
Monday, September 30, 2013

An Important Message From the Ministry of Truth

Satire: Navy Yard Media Disinformation

From Propdep
The DC Navy Yard shooting marks yet another disturbing and tragic event that illustrates the dangers of lax gun laws and limited access to mental healthcare. Irrational notions that gunman and former US serviceman Aaron Alexis may have been under government surveillance and one or more forms of electronic harassment have nonetheless arisen. These thought crimes are not helpful in this time of national mourning and point to the sheer lunacy of those who traffic in them.
Alexis etched the messages, “My ELF Weapon” and “Better off this way” on the barrel of the shotgun he used to murder 12 people. Our law enforcement agencies and major news media remind us that these seemingly cryptic notes, one of which has been incorrectly interpreted as “My Extremely Low Frequency Weapon,” only indicate the gunman’s deteriorating mental state. They have nothing—repeat nothing—to do with the electronic microwave devices or other mind control techniques the deranged Alexis claims he was targeted with.
It is true that there are numerous sophisticated technologies that US government agencies, such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, have developed to manipulate, harass, and even cause terminal mental illness in enemy subjects at a distance. Some of these weapons entail fine-tuned microwave and infrared beams that will indeed cause a subject to hear voices or unusual sounds “inside their heads.” The effects of these devices closely resemble Alexis’ verbal descriptions of his torment.
Yet the US government would never use such gadgetry on an American citizen—particularly one who has dutifully served his country—to make him do something against his personal will. These devices are only used to combat evil terrorist forces that threaten our freedom.
Another prevalent untruth involves Alexis’ use of psychotropic drugs and their alleged contribution to his homicidality. Drugs prescribed by licensed medical practitioners are the result of sound scientific research, are very safe, and their benefits far outweigh the side effects.
The United States has a rich tradition of integrity in its federal intelligence and law enforcement endeavors. Individuals such as J. Edgar Hoover, Alan Dulles, and Richard Helms have helped to combat or neutralize nefarious forces threatening American liberties at home and abroad—figures like Al Capone, Nikita Krushchev, Fidel Castro, the Kennedy brothers (here and here), and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The US government and its allies have always been there to aid and protect Americans in their time of need.
It is important to remain vigilant, enthusiastically accept what our mass media define as the relevant events and issues of the day, and keep in mind that there are still illogical, paranoid, and even dangerous thought criminals in our midst. These un-American parties dismiss our great country’s true history and claim that certain entities in government have wicked intentions and are out to relentlessly hoodwink the American people. This crippled reasoning tends to sow suspicion among faithful Americans and thereby inhibit wholehearted trust in and allegiance to the state, as well as to our peaceful, compassionate and noble leader Obama.
The world is a dangerous place and there are many evils threatening our freedoms. The terrorist al-Qaeda network bedevils us abroad while ticking time bombs like Aaron Alexis could go off at any minute back home. Fortunately, the hundreds of billions of dollars Americans pay each year to sustain the Department of Defense and the many lettered agencies under the Department of Homeland Security will protect us from depravity and harm, providing us with the peace of mind to bravely go about our daily lives in these troubled times.

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