
Monday, September 30, 2013

Cracking the illuminati Number Code & Agenda

hey she's cute !  :o  hehe    

Cracking the illuminati Number Code & Agenda

As you all may or may not have noticed I have been talking a lot about all things mathematical lately.  Such as sharing some info with you all about cryptography, algorithms, and of course posting a ton of coded kryptos & binary codes on my FB page.  However, before I get started I would just like to say beforehand that just because the illuminati also loves to do everything by numbers does not at all mean that learning about numerology, and math is considered evil.  It works both ways.  As a matter of fact our entire Universe is built-in a numerical construct, along with all of your computers, cellphones, music that you listen to, and even your brain.  The only difference is what makes something “evil” is when someone takes advantage of these knowledges & wisdom to use it for their own gain at the expense of others.  That is the only difference.  So please, let’s get that dogma out-of-the-way because they won’t have all of the power if you all would just stop feeding them your energy!  Just be AWARE of what is going on is good enough.  One should be smart enough to know what is good or evil to them right?  So I don’t want to waste my time lecturing about good vs evil since that’s also all in your mind anyway because “they” created this duality of good vs evil and its up to you to fall for it or not.   Pretty simple.  Also, once you start seeing things more clearly everything becomes pretty easy to figure out, and you won’t have to be so confused or get stuck in this spiritual warfare anymore, and just enjoy your ascension instead. Innocent
Now, let’s get to the interesting part shall we?  If you want to find the illuminati or figure out who is behind certain events etc just follow the numbers and you’ll find our beloved illuminates there. They sure do love their numbers, and today I’m going to crack their codes for you because hey what do you know? I LOVE NUMBERS TOO!!! Tongue Out  But I would be honored to expose them and share with you all! :D
To make a very long story short:  The Illuminati planned their founding in 1776, right at the beginning of Night 1 of the seventh Wave of Creation. This was indeed the right energetic moment in time to openly start seizing global power. They put the demarcation year of 1776 openly on the US one dollar bill (in Roman numbers). It tells us that Day 1 ends in (about) 1776, which is at the same time the start of Night 1. This claim is very accurate since the actual date of this transition is December 27th, 1775. By writing 1776, meaning January 1st, 1776, there is just a minor difference of only five days, which is a deviation of just 1 percent. That is also probably the reason the Illuminati used this 5 from the five days difference for their founding on the first day of the fifth month (May). That is not all. There is more to this date. The number 8 refers to infinity (¥). There are, for example, 8 geographical directions. The meaning of using three eights is complete infinity, since the meaning of 3 is completely. Since everything has both a yang side and a yin side, two of these triple 8’s are required. That is another reason why the Illuminati put the year 1776 on the US one dollar bill.
888 + 888 = 1776
Their masterpiece (so far) is clearly 9/11. You’ll notice that the number 9 is also very important as this is actually considered what one calls the “GOD CODE.”  I’ll explain more of how that works in another blog. The date of this attack exactly corresponds to the beginning of Day 2 in the eight Wave, making it the perfect day for blocking as much germination of strength based consciousness as possible. The date of 9/11 also matches with the North American emergency telephone number of 9-1-1. This date therefore triggers associations with fear and panic, and clearly not with inner strength. In numerology, which is a system that reveals the numerical root value of both numbers and words as presented below, the 9 represents the Ruler and 11 is the number of Mastery. With 9/11, the Illuminati demonstrated their dominating power, hoping for recognition as ruling master on this planet.  After 911 intermediate days, the Illuminati again demonstrated their power. On March 11th, 2004, they brought terror to Madrid, the capital of Spain. The numerical root of this date is 11, and so is the adding up of 9 plus 1 and 1. In the Netherlands, the would-be Prime Minister Pim Fortuyn was killed on May 6th, 2002, just a few days before the elections. Adding up 5 (May) and 6 gives 11. Even though he was dead, he still received most of the votes. Just like with the murder of John F. Kennedy, the arrested shooter was a scapegoat, blocking the public’s attention for the real killer and the ones responsible for these assassinations. Exactly 911 days after the murder of Pim Fortuyn, another famous Dutchman was brutally murdered on the streets of Amsterdam. The assassination of Theo van Gogh was on November 2nd, 2004. This date of 11/2 corresponds with the Dutch emergency telephone number of 1-1-2. I clearly see the fingerprints of the Illuminati in all these terrorizing events. All dates clearly show the number 11. Literally, Illuminati means ‘Enlightened Ones’, but instead of Lightness, they openly worship the Darkness. Referring to this Darkness, the Bible mentions the number of 666, being the Number of the Beast. Exactly 666 days after the brutal murder of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, on November 4th, 1995, the British Lady Diana was murdered in Paris, on August 31st, 1997. Rabin’s murder happened in the 11th month and the numerical root of the date of Diana’s murder also is 11. The use of 11 is the trademark of the Illuminati, or should we write this name as I11uminati, with ‘11’ (eleven) instead of ‘ll’ (double el)? The Twin Towers also represented a gigantic 11.
The Illuminati are responsible not only for these murders, but also for many and many more. Proud of their power to do so, they sign their acts of terror with meaningful numbers. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to create a New World Order. In the seventh Wave of Creation, they seized power, fully according to the purpose of this Creational Wave, establishing power-based consciousness. In the eighth Wave of Creation, the Illuminati represent the pyramid’s top stone of ‘The Powers That Be’. I n the ninth and final Wave of Creation, we will refer to this pyramid as ‘The Powers That were“.  To me, the left part of the Great Seal of the United States (of America), as displayed on the backside of a US one dollar bill, reveals the bigger picture. Firstly, the Latin phrase ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’, literally meaning a New Order of the Ages, refers to the birth of a new space-time-identity. In that new space-time-identity, our inner vision, also referred to as our third eye, will guide us. That is why after exactly thirteen layers, the top of this pyramid lifts itself up. Since each of these thirteen layers requires 7200 natural days for completion, and the first layer was completed in around the start of 1776 according to the Roman numbers written on it, this lifting of  occurred on July 14th, 2012. God indeed approved (Annuit Coeptis) this lifting of into a new space-time-identity, since it is the sole purpose of the Overall Creation.

