
Friday, August 2, 2013

It’s Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government

Anthony Gucciardi
August 2nd, 2013
Updated 08/02/2013
It’s official, every single American can now be classified as a terrorist by the US government. The label of ‘terrorist’ no longer applies to members of al-Qaeda of ‘extremists’, but the average citizen of this nation.
And I can show you how literally 100% of the population can be classified as a terrorist under the truly outrageous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI characteristics that define a terrorist or terrorist activity. These broad qualifications of ‘terrorism’ that have spawned a new wave of absolute paranoia within the population regarding their fellow citizens, who the nightly news says may be sleeper cell terrorists.
dhs-terroristParanoia that has led to one woman facing an armed ‘terrorism taskforce’ who demanded a home search without a warrant after she ran a Google search for pressure cookers online. A search that, as it turns out, qualifies for terrorist activity within the United States of America. It has now come out that it was her employer that went and called in the police and subsequent ‘terrorism taskforce’ after it was discovered that this law-abiding woman and her family had searched for backpacks along with ‘pressure cookers’ on Google.
And it was this event that inspired me to share with you how, no matter what you do or how good you are, you are a terrorist in the eyes of the United States government. Let’s look at just a few ways in which we can reach truly classify 100% of the American public as terrorists when combining these designations together.
Here are qualifications of a terrorist in the United States under the Department of Homeland Security and FBI guidelines.

‘Terrorists’ Pay With Cash

Have you ever payed with cash instead of a credit card? The FBI, operating alongside the DHS in helping to stop terrorism and detain terrorists, says you are likely a terrorist if you do so often. Under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism (CAT) program, using cash instead of debt-inducing credit cards means that you are a terrorist suspect. In addition to over 24 other flyers on how to help ‘identify’ terrorists, the tendency to pay with cash is listed as a red flag of terrorism.

‘Terrorists’ Care About Privacy

If you’re concerned about the NSA spying on all of your private emails or listening to your intimate phone calls, you are likely a terrorist under FBI guidelines. And don’t even consider voicing concern for your privacy in a public area, which the FBI says is a definite red flag of a terrorist. According to the FBI and Justice Department’s Communities Against Terrorism initiative, as reported by Slate, being concerned about your privacy might just send you to Guantanamo.

‘Terrorists’ Complain About Tap Water

Have you ever complained about your tap water, or objected to the literal thousands of contaminants inside the municipal water supply? You’re definitely a terrorist. As I reported back in June, a Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) explained to citizens touring the municipal water plant that complaining about tap water could land you on the terrorist watchlist. He told them:
“But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism.”
So next time your water smells like excessive chlorine, make sure you aren’t taking on the role of a terrorist by reporting it to the water department.

‘Terrorists’ Know About GMOs

Extremist terrorists most of all are familiar with GMOs and dare to agree that they should be labeled, which 93-96% of the country actually is in favor of. According to a major report out of Germany, this demographic is even targeted by the US military for desiring GMO labeling and all forms of political activism. So just this category alone covers about 96% of the US population alone, leaving around 4% left to be absorbed through other terrorist activities.
Now even knowing about something and having an opinion on the matter is an act of terror.
In 2013, everything you do and say can be classified as an act of terrorism by the United States government. Sadly, the public was duped into thinking that unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act was truly enacted in order to protect Americans from al-Qaeda and similar threats. But today, you are the terrorist, and Obama is now openly funding al-Qaeda groups with caches of weaponry and direct financing. You are now the terrorist, and the Syrian rebels linked to al-Qaeda are now the good guys.

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