
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Digest: Distracting False Flag Operation Edition

US Homicide Rate 1885-2012, with annotations (
Independent Journal Review has compiled a list of 13 Must-Know Stats on Gun Violence and Public Shootings to help combat the misinformation and scare tactics that the Citizen Disarmament Movement constantly deals in. It’s a slideshow of infographics like the one above that will be a great thing to have in your pocket when your Facespace feed blows up in the future. [h/t: Beth G.] . . .
In case you missed it, a Pennsylvania high school student was suspended for 10 days under a zero-tolerance policy after turning his forgotten hunting knife over to a security guard before entering a high school football game. He could have just kept mum and nobody would have been the wiser, but he decided to do the right thing and now he’s being punished for it. Read the rest of Chris Dumm’s writeup over at The Truth About Knives.
We’ve mentioned the increasingly cozy relationship between prospective Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe and Michael Bloomberg in this space in the past, and wondered (not really) about what that meant for McAuliffe’s stance on guns. Well, wonder no more, as he has released his campaign mission statement and policy goals should he become governor, and it’s clear by the excerpted section below, he ain’t no friend of ours. Vote early and often, boys and girls.
Support common sense gun control measures
As Governor, Terry will support mainstream and majority supported gun control measures like universal background checks, limiting the size of magazines, and a return to the 1-gun-per-month rule. These measures respect Virginians’ right to bear arms while reducing gun violence.
Dale Evans, a staff member for the speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives had a small oops last week when he left his personal concealed carry firearm on top of the toilet paper dispenser in the men’s room at the state building. State lawmakers and legislative staffers are allowed to carry concealed weapons into the statehouse. The Capitol Police were notified and the gun was returned to him. The Speaker’s office issued a statement saying that Evans had apologized for the mistake and promised to attend a gun safety class in the very near future. No charges will be filed.
“Which one of these AR-15 assault rifles was it?” The following video is presented without further comment, except to suggest you put your drink down before pressing Play. I’m not responsible for keyboards, monitors, phones, or infernal iDevices.  Fact-Free News Reporting

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