
Sunday, July 28, 2013


Posted by George Freund on July 25, 2013

The Rosalind Franklin Google doodle is a sign of our times. It is a sign of all times. It involves the heroic dedication to goals in the field of scientific research and the field of treachery on the part of 'colleagues.' In a time of extreme crisis men have been known to slip to the lowest common denominator very quickly. Usually that entails a fight over the last scrap of food. In the academic field she worked in they were fighting over the golden fleece of knowledge on the building block of life the DNA helix. They knew it was there. They just couldn't visualize it. Each had their talents but Rosalind could see what the others couldn't and had a photograph to back it up.
That is the whole crux of the doodle world. Some can see and the rest cannot. Some of those that would like to see attack the visionaries that can look into the heart of God's creation and visualize it. The extrapolation of the doodles and other words, images and numbers are representative of a look into the unseen and the unknown at least as far as our three dimensional existence is concerned. Those who understand realize that we can guage a glimpse of higher realms by looking at these images and read them between the lines where the lines represent the here and now and the gaps the the vast expanse of the future concealed but at the same time revealed. In Rosalind's lab she was a master of X ray diffraction images. She used the technique to discover the DNA. The picture was, of course, in two dimensions. The scientists could extrapolate three. The famous image was called Photo 51.

X ray photo of the DNA helix

Our modern visualization is much more elaborate, but we have to start somewhere. Though brilliant beyond words Rosalind missed a very, very important aspect of the building block of life. Something had to build it. There had to be a creator. We can allow debate as to the origin. Some people call it God. Written in the DNA is a message from the creator as extrapolated in works like The God Code by Gregg Braden. Rosalind closed her mind to the idea of God. When she got cancer and her health ebbed she couldn't call out to the force at the other end of the helix for help. To see the essence of life and not be able to see the creator of it is a great tragedy. She died at 37. Her works was stolen in the politically correct manner acedemics might use. She was employed by King's College and they owned the rights to her works. Her colleague Maurice Wilkins who she was in conflict with provided her notes and papers to the men who got credit for the DNA discovery Watson and Crick. They showed no chivalry is giving her credit for her work. The conundrum was you can't credit an unpublished paper. You can't refer to it either if your use of it was late at night by peering through files with a flashlight. So the robbers were correct. There is no official mechanism to quote such work.
In the here and now there are two DNA types A and B. A is like a dried version where B is a live liquid type. We see that in the 'g' in the doodle as Rosalind looks through two portions of the 'g' to the strand. Photo 51 is the direct line to her eye. She sees another dimension from the representaion of the two dimensional image. We see a concealed message in the top DNA story of recent days too. The doodle starts with a BIG 'G.' There was a birth of the new King of England. He was the BIG 'G.' It started innocently enough. His mother went into labour and had a crown prince. He was born under a celestial arrangement called the Star of David alignment. The bodes a very unique calling under the heavens. However, some things didn't seem to fit. There was a long delay to show a picture of the child. There was a longer delay to name him. Then suspicious eyes implied that Kate wasn't really pregnant. She had the story book model looks without the tell tale swellings at key points of her body like the ankles and joints. Dare we mention the conspiracy word.

A blogger has written a very interesting piece of the matter. We live in a world of illusion where just about everything is faked from terror attacks, intelligence reports for war, school shootings or even the discovery of DNA being awarded to cheats. Satan is the master deceiver. We are limited in our abilities to resist until we give him his due. They we accept the broad concensus as lie and pan out the truth from there. The essence of the story is that Kate wasn't pregnant and didn't deliver a baby. It was staged. A child was sequestered away. Another may appear to fulfill the role of King. An A and a B in DNA.
The author states what we knew that nurse Jacintha Saldahna scammed by Australian radio hosts knew the truth about a surrogate birth. Her suicide was murder. There were strange marks on the body. It was a past practice to use surrogates in royal births. The Queen Mother was alleged to have been conceived in that manner. Then the meat of the matter is served. The doctors involved have skeletons in their closets. Dr. Alan Farthing was implicated in the murder of his fiance Jill Dando. In 1999 she was shot on the steps of her London home. An innocent man, Barry George, was convicted of the crime. The conviction was later overturned. The murder is status unsolved. One would think the Royals would be a little more discerning in their choice of royal physician unless of course he was being controlled. Jill was looking into pedophile Jimmy Savile. The only witness to the shooting Geoffrey Upfill-Brown has died. Barry Lindsey an eye witness was ignored by police in the typical frame up job of a high level political hit.

Jill Dando was allegedly investigating a paedophile ring linked to Jimmy Savile, to the BBC and to other VIP’s including politicians, judges, royals and doctors. One of Jill’s friends was named and after she asked him about it, she was shot. Was that friend Dr. Alan Farthing? Did Jill Dando confront her fiance about his connection to the paedophile ring?
The other doctor, Marcus Setchell, was sued for £300,000 in a wrongful birth lawsuit. I understand surgeries are risky procedures and sometimes things go wrong and victims try to get compensation for their circumstances, but wrongful birth? Anyway the doctor put off retirement to handle the case personally being a royal phsician for years. He also attended to the Blairs. We see a great extrapolation in Secret Photo 51 being enlarged via the Google doodle. There be two DNA's and a massive conspiracy afoot. There's a lot of what's happening that seems contrived. Would they stop at the birth of a child or not is the question. The frauds are legion. Both Rosalind and Jill died at 37. For those with eyes to see keep the faith. It is yours for the asking.

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