
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

US Public Schools Train to Finger Mental Cases 

An appendage of the world’s foremost advocate of psychiatric treatment, the American Psychiatric Association, is actively promoting a “teacher training program” that will enlist public school staff to identify “troubled thought patterns” of teenage students, NBC news reports.[1] The campaign is being pushed by the American Psychiatric Foundation, the “philanthropic and educational arm of the American Psychiatric Association,” according to APF’s own website.

The rationale for the new program together with the military-style training carried out in the midst of schoolchildren is that the country cannot risk having another tragedy such as the Sandy Hook School massacre or one authorities say came close to transpiring in Decatur, Georgia.
Upon its introduction in 21 states and the District of Columbia, “Typical or Troubled?” will instruct all school staff “from custodians to counselors” to detect and report “warning signs” that can include “persistent sadness, irritability, withdrawal, and even a major change in eating habits.” In other words, the ups and downs that tend to characterize the frequently awkward and uncertain progression toward adulthood termed “adolescence” by the Darwinian-inspired American psychologist G. Stanley Hall over a century ago.[2]
Once a “troubled” candidate is identified their parents are contacted and the child is assigned to a mental health “specialist.” In other words, this alleged public health and safety campaign constitutes what will likely become a major client referral program for the psychopharmaceutical industry that has essentially enlisted government employees to surveil unsuspecting subjects and identify probable treatment candidates.
What is of at least equal concern is the deceptive technique used to thrust this campaign on the public. The American Psychiatric Foundation masquerades as an independent entity that “retains control over all of its public education programs, content, and materials.” Indeed, as APF Executive Director Paul Burke explains to NBC, the philanthropic organization’s policy dictates “’that no supporter or funder has any direct influence over the content of any APF public education program.’”[3]
Yet a quick visit to the APF’s website reveals that it is a front organization for the powerful American Psychiatric Association—even operating from the same Arlington, Virginia office suite. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the APF also has net assets in excess of $52 million, according to the organization’s 2011 Form 990.
Such scrutiny would have been very simple (and an ethical given) for NBC News to point out. But APA’s practitioner membership alongside the pharmaceutical industry that so prevalently advertises on major corporate media outlets like NBC stand to profit handsomely from the anticipated revenue “Typical or Troubled?” and similar campaigns will generate going forward.[4]
The APA has surely taken the observations of master propagandist Edward Bernays to heart and practice. By establishing the ostensibly innocuous APF to initiate presumably do-goodish programs as “Typical or Troubled?” the psychopharmaceutical juggernaut further ingratiates itself in the sordid national landscape of horrific school shooting spectacles and accompanying police state terror.
While public employees are commissioned as mental health surrogates, thereby offering up most of the nation’s children to quasi-medical scrutiny and prospective forced drugging, genuinely demonstrable public health menaces such as genetically modified foods in the cafeteria, electropollution via “WiFi” pervading school campuses, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s many social engineering initiatives are readily espoused and actively promoted. Such developments should make ever clearer the fact that public education entails very little that is truly “educational”, and much that should shame any self-respecting nation.
[1] Erika Angulo, “To Prevent School Violence, Teachers Learn How to Spot Mental Illness,” NBC News, August 25, 2013.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Janice Lloyd, “Antidepressant Use Skyrockets 400% in Past 20 Years,” USA Today, October 20, 2011.
Thanks to “JZ” for bringing the August 25 NBC news article to MHB readers’ attention.
See related post:
From Persuasion to Coercion: Psychopharma’s “Priesthood of the Mind”

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