
Sunday, September 29, 2013


Posted by George Freund on September 28, 2013

In our quest for the ultimate holy grail, the truth, we stumble at times in the darkness. Occasionally, we bump into the truth. One certain truth is that mainstream media is a purveyor of outright falsehoods packaged as a theme known as propaganda. It is theatre of the mind based on the principles of Plato's Cave. You can escape the paradigm. It is easy. All you have to do is open your mind and ask WHAT IF? What if I've been told a lie? What are the possibilities? They are legion of course, but they can allow us to stumble in the right direction and find the grail. Join us in our quest.

In the Westgate Mall attack a global media darling emerged. His name was Ben Mulwa. He is a Kenyan politician. He was a very lucky man. He survived the attack by terrorists. He was shot in the leg. He stands on it quite well giving interviews immediately after and even after his release from hospital. He says a bullet grazed his head. He hasn't a mark on him. To me that is beyond belief. Fired guns make lots of dirt. Grenades even more with a good 50 meter blast radius of exploded shrapnel. He's laundromat clean. His clothes are intact. There is no sign of a bullet grazing his head. My biggest complaint is he bears no tell tale effects of hearing loss from the overpowering effects of gunfire and explosions. I say FAKE!

We have subsequently learned many things. First and foremost is Kenyan Senator Mike Sonko reported to the police and National Intelligence Service THREE MONTHS before the event that he had two informants aware of the terrorists and their safehouses in Parklands and Westlands. The informants were two women living in the house. The mall was one of four targets discussed. Minority Deputy Whip Janet Ong'era opined, “Instead of the intelligence officers keeping busy tapping our mobile phones, NIS should be employing that vigour towards arresting crime.” Yes the state was tapping the phones of the legislators in the surveillance grid not the terrorists.
In other news it was reported the British Army deployed 3,000 troops into Kenya in early March for 'training.' Israel also has a forward base presence in Kenya. It seems everyone was too busy to follow or arrest the terrorists. I have an adage. If you let it happen on purpose, you made it happen on purpose.
There was another person named Mulwa in the Westgate Mall that day. Her name was Mary Mulwa. She was taken away in an ambulance shaking from shock. Of interest is the fact there is a Mary Mulwa who has a daughter named Catherine. There is a Catherine Mulwa who wrote papers on role playing simulations one entitled 'The Human Computer Interaction issues associated with the creation of personalized role playing simulations'. HMMM?
ABSTRACT: The human computer interaction issues associated with the creation of personalized role playing simulations are discussed in this paper.

There are about 280 persons with the surname Mulwa. 215 are in Kenya. Two were in the mall shooting it is claimed. Mary Mulwa has a Google trail. That is the thing with cyberspace. It leaves a permanent trail.

This Mary Mulwa has people in her circle.

This chap struck me as the first pick to branch off from the circle. He leads us to the next.

This branch of the circle worked with a wilderness safari. There's been news as such in Africa. A former British soldier was murdered on one the royals stayed at. A guide was accused of murder recently at another. In her circle I found the next. She has the look of the Irish no doubt.

What are the Irish doing in Kenya you might ask? They are talent agents for Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. So if the world is a stage, and every actor plays his/her part; then many actors would be required to adorn the stage.

So the million dollar question is were there actors playing roles at the Westgate Mall shooting? The authorities knew about the plot for months. They took no action and allowed it to happen. Was it cover for a broader plot to assassinate key people? Another Kenyan David Mulwa is a renowned actor and writer. He had roles in a BBC TV series called Taking The Flak about journalists in an African civil war. Hopefully none of the works center on a terror attack at a mall or the 'conspiracy' word might be uttered. We ask questions that may never be answered, but we have to ask them because the media has a serious track record of deception. We make no claims save and except that Ben doesn't appear to be genuine in his assertions. We suspect he is a crisis actor. There are so many veils and masks to see through. The stage is so great, but the roles are so similar through the ages.
Categories: New World Order

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