
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Illegal Attack on Syria Motivations Exposed

August 30th, 2013
Updated 08/30/2013 
The timing of President Obama’s recent proclamation that he possesses conclusive evidence that the Syrian Government is directly responsible for the recent chemical attack on the Sryian opposition is no accident.
Here’s why.
syria-attackThe following reasons for the US-UK-France threats to launch unlawful ‘punitive’ airstrikes against the Syrian military are self evident.  As follows:
1) Every Syrian military target has been chosen with the explicit intention of degrading select Syrian military assets so as to slow down their successful ground war against the rebel opposition. The Syrian military has been enjoying remarkable success of late and the Western powers could no longer sit idle on the sidelines. The rebels’ only hope for a reversal was to receive direct military intervention from the West.
2) The US was chosen to issue the threats using Obama as the megaphone, even in the absence of the official UN chemical weapons report, because only the US political process has been so manipulated (by you know who?) to permit such a war crime to be committed in broad daylight. As the UK Parliament has well demonstrated, the British can no longer be bamboozled into another illegal war based on false accusations. The British people know that they were lied to in the run-up to the Iraq war, and they now know that it was the West which colluded with the Syrian rebels to frame the Assad Administration for the alleged chemical weapon war crime.
3) Obama himself knew that he was being set up to lay down the red line that would not be crossed without consequence for the Syrian Government. He is simply playing the role of war criminal by launching a premeditated attack on a sovereign nation without a Congressional declaration of war. To commit such an unprovoked act of war based on a deliberate false flag operation coordinated by the US et al. makes his conduct as Commander-in-Chief all the more complicit.
4) The threats of war being made against Bashar Assad do constitute a war crime by the three issuing nations of the US, UK and France. However, they are being issued by the respective prime ministers and president for specific reasons in spite of the profound damage to their reputations. Nevertheless, such threats to hit military targets have forced the Assad regime to re-arrange many of their well placed yet scarce military assets completely out of harm’s way. In this way the rebels will be able to jump start a new offensive against the government forces.  It is planned that such airstrikes, although utterly unlawful, will also serve to throw a logistical wrench in the Syrian military machinery.
5) By declaring an intention to conduct an aggressive military assault on a sovereign nation, the Western powers are quite deliberately setting an extremely dangerous but purposeful precedent. They are putting the entire community of nations on notice that any country – or rather head of state – which does not give in to their demands, will eventually be set up to be a war criminal in the eyes of the world. Just as Saddam Hussein was constantly labeled a genocidal war criminal for gassing the Kurds, now Bashar Assad is being falsely accused of using chemical weapons against his own people. In other words, the message being delivered is that all ‘incorrigible’ leaders will be painted up as a Lil’ Hitler in the future.

6) Of course, we see that the nation of Israel has been unusually quiet through this whole “international incident” and sordid affair. Everyone knows that when their is tumult in the Middle East, Israel will always takes advantage of the chaos to perpetrate more criminal land grabs. They will also use such distractions to operate covertly in the countries under assault to further undermine their governments, infiltrate their armed services, and carry out black ops against prime targets. 7) Everyone knows by now that the road to Iran for the Chickenhawks leads straight through Syria, because of the access the western navies will enjoy on the Mediterranean. Turkey is not so keen to get involved in a war against Iran. Nor is Jordan … or Iraq … or Pakistan … or Afghanistan. Therefore, controlling Syrian airspace, if things ever progress that far, can be justified by the West no matter what the cost. The following map shows just how far the West is willing to go to surround and isolate Iran.  It should also be noted that the recent coup d’etat in Egypt was perfectly timed and orchestrated before this false flag operation in Syria so as to withdraw the support which Morsi was giving to Iran.  Egypt was completely neutralized after Morsi was deposed as the West had planned.
These are just a few of the reasons for the blatant bellicosity being demonstrated by the Anglo-American juggernaut. It is not the people of the USA and UK and France who are calling for revenge against Assad. It is the criminal governments who have unlawfully arrogated power unto themselves to commit unprovoked acts of war on a whim, which are virtually always based on false flag operations. The following headlines further illustrate what a complete sham their call for military attacks on Syria has been based upon.
It is also important to point out that the last use of chemical weapons during the Syrian civil war was also found out to be perpetrated by the Al Qaeda rebels.  In their extreme desperation to bolster their movement to overthrow Assad, the rebels have truly come to understand the magic formula to triggering the necessary response by the main NATO military powers. And so they have now pulled the trigger.
Additional sources:
US ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt’: Report
Russia gives UN forensic proof rebels used chemical weapons in Syria
Syrian rebels’ Damascus chemical cache found by Assad army – State TV
Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
Syrian Rebels Manufactured Chemical Weapons Outside Damascus
Intelligence Suggests Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack

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