
Monday, September 30, 2013




I know that recently the mainstream media has been focusing on the defunding of Obamacare and how it is being made to appear that there is an attack on the President and the whole issue of how this is a burden on everyone.
On the surface we only see a small part of what this is really about and that is the encroachment of the medical surveillance state and the frightening notion of health being a bargaining chip in the newly formed medical dictatorship.
The problem that truly affects us is the notion that when it comes to health we can all be placed in a “one size fits all” program that is controlled by heavy handed politicians and economists that want only the best care for themselves and care that is barely good enough for the American people.
The biggest offender in all of this is the drug industry and big pharmaceutical companies that pay millions of dollars in campaign interests and TV advertisements that are coordinated by the Whitehouse.
The investment according to a recent report totals an estimated $70 million dollars in funding for the Health care act advertising campaign and another $150 million dollars in TV placement and advertising.
This is estimated to generate at least $20 Billion in revenue. Sadly that revenue is generated to pimp what some call dangerous medicines and reduce competition for alternatives that may be safer and better for the patient.
This puts life expectancy at risk for all Americans for the sake of profit.
The Life Extension Foundation commissioned a study in 2001 regarding the efficiency of health care in the United States. What they found was shocking. While it has been agreed for some time now that the leading cause of death in America is heart disease, which was estimated to cause 700,000 deaths the newest number one killer was iatrogenocide meaning deaths caused by the “health care” industry.
The study concluded that diseases and health problems caused by the medical industry had neared 800,000.
The Affordable Care Act forces us into literally institutionalizing the number 1 killer in America.
It is estimated that there are 900,000 physicians in the United States. These physicians can cause about 120,000 to 225,000 accidental deaths each year. Many of these deaths are caused by well intentioned “cures.” These deaths are called “Unintentional Injuries”” by the CDC.
There is also the situation in medical practices where the cure, or the solution to an aliment seems to be far worse than having the disorder itself. For example, there are drugs that are given to people in order to make them feel better, but have side effects. So a doctor will prescribe them another drug to counter act the effects of the first drug. This creates a way for doctors and drug companies to make money off of keeping you sick. It is simple, put a patient on a drug that continually requires re-examination, testing and prescription renewal. This is where the cure becomes worse than the initial treatment. It is common and in some cases deadly.
There is a theory moving around the internet that whenever we hear about the latest mass shooter or murder suicides in the news that the mainstream media bends over backwards to avoid reporting that the killer may have been on SSRI’s or antipsychotic drugs.
The claim is that the media outlets are receiving revenue from big pharma sponsorships and therefore refuse to take this issue to the people.
However USA today recently reported that one of the most abused iatrogenic artifacts is ant-psychotics that have been prescribed in older patients for dementia. Some are going as far as claiming that this is a way to kill off older patients with plausible deniability making them less of a burden on healthcare.
That is not all, there also seems to be abuses in prescribing antibiotics for colds and unneeded colonoscopies or even cancer misdiagnosis.
It is being reported that doctors who overprescribe the medications and procedures are doing what they think might help, often without first trying safer or more effective alternatives. The question is whether or not these drugs and procedures are necessary and whether or not the business end of health care takes precedent over the care in the health care industry.
The United States has a passion for pills, being the world’s biggest users of psychotropic drugs, consuming 60 per cent of them. And pharmaceutical firms keep cashing in on the multibillion-dollar market, even if it costs people’s health.
America is regarded as a country with a extraordinary appetite for consumption. Today, a widespread fondness for pharmaceuticals has turned the US into a nation of pill-poppers.
With over $14 billion in annual sales, antipsychotics remain the top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the US.
The number of children consuming antipsychotic medication has doubled in the past decade. Millions of American adolescents are taking drugs like Adderall, doled out by doctors to treat hyperactivity.
Not only are we drugging ourselves and drugging our kids, we are now drugging our pets with anti-psychotics as well.
We are doing this because we somehow trust that what we are putting in our bodies is for our own good even though we have not been told of lawsuits and fraud being drawn against the drug industry.
