
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

OH SHIT. Saw pic, made captions, partied hard<br /> Enjoy. Mainstream Sewer and the Real Media

lol d. fruckensein know the "bride"   of the good Herr Dr. Frankenstein 's "monster"   =

Don’t let the mainstream sewer media to flush your brain and rights away!

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
mainstream media
By Sergey Baranov
September 25, 2013
While sharp-looking guys on TV are transmitting the state approved “news’’ readily packaged for public consumption, the American people are waking up to the televised lies and mechanized deception of so-called mainstream media.
Recent attacks on the Constitution and consequently on the American people, have shaken many more minds out of the hypnotic trance perpetuated by the mainstream propaganda machine which falls apart when met with critics.
An attack on the freedom of speech and freedom of the press has never been as vicious as it’s seen today.  Senator Feinstein is taking the lead in attempt to ban citizen’s journalism by redefining the Constitution.[1]
In the recent judicial hearing Senator Feinstein made an attempt to give a new definition to the freedom of speech and freedom of press, claiming that if a person is not an employee of the state approve media entity, then he isn’t qualified to be journalist.
While attempting to define a reporter, Senator Feinstein brought an example of a 17 years old high school dropout starting a blog vs.“real” reporters with “bonafide credentials” and professional qualifications.
Further in her speech, while referring to the Shield Bill, Senator Feinstein expressed gratitude for the cooperation between the media coalition and the senators with whom together they made sure that the bill will not give a protection to those who are not qualified to be journalists by the state standards. A legitimate journalist, she explained, is someone who is affiliated with established media entities, a list of which she further provides! “We included a very broad list of media entities to which the journalists can be affiliated’’
So first she defines what a legitimate journalist means; a person who works for the established media entity, then she provides us with the list of who the established media entities are! That’s mean that if you are working for one of those designated state approved mainstream media outlets, you are considered to be real journalist and you can enjoy the protection of journalist’s Shield Bill. If you not, you are simply viewed as an amateur blogger who is no longer protected by the Constitutional right to free speech and free press, only because Senator Feinstein has said so.
Do we need a constitutional lawyer to explain to us that this is a serious violation of the First amendment right for freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Senator Feinsten’s amendment will limit both freedoms to the size of a gag order, legalizing an illegal amendment.
Besides, why making a 17 years old high school dropout to be an archetype for the alternative media? There are plenty of mature, educated and intelligent people representing alternative media whose real content attracts many readers. Besides, a 17 years old high school dropout who is sincerely trying to wake people up by exposing the government corruption is by far more credible and valid than any state approved “real” journalists with “bonafide credentials”.
There are many alternative news websites which bring truthful, uncensored information to the public, something which the establishment media simply doesn’t do. But I guarantee you that neither Drudge Report, nor RT, Infowars or Intellihub, to mention just a few alternative media outlets who are providing the public with uncensored reports, opinions and analysis of the current events, would be on the “list of media entities the journalists can be affiliated with in order to be considered “real’’. The uncensored content presented by the alternative media will never be approved by the government. This is why Drudge Report, for example, is visited by tens of millions people a day, while the mainstream media is struggling to retain a handful of viewers.
But if that is not convincing enough, let’s look at the facts.
It is scary to imagine what would happened if we wouldn’t have the internet, and we would have to rely on the mainstream media to supply us with news. How much would we know and what would we think if our opinion was based only on the paid content brought to us by the mainstream propaganda machine and the factory of lies?
Should we rather trust the BBC reporters who have reported the collapse of the building 7 during the 9/11 attack, 20 minutes before it had actually collapsed?[2] Was this reporter a clairvoyant psychic in addition to being a journalist with “bonafide credentials”?
Or should we trust the CNN reporters who have been caught staging fake news segments and producing state sponsored propaganda?[3]
There are more examples. But I think the point is made.
Should we wonder why an attack on citizen’s journalism is fully blown over now or the fact that WW3 was postponed thanks to the alternative media is enough?
It is clear that if only those “legitimate” journalists would be allowed to report on the news, America would already find itself in two more illegal wars with Syria and Iran, probably escalating the regional conflict to a larger war and possible nuclear exchange between U.S. Russia and China. It didn’t happen so far because the alternative media were able to reshape public opinion, programed by the mainstream sewer media towards war. This is exactly why the powers that be are trying to silence it. The good news is that the establishment’s control over the people’s mind through the propaganda apparatus is steadily fading away.
So who is the real media and who have got the power? Well the answer is obvious.
This is why it is important to support it. These are the times to get involved. Speaking up and speaking out is what’s needed most these days.
Contact your congressman and senators and let them know what you think. After all, they need your votes to remain in office.
You can also support movements for truth and freedom near you. A march against the mainstream media, or as senator Feistein called it a “media coalition”, the very same people who wants to criminalize citizen journalism, freedom of speech and freedom of press, will be happening on November 16 nationwide. Marchers will gather together to exercise their First amendment right of peaceful assembly.
For more information contact the March Against Mainstream Media on Facebook.[4]
We must exercise our constitutional rights while we have them. When gone, getting them back will be nearly impossible.
Don’t let the mainstream sewer media to flush your brain and rights away!

[1]    Amerika – Freedom to Facism in a Decade - Intellihub
[2]    Building 7 – Prison Planet
[3] CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors - Intellihub   
[4]  March against the mainstream media - Facebook

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