
Sunday, October 27, 2013



NY Times: A Little People’s Army
Kindergarten children toting toy guns were led through a park on Friday in Dongyang, China.
This huge photo appeared top and center on the October 26 issue of The New York Times. Oddly, it was accompanied by only a caption, with no actual article. But the message which The Times wanted to convey is clear,  "Kindergarten children toting toy guns! Those evil Chinese warmongers! How horrible!"
Though we are quite certain that many a delicate New York libtard soiled his or her panties at the sight of "armed" kindergarteners, we here at The Anti New York Times saw it as one of the cutest darn photos of the year. Award winning stuff!
While Americans schoolkids are being suspended merely for shooting water pistols or pointing imaginary "finger guns" at their playmates, it is refreshing to see a society that actually encourages its "boys to be boys" (and even the little girls are packing toy heat!)
Ignore the hysteria of The Times. We have nothing to fear from peaceful, nationalist China. Its past Communist horror story no longer applies today. Though still authoritarian in its political structure, there is no denying that China has embraced a high level of free commerce, and is peaceful in its dealings with foreign nations.
If there is anything to fear, it is the ongoing sissification and homosexualization of America's boys. In the end, that is what will destroy us from within, not China!

Chinese kindergarteners pack plastic heat.  

 American kindergartener Jonah Stone - suspended for a plastic gun.

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