Pfizer the pharmaceutical giant paid $2.3 billion to settle civil and criminal allegations over illegally marketing a drug called Bextra. It was the largest healthcare fraud settlement and criminal fine in US history. That being said, the fine amounted to less than three weeks of Pfizer’s drug sales.
Bextra was approved in 2001 by the Food and Drug Administration to treat arthritis and menstrual cramps. The drug was not approved for the treatment of acute pain, nor was it shown to be any more powerful than ibuprofen. But Pfizer instructed its drug pimps to tell doctors that the drug could be used to treat acute and surgical pain and at doses well above those approved, even though the drug’s dangers which included kidney, skin and heart risks increased with the dose, the government charged. The drug was withdrawn in 2005 because of its risks to the heart and skin.
The unfortunate thing is that while we are being forced into the nightmare of Obama care, there seems to be a lack in investigations into health care fraud and cases where drugs and treatments are killing Americans.
We would see huge savings in government health programs if we had better enforcement.
The problem that can also be exposed is how the patient is the suspect and victim when it comes to obtaining the right medications to heal and or control pain.
Many Americans do not know that if they are using a controlled substance for pain relief or a drug that may be considered a risk they have reason to be paranoid. The reason is simple: from doctor to pharmacy to your home, you may or may not know that you are now subject to wire taps and undercover spies that may be informants to the DEA.
In fact, one of the informants could be your doctor. Doctors are now being pressured into assuming that all of their patients are drug seekers. If you have been subjected to urine tests, pain agreements, interrogation and impromptu “pill counts” where you are asked to bring in your bottle to the office, then you will know that you along other patients are suspected of abusing or selling their medications.
It is because some doctors are afraid of an audit where officials have threatened to take practices away if the doctors don’t do as they are told.
As prescription drug abuse has risen, the DEA has come under increasing pressure from Congress to show it is containing the problem. A report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said the DEA had not shown its strategy was working and called for clearer performance measures.
Their solution was to employ the very methods used to track and spy on so-called potential terror suspects.
This raises the real issue of Government Overreach and whether or not you can safely be treated without the threat of being flagged, tracked or interrogated by the DEA.
The irony of debate over what is best for Americans is with its healthcare industry that is now being pounded into submission and becoming more of a medical dictatorship.
We are debating who will be appointed to officiate over the cull and iatrogenocide.
It can be argued that whatever Americans decide about healthcare we are merely opening the dialogue for the extension of the welfare state and a mandate that when you reach a certain point in your life, you may not be worthy to continue based on iatrogenic plans and eugenics directives that all sound like plot points in some Orwellian nightmare story or Huxley’s chemical enslavement.
On top of our threat of accidental death comes a penalty based healthcare proposal being filibustered now as opposed to a debt based proposal where graded repayment would be based on income. There are many health care businesses that do that now where sliding scale payments are a relief from declaring health bankruptcy or being turned away when procedures are life saving and expensive.
Now the health care industry knows that the American people will be forced to buy their product, so the question is, what gives them the incentive to improve or even care about the reality of iatrogenic artifacts?
For those that are not true believers in this plan—they have , as they say in the movies ways of making you turn to the “dark side.”
Under Obamacare, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is implementing a “Navigator” program, which provides millions of dollars to non-profit groups nationwide to hire “Navigators” who will advise Americans on their Obamacare health “options” based on the sensitive information provided.
This sensitive information includes social security numbers, income levels, employment history and home addresses, all of which are more than enough to steal Americans’ identities for complete access to their credit and financial resources.
These so called “navigators” will canvas neighborhoods by going door to door and taking information like a “medical census” that is not required and yet people will think it is because people who appear to be authorities will demand information and many Americans will fall for it under the new medical dictatorship.
Always remember throughout history we have seen many instances of federal intervention. Having that intervention in our health care will most certainly not fix the problems because most federal intervention failed to fix the problems it was supposedly created to solve.
Obviously this particular meddling will create new problems, leading to calls for even more new federal interventions more rights taken away, privacy violations and more deaths created by a healthcare industry that is headed for a virtual pharmageddon.

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