time.
“We’re more popular than Jesus now,“ the Beatle innocently remarked to British journalist, Maureen Cleave, in an interview for London’s Evening Standard.
The reply from Langley was immediate. “Oh yeah? Well you know what happened to Jesus, boy. Now pick up your cross and start walking!”
Indeed, for many the question is not so much: Did the CIA Murder John Lennon? But rather: How Come It Took Them So Long?

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Mind-Controlled Sleeper Agent
Back in the mid-1990s I was working on a story about ‘black-budget’ programs carried out by government agencies in deep-underground facilities in Britain and the United States.
My main source for this story was a deep-throat CIA runner whom I have always referred to as Stealth (see Cosmic Top Secret: The Unseen Agenda).
For the record, it was Stealth who informed me of an illegal nuclear reactor being run in an underground facility operated by the Royal Dutch Shell Group near Aldermaston in Berkshire, England.
It was also Stealth who informed me of a plot to assassinate a high-profile figure a week before the death of Princess Diana (see Princess Diana: The Evidence), information which ultimately led to me writing the book with my co-author, John Beveridge.
And more pertinent to the matter in hand, it was also Stealth who first told me about ‘mind-control sleeper agents’ – agents programmed to carry out covert operations in their ‘sleep’: a state of mind induced, not so much by ‘hypnosis’, but by a neural implant known as a stimoceiver – effectively a biochip transceiver implanted in the brain via which audio and visual ‘commands’ could be sent. And received.
According to Stealth, Mark David Chapman was a CIA ‘sleeper agent’ who had been mind-controlled to assassinate John Lennon.

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Catcher In The Rye
The official story, of course, is very different. But then it always is. Chapman was mentally ill, we were told, psychotic, a ‘deranged fan’ obsessed with killing his hero.
Having emptied his .38 calibre pistol into John Lennon’s back, he let the weapon fall to the ground, pulled out a copy of JD Salinger’s Catcher In The Rye and started to read it. Evidently Chapman had come to perceive his ‘idol’ as phony, and the ‘phony’, of course, is a major theme running through the book.
We should note at this point that Catcher In The Rye has long been associated with the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control program, and more specifically, with creating a ‘Manchurian Candidate’-style assassin via CIA-developed mind-control techniques.
Bobby Kennedy’s alleged assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, was the first to be associated with a ‘Manchurian Candidate’-style assassination, although so far as is known, he had never read Catcher In The Rye.
Not so with John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan in 1981, less than four months after Chapman killed Lennon.
A copy of the book was found in Hinckley’s apartment following his arrest.
Not that this is smoking gun, of course; Catcher In The Rye is a popular book, having sold in excess of 250 million copies.
Even so, the idea that a certain phrase from the book, or possibly the book’s ‘phony’ theme, may have been used as a trigger, is something Bresler suggests in Who Killed John Lennon?.
It’s a possibility that should not altogether be discounted.

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

The CIA Doorman
More recent evidence, suggesting Chapman may not have been Lennon’s murderer at all, or at least that didn’t act alone, should not be discounted either.

Jose Perdomo, doorman on duty at the Dakota Building on the night Lennon was shot, has recently emerged as a possible ‘prime suspect’.
It turns out Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile who worked for the CIA as long ago as 1961, and was actively involved in the CIA’s failed Bay of Pigs operation.
Using the pseudonym Joaquin Sanjenis, Perdomo worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar and known CIA agent, Frank Sturgis, who trained Cuban exiles in preparation for the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961, and was also cited in connection with the JFK assassination. Perdomo worked with Sturgis for more than ten years.
It also emerged that Perdomo conversed with Chapman outside the Dakota Building as the latter waited for Lennon to return home on the night of his murder.
According to police records their conversation centred on the Bay of Pigs operation and one other notorious CIA operation: the assassination of JFK.
Is it merely coincidence that such a hardcore CIA agent was on duty as John Lennon’s ‘doorman’ on the night he was assassinated?
No, I don’t think so, either.

