
Friday, October 25, 2013

Covert spying on world leaders to get an edge is Obama’s dirty work on the international scene

Obama rewriting ‘Home of the Brave’ to ‘Home of the Turncoats’

By Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives)  Friday, October 25, 2013

President Barack Obama’s epic failure in fostering world hatred for the United States is apparent in Germany and Brazil turning to the United Nations to restrain American spies.
If Obama couldn’t turn the world against America by Tele-prompted speeches, then he could try to force upon it the unwanted reputation of ‘America, Home of the World’s Nastiest Back-Stabbing Spies’.
Obama spent much of a past frenzied five years traveling on the public dime to foster American hatred in foreign lands.  He failed,  primarily because millions the world over see America as it still is and has long been: a beacon of hope and last bastion of Western freedom.
Even as the world’s top malcontent, Obama should know by now that no matter how hate-filled yourself, you can’t get people to hate on presidential command.
It’s part of Natural Law that people will determine for themselves from personal experience what to hate or not.
Having miserably failed in his ‘All Hate America’ agenda, Obama has now taken America to the new low of U.N. established guidelines to prevent the U.S.—now widely portrayed as a country of collective spies—to prevent “cyberspace from being used as a weapon of war”.
Ironic that Obama’s uninterrupted hate spew would now be turned over to the U.N., a body more famous for what it doesn’t do rather than what it does do, but poetic justice indeed if the countries pressing the U.N. find relief for an American population being gnawed upon by NSA government-motivated rats.
“Brazil and Germany today joined forces to press for the adoption of a U.N. General Resolution that promotes the right of privacy on the internet, marking the first major international effort to restrain the NSA’s intrusions into the online communications of foreigners, according to diplomatic sources familiar with the push. (Daily Mail, Oct. 24, 2013).
On an even playing field, Obama would have long ago gone down in flames.  But Obama leads like a typical cut throat from behind and marches boldly forward on Marxist lies.
How can we be sure it is Obama behind the ongoing American spy scandal?
“The National Security Agency has monitored the phone conversations of at least 35 world leaders after being given their numbers by an official in another government department, according to a classified document leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden.  (Daily Mail, Oct. 24, 2013.  Italics CFP’s).
“The confidential memo reveals that senior officials in ‘customer’ departments such (as) the White House and the Pentagon were encouraged to share their Rolodexes’ of contact details with the NSA”.
In other words, Obama is making despicable turncoats of his own staffers in order to portray America as a nation of coverts waiting to stab the leaders of other countries in the back by spying on them,  and in fact putting them in danger of potential blackmail, hostage taking and even assassination.
What information gleaned by NSA by listening in on the telephone calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, seen by anti-EU agents as Enemy Numero Uno could fall into the wrong hands?
In its investigation, let’s hope the U.N. forges into suspicions that it was the Barack Obama campaign team that released information from the divorce papers of Jack Ryan in the 2004 senate race.
Covert spying on world leaders to get an edge is Obama’s dirty work on the international scene.
On home turf, “no telephone in America makes call without leaving record with NSA.” (Drudge Report, Oct. 25, 2013).  Ditto for emails of everyday people.
This from the same administration that can’t—or won’t—get Obama’s signature health care website up and running.
Meanwhile, it’s got to be the irony of modern times that the stealth spying ruining peoples’  lives is being conducted by a man who paid $2-million to keep his own past hidden away under lock and key.

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