
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Revealed: Obama’s Shadow Army & Its Shocking Takeover Plan (Video)

Friday, October 25, 2013 18:48

By Susan Duclos

Videoographer Liberty News discusses the debacle the Obamacare website and rollout has been, and suggests the reason it has been so disasterous is to distract the public with a tactical diversion, from the very real attack on out liberty. Not only is Obamacare being used to divert attention but it is also being used to fund the same attack on our liberties.

LibertyNEWS TV - "Revealed: Obama's Immense Shadow Army & Its Shocking Takeover Plan"

While all eyes are on the supposed incompetence shown in the Obamacare roll out, what is being called the biggest website failure in history, no one is paying attention to anything else the Obama administration is doing.

Consider this: The Obama administration had three years to prepare, plan and implement this site and the failure after failure almost has to be deliberate….. no one is that incompetent.

Watch as Liberty News explains Obama’s endgame, his shadow army and his shocking takeover plan.

Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

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