
Friday, August 23, 2013

Did a bomb cause the WTC7 basement fire?

Jim Stone, Aug 22 2013


The following is a re-post of a 9/11 article I had on a Geocities site in 2003. Since Geocities is now dead and I have not seen this elsewhere, I think I'd like this circulating by the time 9/11 comes around again

Sleight of hand, the Magician's trick

Magic is the art of illusion. Many illusions depend upon another more attractive event to draw the eye away from the point where the trick is actually happening. Once the trick happens, people are amazed, "wow, how did that happen?" Such a trick did happen on Sep11, and it led to the near magical destruction of WTC 7, a building which was not struck by a plane at all. Look at the pictures below, which reveal the sleight of hand that was used to destroy WTC7, and by themselves prove that it could not have been Muslims that did the WTC.
UPDATE: I have learned a lot since 2003 and realize that controlled demolition brought the building down, but THIS little cutie pie probably started the huge fire in the basement, and gutted the lower floors of WTC7, as was reported by firefighters who went into the building and wondered how on earth a large section of the lower floors were missing and how a fire got started to begin with. Now, back to the original post

The following screen grab from a Fox News broadcast clearly shows something went through the video frames at an extremely high rate of speed right when plane #2 was providing a distraction.

This took precision timing, and supports the remote control theory because there is no way you could drop a bomb and have it go through the scene right when an enormous distracting fireball was present to distract people's eyes away from it absent full computer control of all aspects of the "terror attack". If you can find the original video, this bomb streaks downwards across 5 separate frames.
There is no doubt it was a huge one, but it is my guess that the camera angle is making it look bigger than it was in relation to the towers, (the bomb passed closer to the camera). Extremely high end video cameras take super short exposures which froze the bomb in place in each of the 5 frames though the CCD did not expose fast enough to make the bomb appear with high contrast in each frame. But what was recorded was clear, and could be brought out of the frames with contrast enhancement.

A probable similar bomb is pictured below

The following diagram is an estimate of what the bomb path actually was. This provides an answer to how all the fires in building 7 got started, explains the blown out floors (visible only from inside) some people spoke of, and explains how the fuel for the diesel backup generators ignited.

When surfing this out, be aware of the fact that AFTER THIS WAS DISCOVERED, MANY FAKES OF THE VIDEO WERE MADE. The original video had this appearing for five frames. Subsequent hacks tried to make it look like a bird that entered the frame and flew off to the right. The original video has ONLY FIVE FRAMES of this anomaly, and ALL OF THEM show a straight path that follows the arrow in the diagram above.

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