
Saturday, September 28, 2013

America’s “Dark Program” Militarism

Secret technology pushing US into military adventures

The file photo shows a child survivor of the US atomic bombardment of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
The file photo shows a child survivor of the US atomic bombardment of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

“Now that America has these things (modern clandestine technologies), they now want to use them and what better place to test non-existent technology than Syria?”             

The development of military technology, beginning with the Strategic Defense Initiative of the Reagan presidency, has given the US capabilities that have remained “dark,” not just secret but “deniable” as well.
The US can simulate any intelligence source, any terror attack, small or large, or even influence public opinion, push groups to follow insane ideas or drive individuals to acts of unspeakable horror.
The best part of this, for America’s political leaders at least, is that they aren’t officially informed. Key congressional leaders like McCain or former Senator Kerry know all of it, know but aren’t talking.
They were the proponents that pushed these technologies, some costing tens of billions of “black budget” dollars, to fruition.
Now that America has these things, they now want to use them and what better place to test non-existent technology than Syria?
America’s new addition is to its new generation of nuclear weapons developed at Livermore labs after 1991.
New weapons can be dialed to achieve little or no blast. It is impossible to determine if any large explosion is nuclear or conventional. Nuclear weapons, when used, are claimed to be conventional weapons that hit “arms caches” or “fuel depots.”
Some weapons known as Minimal Residual Radiation (MRR) weapons produce ionizing radiation for only a few hundred yards and all detectable radiation is gone in 72 hours.
Other nuclear weapons are “tuned” to destroy particular materials. Some can destroy steel, turning it into a powder. These are designed to be used on naval targets.
ScreenHunter_2276 Sep. 23 08.47
Other nukes are “tuned” to destroy chemical weapons without spreading toxic materials for miles as happened in Iraq. These weapons are now on the Tomahawk missiles deployed in the Mediterranean to be used against Syria.
This is one of the reasons President Obama and Secretary Kerry have been so “cryptic” in discussing their attack plans, how large, how long?
This is why “boots on the ground” is considered unneeded. “Nukes on the ground” is what is planned instead.
Historically, these weapons have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan many times. There are also reports from nuclear weapons experts that the Marine barracks in Beirut may have been hit with a nuclear weapon, another used in Oklahoma City and another still in Bali.
There is clear proof one was used outside Damascus on May 4, 2013. When videos of the mushroom cloud and ball lightning went viral, there was no attempt at a denial.
Control and spin
A key component of a “secret nuke” strategy is calling any reports that contradict official mythology “conspiracy theory.” Pundits and comedians like Jon Stewart, Wolf Blitzer or Rush Limbaugh are key players.
Other totally controlled outlets, Murdoch’s Fox News and Wall Street Journal are, perhaps, the worst followed by and Newsweek, Jane Harmon’s AIPAC propaganda rags.
The newest entry is the Huffington Post, saturated with sex and “celebs,” used yesterday to attack Russian videos of Syrian rebels lobbing sarin shells.
A report of a nuclear attack, no matter how much science, as Dr. Chris Busby can attest, will ever hit the western press.
However, a Syrian rebel can film a gas attack, brag about doing it on video and post it on Youtube and it is virtually invisible.
Controlled news has driven the US into using unthinkable weapons, into staging horrific acts of terror and, if possible, being exceeded in every way by Israel.
Targeted individuals
There is mounting evidence that individuals known as “targeted persons” are subjected to attacks that include stalking, threats, staged incidents (accidents and murder/suicide among these) but also use of secret technologies.
The individuals are test subjects, possible security threats, whistleblowers or “Oswald” types. The US has an inventory of several thousand “targeted individuals” who, on command, as in the Charles Bronson film, “Telefon,” are ready to commit acts of terror.
Supporting these operations are “crisis actor” groups, coincidental “security drills (often Israeli companies but others are used too), and a slew of “alphabet soup” agencies, ready to plant evidence, silence real witnesses or commit the acts of terror themselves if the chosen targeted “patsies” fail in their mission.
Ft. Hood, Gabby Giffords, Sandy Hook and the Navy Yard are but a few.
John Anthony Hill was criminally charged in Britain for exposing the 7/7 terror attacks and found not guilty in a trial that was based on substantiating his claims, proving “7/7” was false flag terrorism.
Brain attack tech
Most have heard about MK Ultra or the film “Men Who Stare at Goats.” This mixture of “conspiracy theory” and disinformation media humor is used to limit public knowledge of decades-old programs that have cost endless billions.
What programs?
Here is a partial list:
- “Neural communications”: This capability is meant to allow troops to talk to each other by thought alone, through receptors in their helmets. Sounds crazy? This is an ongoing DARPA project with billions spent, but there was never an intent to use this as authorized. This pure “thought control” project has already yielded results that we may well have seen in the recent terror shootings across the US.
- “Induced psychosis”: Remember the US invasion of Panama? President Noriega was subjected to “rock music” played at unimaginable levels. Today, Israeli companies openly market energy weapon technologies that are capable of causing everything from physical pain to feelings of panic and even suicide. Soon you will be buying them on EBay. The real systems, first developed for use through mobile communications by Ericsson Corporation, are capable of inducing severe psychosis, paranoia and triggering violence.
- “Death rays”: The most advanced “black programs” are capable of inducing ideas but also of causing death. Most common is suicide, sometimes tied to induce terrorist acts.
- “Full Scale”: Targeted individuals most often have their own private “crisis actors.” The important ones are assigned mentally disturbed or abusive “partners,” selected to play on personal weaknesses such as guilt or excessive kindness. Attacks often include induced illnesses, most often fatal cancers or aneurisms, the killing of pets or staged accidents or suicides involving children or grandchildren.
The existence of these programs is fully confirmed, but it is the scale that is frightening. These aren’t programs, they are an industry.
“We got it, let’s use it!”
Breakthroughs in quantum physics have facilitated capabilities unimagined, far beyond simple extrasensory perception or “remote viewing.”
Advanced energy research looking into Tesla’s investigations of the “ether” for obtaining and transmitting energy has yielded capabilities that will never be made public.
“Non-linear” advanced technologies sneak into the consumer world from time to time, products developed and manufactured prior to the development of the processes required to create them.
This has given political leaders a “bag of tricks” that lets them do whatever they desire and never have to answer for it.
The ethos backing this up is entirely Malthusian. Victims, be they dozens or millions, are simply “useless eaters” as Henry Kissinger, chief proponent of the use of “black tech.”
Kissinger “made his bones” as an advocate for the use of nuclear weapons over conventional force. His policies from 40 years ago or more are a reality today.
His thinking, that humanity is no more than cattle, his value system, is the one we are seeing today, pouring out of Washington.
Do we need to ask how humanity has sunk so low? Perhaps, are we naïve in referring to political and economic elites as part of humanity?
Do we have evidence that they consider themselves as such?

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