
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Obama Plays God, and Political Correctness Is His Weapon

Anthony Gucciardi
August 20th, 2013
Updated 08/20/2013
We’ve seen children pray to Obama, families burst into tears of thanks for government provisions, and most importantly we have seen society bend to the will of political correctness. Let’s be clear, the government is an artificial God to the brainwashed masses — and it’s not a new phenomenon. 
government-artificial-godToday, the government stands as a false replacement to God, and political correctness is the intellectual weapon of choice for ‘peacefully’ altering public perception. This is the kind of government that has superseded anything written in Orwell’s 1984, moving past the blatant physical nature of telescreens and thought police and instead altering the very culture of society itself. Because as think tanks have discovered, a ‘peaceful’ form of intellectual takeover is much more effective than a Hitler-style military blitzkrieg.
Because at the end of the day, the people still believe that they are free. But in reality, the Big Daddy government has incrementally placed itself as the central nervous system of a collapsing society that now suckles upon its tit for basic subsistence. After all, you didn’t build that, Big Daddy government did.

Government As An Artificial God Throughout History

You’ve undoubtedly been exposed to the current welfare state of the nation via radio, television, and online reports, but the welfare state is just the beginning of Big Daddy government’s ascension to a counterfeit higher power. While there is most certainly a push by the Obama administration and its handlers to offer out welfare like candy to those who would rather collect government handouts than perform a relevant task to society, there are much deeper tentacles of the federal government that are wrapping themselves around the pulsating heart of the republic. Actions that are obscured from typical nightly news reports.
And we have seen this throughout history with collapsing societies that deny the existence of a living God and fill the biological desire for a higher power with that of a runaway government. The notion of establishing government and its cronies as the replacement to God is actually an ancient one, though it took thousands of years before the prominent Marxists of the Soviet Union turned it into a formula. In fact, they dubbed the idea ‘God-Building’.
A concept that, whether intentionally or not, we see a hyper-modernized version of each and every day.
The premise of ‘God-Building’ was and is simple: humans, by nature, do very much so hold a desire for a higher power. A natural understanding that there is more to life than meets the eye, and that their actions do in fact count. For years, politicians going back to Roman heads of state have struggled with attempts to remove this desire from the common man. Because after all, how can you rule a population through absolute dictatorship and public servitude when the populace has a strong moral system that does not allow for them to throw their fellow man under the bus or visualize the leader as a divine power.
It simply cannot be done effectively, as leaders in the past have discovered through repeated attempts to do so. That’s why one Russian Marxist within Lenin’s close circle of power hungry think tanks knew that the Soviet Union had to be different. Taking this process and forging it into a methodical instrument of psychological warfare, it was the pre-revolution member of Lenin’s party, Anatoly Lunacharsky, that would help shape Communism’s world-view focus around the idea of a ‘new religion’ where government was God.
Under this new hyper-Orwellian ‘religion’, Lunacharsky spun the concept as one that is based in ‘science’ and abandons ‘supernatural beliefs’. This was the beginning of calculated God-building, which is based on the notion that the love of Big Daddy government as a God figure is highly ‘scientific’ and the original realization of a living God outside of government is ‘old tradition’. Now interestingly enough, Lenin was on the official record actually claiming that he was against Lunacharsky’s concept, going even further into the previous ideology that any form of religion should be abolished – no ideology should exist outside of the state.
But even despite his opposition to God-building and his plans to wipe out all forms of ideology outside of the state, Lenin would ultimately join the ranks of Stalin and other sociopathic leaders to place a mega government in the center of the Soviet Union’s doctrine — with himself as the Christ figure for all to adore. And thus, a new era was brought in under Lenin. Stalin was ushered in as supreme dictator, and millions went along with the bogostroitel’stvo (God-Building) of big government as an artificial God.
A government that ultimately gave its people one of the harshest periods of rule ever recorded in history under the ruthless idol Josef Stalin. The man who stood at 5’4 was given absolute power over all of the land, to which he used to savagely murder millions of them. Why was he allowed to do so? Why did the military go along with it? Why did his closest friends and political advisers allow a 5’4 overweight psychopath to have his way with their wives and daughters?
There’s many psychological components to all of those questions, but the central theme must be remembered of government as an artificial God. The concept of corrupt leaders as an artificial God. Something that first requires the abolition of any God that is not the dictator himself. The result of such a system is ultimately the destruction of the entire society, usually lined with at least several millions deaths in the process. In the case of Stalin’s Soveit Union, experts place the death toll at around 40 million — a number that is extremely conservative and factors in around 20 million deaths from non-combat related events like artificial famine and executions.
According to one expert breakdown carried by the International Business Times, the numbers break down as follows:
“1 million imprisoned or exiled between 1927 to 1929; 9 to 11 million peasants forced off their lands and another 2  to 3 million peasants arrested or exiled in the mass collectivization program; 6 to 7 million killed by an artificial famine in 1932-1934; 1 million exiled from Moscow and Leningrad in 1935; 1 million executed during the ”Great Terror’ of 1937-1938; 4 to 6 million dispatched to forced labor camps; 10 to 12 million people forcibly relocated during World War II; and at least 1 million arrested for various ‘political crimes’ from 1946 to 1953.”
Loving, isn’t it. Millions were hit with artificial famines, millions were executed or sent to labor camps, and virtually everyone was treated as complete trash from their God Josef Stalin. But that is the result of not only God-Building, which is sometimes the result of calculated socialist/humanist ideology that actually turns the central government into the highest power among men, but the entire concept of trusting complete power to a small group of elite. Or in the case of Josef Stalin, one very twisted man.
We’ve seen it time and time again, even as far away as the ‘People’s Republic of China’, the name of which alone is highly dystopian. Not to be outdone by Hitler, the people’s God Mao Zedong systematically went around exterminating those who went against him (namely Christians), thought criminals, and random peasants who did nothing wrong. Mao did not even care if he was killing his greatest supporters. Just like Stalin’s death reign, researchers conservatively estimate that 45 million were killed at the very least. From The Independent:
“Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude. At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million.”
Notice that starvation and famine always plays a role in the mass murder plans of artificial government gods. Can you imagine if our fast food nation was left without food for a matter of months?
The people are even more reliant upon our bloated Big Daddy government than ever before. We have virtual zero self-reliance in the nation as a whole, with I’d estimate 95% of the entire public counting on an operational central government in order to live their lives. When looking back at Russia, which actually had a population that was heavily into farming and self-sufficiency to a certain degree in many cases, we see how even members of that society lost their lives. In the United States today, even a minor disruption in the Big Daddy system could result in mass chaos within our reliant society.

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