God, being the Overall Force of Creation, created our Shadow World of increasing space-time-identity to allow consciousness to experience being limited in space, time and identity. We can very well compare our world with a three-dimensional computer game. This metaphorical game has nine hierarchical levels. Our (dynamic) state of consciousness determines on which level we play. Most people play at level 7 and the levels below. The purpose of the current eighth Wave of Creation is to enable humanity to jump up and start also playing at level 8. Next, these level 8 players will start exploring level 9 starting from November 24th, 2011 & still current. Everyone who reaches level 9 before the “End of Times” will move on to a totally new game. I believe I have vaguely hinted at this before in one of my older blogs when I talk about “LEVELING UP.”  Wink   Hence why this is all a big test right now with the whole good vs evil and the sheep being led to the slaughter… those who won’t wake up to their own demons won’t have much time left to do so.  Anyway… That is how I interpret the One Dollar Pyramid. There is solid proof for this interpretation. That proof is present in the numbers. We can picture the total creation as a pyramid of 9 layers each consisting of 13 tones (or stages). In The Great Seal, these numbers are alternated. The pyramid under the All-Seeing-Eye has 13 levels, and the amount of Roman numerals at the bottom level is 9. Next, numerology translates letters into ciphers according to the table below.

Adding up the cipher values of the words ‘Annuit Coeptis’ results in 58, and 5 plus 8 gives 13. In total, ‘Annuit Coeptis’ also consists of 13 letters. Adding up the cipher values of the words ‘The Great Seal’ results in 49, and 4 plus 9 gives again 13. The words of ‘of the United States’ complete this trinity, because adding up the cipher values of these letters results in 67, and 6 plus 7 again gives 13. All words around the strange pyramid on the back of the one US dollar bill all refer to 13. The amount of layers of this pyramid is 13. The US flag has 13 stripes. Clearly the designers tried to stress the importance of the number 13. The number 13 represents the amount of stages of any process of creation, On the right side on the Great Seal of the United States, we find the Eagle.

At the left side, the eagle holds an olive branch with 13 berries, and 13 arrows on the right. There are 13 stars above the eagles head. The ribbon contains 13 letters making up the Latin words ‘E Pluribus Unum’ meaning ‘out of many, one’.  All these hidden messages point in the same direction: 13 becomes 1. That is why the messages are at the 1 US dollar bill. The top-stone of the Illuminati pyramid of power consists of 13 families. Their goal is to become the one and only power of dominance on Terra. Now let us come back to the phenomenon called ‘Elenin’ from the past as we have a similar “ISON” coming up soon… hmmm…  Anyway, The numerological value of this name is 32. Next we find exactly the same numerological value for ‘Leonid’. This means that ‘Leonid Elenin’ is a code for 64, referring to the nascent oneness. The Illuminati also strive to realize this oneness, but then in a totalitarian way. This means that ‘Elenin’ was not an ordinary comet (or officially a cluster comet), like Nasa claims. Please note that also ‘C/2010 X1’ has the numerological value of 13.  I think that ‘Elenin’ was a message helping humanity to evolve her consciousness to the level of oneness or wholeness, and let’s see what’s going on with this so-called comet “ZION” I mean “ISON” coming up soon…. what an interesting world indeed.  So you see? Good guys always win in the end… no matter what.  Except for the sleepers, but let’s hope they wake up soon so they don’t miss the grand finale of things! hehe To be continued……..

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