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

A Mind-Controlled Patsy
Journalist Salvador Astucia takes the theory a step further: according to him, it was Perdomo, and not Chapman, who fired the fatal shots that killed John Lennon.
Astucia asserts that Chapman was little more than a mind-controlled stooge, a patsy who’s ‘induced model psychosis’ and ‘audio-hallucinations’ convinced him to take the rap.
“He walked past me and then I heard in my head, Do it, do it, do it,’ over and over again, saying ‘Do it, do it, do it,’” Chapman later confessed.
“I don’t remember aiming. I must have done, but I don’t remember drawing a bead or whatever you call it. And I just pulled the trigger steady five times.”
He added that he felt “no emotion” as he squeezed the trigger, “no anger, [just] dead silence in the brain,“ a fact seized upon by author Fenton Bresler, who describes Chapman as a programmed ‘victim‘ in his book, “as much the victim of those who wanted to kill John Lennon as Lennon himself”.
For the record, it was Perdomo who informed arresting police officer, Pat Cullen, that Chapman had fired the gun, and not himself.
Cullen later revealed that he didn’t believe Chapman was the killer, saying he “looked like a guy who worked in a bank“.
Even so, Chapman reportedly confessed to the killing.
“Do you know what you just did?” Perdomo asked him at the scene.
“I just shot John Lennon,” Chapman calmly replied, then promptly sat back down and started reading Catcher In The Rye.

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Voices In His Head
According to Chapman, he shot John Lennon in response to ‘voices in his head’ which told him to “Do it, do it, do it”.
This is a consistent theme in Chapman’s testimony; it was also ‘voices in his head’ which later convinced him to change his plea from ‘Not Guilty’ to ‘Guilty’, in consequence of which no trial was ever held.
Perdomo was never summoned to the witness stand. Allegations of CIA involvement were never investigated. The official story remains legally unchallenged to this day.
And all because Chapman changed his plea at the last minute.
So what could possibly have prompted Chapman to change his plea? Why would a murderer suddenly change his plea to ‘Guilty’ and thus give up any chance at all of walking free?
Well according to Chapman, the answer was simple: it was because a “small male voice“ in his head told him to change his plea, and of course he interpreted the voice to be the “voice of God”.
A more rational explanation, however, would probably be that the “small male voice“ was due to Chapman’s mental health, and it’s notable in this regard that he has never undergone any specialist mental health treatment since his incarceration, for schizophrenia or anything else.
As Salvador Astucia writes: “Chapman even now has never had more than routine psychiatric care since entering his guilty plea. He was not sent to a mental hospital, but to Attica State Prison. He was judged legally ‘rational’.”
Which leaves us one further, very real possibility.
Induced audio-hallucinations are a very well documented part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control programming, in particular in conjunction with a stimoceiver neural implant chip.
As crazy as this sounds, there is good evidence that the CIA has developed its mind-control capability to a very advanced level, that Chapman may well have undergone some form of advanced mind-control programming, and that, as a result, he may have shot John Lennon ‘under orders’.
According to Stealth, remember, Chapman was a CIA mind-control ‘sleeper agent’. According to Bresler, he was a long-term CIA asset via his connections to the CIA-connected organization World Vision and had almost certainly undergone some form of mental ‘programming’ during his time with the agency.
And according to Detective Arthur O’Connor, who interrogated Chapman on the night of the murder:
“It’s possible [Chapman] could have been used by somebody. I saw him the night of the murder. I studied him intensely. He looked as if he could have been programmed.”

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

A Similar Motive
Unlike Princess Diana’s death, of course, there’s no debate as to whether John Lennon was murdered. There’s equally no debate as to motive: quite simply, they were both too dangerous to remain alive.
That the British used a car crash, and the Americans a gun, says a lot about the two nations and their respective mentalities – they say Britain and America are separated by the same language, and I guess this goes some way to underlining that paradox.
But despite the different methods used to murder them, the deaths of John Lennon and Princess Diana in my opinion shared a similar, if not identical, motive – that their popularity simply could not be checked, and that they used that popularity to such unstoppable effect in swaying public opinion in favour of their causes, and against the status quo.
Imagine for one moment what might have happened had Princess Diana and John Lennon stood up and spoken out against the dirty oil wars behind the invasion of Iraq, the ongoing war in Afghanistan or the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel.
If Diana had lived to carry out her threat to expose British establishment arms-trade czars, or if John Lennon had lived to galvanize opposition to the war on terror.
Or if both had combined to whip up support for an independent inquiry into 911.
In this light, it is easy to understand why neither are still alive. And indeed, why the CIA and the American government are quietly relieved John Lennon is no longer around.

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