
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dog Dies in Owner’s Arms After Police Shoot It

folks We KNOW who this scum is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We KNOW where "they" Live   ....our forefathers knew what to do !    How long America ?

Dog Dies in Owner’s Arms After Police Shoot It

Warner Todd Huston

Here we go again with yet another case of police killing a dog. This time it is in Boise, Idaho.

Gabrielle Stropkai is charging the Boise police with unnecessarily shooting and killing her family dog, Kita, a lab-pit bull mix.
Police arrived in Stropkai’s neighborhood investigating a case unrelated the the family and claim they “felt threatened” by the dog and immediately started slinging lead around the place.

The Stropkai family dog

But neighbors who witnessed the shooting say the dog didn’t seem at all threatening to them. Regardless, the dog-killing cops said the animal “charged” them and was snarling and barking.
Boise Deputy Chief Pete Ritter tried to claim that the fault was someone else’s in a public statement which said, “Officers never want to harm an animal. The dog came upon the officers quickly and they felt it was about to bite them. This is a very dog-friendly community. Many officers have dogs. We work with dogs. Dogs running loose are a safety risk, for people and for the dogs. This was a very unfortunate situation for everyone involved.”
This claim that “officers never want to harm an animal” is a bit hard to believe, though, when looking at the host of dog shootings police have perpetrated that we’ve reported on here at MrConservative. In fact, it seems as if cops are being trained to kill dogs the second they come across them, regardless of the situation these days.

The Stropkai family
(See also: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Off-Duty Deputy Cuffs And Bullies Marine Woman At Restaurant)
Police investigated themselves (yeah, riiight) and claimed that the incident was justified, but Mrs. Stropkai points out that her dog was shot in the back of the head and asks how that could be if the dog was charing AT police?
Now the Stropkai family have two newborn puppies to try and raise without their mother to help.
As noted this policy of cops instantly shooting any dog they come across is increasing.
Here are links to just a few of the many dog shootings we’ve covered lately…

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