
Sunday, August 25, 2013

4 Year Old’s Vegetable Garden Must Go, Says USDA

Sunday, August 25, 2013

In another story that angers me to no end, the USDA has stated that a 4-year old girl’s vegetable garden must go as the US Police State continues to unfold. This story from The Healthy Home Economist also illustrates that it is time that ‘We the American People’ put corrupt government back in its place and shows us exactly how to do it. If enough people take the advice given below and email bomb the heck out of these people, they will go slithering back to their holes, exactly where they belong. Once again, government has forgotten that they are the SERVANTS to the American People, not dictators TO the American people. We must help them to remember their place! This is just the latest attack upon American’s food by government agencies as the video at the bottom of the story shares.

With each passing day, it seems the United States of America, “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” is becoming more and more like the Communist Russia I learned about in elementary school where people weren’t allowed to grow their own food unless the State “allowed” it.

In this latest crackdown on citizens simply trying to provide for themselves using the most basic of skills – gardening – the USDA’s Rural Development Agency is forbidding Rosie, an industrious 4-year old girl in South Dakota from using a small, unused area outside her subsidized housing unit to grow green vegetables.

Rosie’s mother, Mary (names changed to protect the child’s identity), is single and severely disabled. She and her daughter live on a fixed income disability payment of $628/month. The garden vegetables growing just outside her backdoor lovingly tended by Rosie provide a fresh and healthy addition to their diet that they could not otherwise easily afford.

Rosie started the garden in May 2013, but now the property management company has ordered the garden be removed this week!

The reason?

Gardening apparently goes against the rules set by the USDA’s Rural Development Agency which forbids residents to have structures of any kind within landscaped areas. It seems to me that the practice of growing vegetables by the most needy in our society would take precedence over landscaping, wouldn’t you agree?

So, how do we send these USDA/US government REPTILES back to their holes in the ground, where they belong, as SERVANTS to the American people, rather than DICTATORS TO the American people? As always, we make this story go viral and we EMAIL BOMB the heck out of them to let them KNOW that WE ARE WATCHING THEM and will not STAND for these ACTS OF TERRORISM being committed against the American People. 

You can either sign the petition to save Rosie’s garden by clicking here or send an outraged letter directly to Elsie Meeks, State Director for South Dakota, USDA Rural Development Agency.

Sample Email to USDA

You can copy/paste the email template below to send directly from your email provider. Template provided courtesy of Kitchen Gardeners International, the source of this story.



Subject: Allow USDA-subsidized housing residents to grow vegetable gardens

Message body:

Dear Director Meeks,

I urge you to make a loud and clear statement to all the property management companies your agency contracts that USDA-subsidized residents have the right to keep their own vegetable gardens provided that these gardens are actively maintained. Vegetable gardens grow healthy and affordable foods as well as a sense of community. Rather than preventing low-income and disabled residents from providing for themselves, we should be doing everything we can to encourage them. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,

(Your name, your town, your state)            

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