
Sunday, August 4, 2013

For those of you who might be unaware of what a ‘break away civilisation’ is referring
to, it’s the term coined by alternative UFO researcher Richard Dolanto describe a hidden effort by elite interests to expand into space while leaving the rest of us useless eaters back here on Earth.

Building the platform for a break away civilisation with extra-planetary and solar system ambitions costs money – a lot of money.  The theory goes that we’re all paying for it,
especially the US taxpayer, through the funding of double-fronted space agencies and military industrial complex projects that employ fraudulent bookkeeping to hide the true
destination of earmarked funds.

Nothing unusual there.

How far this postulated break away civilisation has progressed is anyone’s guess, but
the increase in secret moon-base and Mars-base exposes highlights a growing awareness that something ain’t altogether right with the likes of NASA and its European equivalent.  A good place to start in trying to understand the magnitude of this hidden venture goes back to the oldest and truest saying in investigative enterprises:  Follow the money!

The logistics behind getting a sizable number of people off this planet would be daunting, even for a nation as productive and prosperous as the US once was.  Necessarily, it would have to be an international effort and the only people I can think of that could pull such a
thing off are our old friends the international banksters.  But they seem to have overplayed their hand recently – or have they since trillions in ‘bailout’ money has gone into their

One of my favourite authors on the subject of international finance and its dark side is
the redoubtable Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has written an article for his members only section dealing specifically with the financing concerns surrounding the funding of a break away civilisation.  I can’t reproduce it here, but Farrell weaves a fascinatingly speculative look at the tie-ins between governmental searches for anti-gravity technology, the cultivating of a culture of fear within western intelligence agencies and its final tie-in with the recent Japanese bearer bonds case that came to light in Italy at the height of the recent financial
crisis – this was the carefully hidden financial aspect to the whole venture finally unwinding in public for all to see.
Added to this has been the need on the part insiders to finance the suppression of technologies that would make it possible for anyone to ‘break away’.  The American intelligence community’s black projects budget, along with its financing of the Paperclip Nazis at NASA, are argued to have been aimed at this objective. Maintaining a monopoly on
alternative space technologies (alien or manmade) would be seen as going hand-in-hand with limiting the general populace to oil-based energy technologies while zero-point energy research was and is funnelled into the needs of the break away civilisation. 
Then comes what I think is the most interesting part of the scenario – the deliberate
feeding of misleading information to the public to mask the inevitable leaking of secrets about the project.  Here we have the motive and means for governmental interest in mind-control programmes aimed at both the masses and the individual.  Much taxpayer money has been spent in supporting these programmes in the name of conducting psychological warfare against communist enemies and the terrorists of today.  The startling conclusion that Farrell is making is that this known funding of mind-control programmes by the US government is actually a clear indicator that a break away civilisation project exists.  i.e.
they simply don’t want you to know and will do anything to keep you ignorant of what’s going on.

However, it’s my own speculation that this project, if it exists, is starting to unravel and
the increasingly high-pitched efforts at media manipulation and the attacks on Internet alternative media are firm signs that all is not well with those who want to ‘break away’.  If they lose their financial system (a distinct possibility), then it’s my guess that they lose
their ability to make the final push into space at our expense.
Tripped up at the last hurdle because they couldn’t pay the bill.  Wouldn’t that be a fitting irony?
Stranded bases on the moon and Mars

If such bases do exist, and there is much plausible evidence to suggest they do, then
the plans of the elite to break away into space without the rest of us appear to have broken the first rule of strategic advance – i.e. always secure the line of advance.  Napoleon knew this and Sun Tse wrote about this in ancient China.  No matter what your technological advantage, if you mess up the logistics, your toast.  As Napoleon said, ‘strategy is for amateurs, logistics is for professionals'.

Given current economic logistical panics in trying to keep the Euro afloat, it seems the
elite’s travel plans may be short a gallon of gas.

I hope so.

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