
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Obama Promises “Executive Action” On Gun Control

Kristin Tate

During a recent speech to a group of mayors at the White House, President Obama announced that he would do whatever he had to in order to pass gun control… And that he plans on using executive action to do so.
Who cares what Congress or the American people want… Right?
Good grief.
As reported by the Washington Times:
Mr. Obama “vowed to continue doing everything in his power to combat gun violence through executive action and to press Congress to pass common-sense reforms like expanding the background check system and cracking down on gun trafficking,” the White House said in a statement.
Here are the mayors who were present at the event:
Mayor Greg Ballard (Indianapolis, IN)
Mayor Tom Barrett (Milwaukee, WI)
Mayor Cory Booker (Newark, NJ)
Mayor Vincent Gray (Washington, DC)
Mayor Sly James (Kansas City, MO)
Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento, CA)
Mayor Mitch Landrieu (New Orleans, LA)
Mayor Mark Mallory (Cincinnati, OH)
Mayor Michael Nutter (Philadelphia, PA)
Mayor Annise Parker (Houston, TX)
Mayor Jean Quan (Oakland, CA)
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (Baltimore, MD)
Mayor Kasim Reed (Atlanta, GA)
Mayor RT Rybak (Minneapolis, MN)
Mayor Francis Slay (St. Louis, MO)
Mayor Dayne Walling (Flint, MI)
Mayor Molly Ward (Hampton, VA)
Mayor AC Wharton (Memphis, TN)
As you may remember, Obama failed to pass his gun control measures through the Senate this last spring. Most notably, Obama was pushing for mandatory background checks for all gun purchases.
What are your thoughts on Obama using executive action to push his agenda? Let us know in the comments section below.

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