
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Did ELF Bombardment Play into the Recent Navy Yard Shooting?

In today’s world anything is possible, and now some are questioning what really happened on the day of the Navy yard shooting.

WASHINGTON - Aaron Alexis on a shooting spree Oct 16, 2013. (Image:
WASHINGTON – Aaron Alexis on a shooting spree Oct 16, 2013. (Image:
Staff Writer
September 27, 2013
WASHINGTON — Wednesday, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) release video footage and commented on the alleged Navy yard shooter Aaron Alexis, and his Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)[1] bombardment fantasies. Alexis was pinned by authorities to have killed 12 people in the Sept 16. domestic terror attack in which no specific person was targeted according to the FBI.
Valerie Parlave, Washington’s assistant FBI director is working the case. The rather grainy electronically blurred footage the FBI released of the Navy yard shooting shooter in action, really yields no proof of anything. The image is unrecognizable and the timestamp and meta data from the film seems to be missing, prompting some to do further investigation as they believe the FBI footage is a fraud.[2]
The FBI also claims they found a message fragment in Alexis’ records which may have alluded to the attack preemptively, reading, “Ultra-low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this”. While all of this is still speculation, it has been announced that Alexis carved the words “My ELF Weapon” on the stock of his shotgun, stirring up controversy amongst conspiracy buffs.
In fact, it get stranger, reported, “The attack came one month after Alexis had complained to police in Rhode Island that people were talking to him through the walls and ceilings of his hotel room and sending microwave vibrations into his body to deprive him of sleep.
On his shotgun, he had scrawled “My ELF Weapon!” – an apparent reference to extremely low-frequency waves – along with “End to the Torment!” “Not what y’all say” and “Better off this way,” the FBI said.”[3]
It has also been reported the FBI felt that Alexis knew he would die in the Sept. 16 attack killing 12.

[1] Extremely low frequency –
[2] Is the FBI Footage a Fraud? –
[3] Aaron Alexis: Navy Yard Shooter Leaves Note, FBI Release Surveillance Footage [VIDEO] -

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